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Fleet counts?

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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 7:01:12 PM
Just wondering if anyone has tried changing the number of ships that can be in a fleet and how the AI works with that. Also, it appears from a cursory examination that in the combat "movie" the ships are positioned based on the standard fleet sizes, so that additional ships would have to be added here to be displayed (not to mention avoiding a crash). I'd like larger (much larger) fleet battles but it looks like a real pita to implement properly. If I can avoid reinventing the wheel here if someone's already done it I'd much appreciate it.

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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 7:21:53 PM
This has been done any number of times. Search "fleet cap" or "CP cap" in this forum.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 9:29:35 PM
I've already done this, and the last time it was addressed was in August, which is pre a few patches (which invalidated nearly all the older mods). Even then nobody bothered to see how, or if, the additional ships are displayed in the combat movie. From the files it appears that the ships have to be added in manually with valid coordinates, but I don't know this for a fact - it could be the executable just stacks them in. Rather than reinvent the wheel I was looking for an actual answer that applied *to the current patched game*, which isn't the same game that was mucking about in August; if it were, three-quarters of the mods I've tracked down would still be functional. What I've seem to have found so far is that a) you can probably change the CP limit and alter the additions made via the tech tree, and b) that no one has a damned clue how it looks in the movie. It would be nice, however, to have some confirmation before wasting time doing what someone else might already have done.

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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 10:06:47 PM
There is a video around of somebody who set the fleet cap into the dozens, and the tactical combat screen ("combat movie") worked fine. I cannot conveniently find the link.

It is true that most old released mods no longer work. This is because if a mod changes one line of an xml, but in a later release, the dev team changes that file, then the mod will no longer work. However, the instructions for changing the fleet cap are same. Here is an example:


Since it is a one character change, I encourage you to try it and watch the movie.
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