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Low tax rate will lead to food waste :)

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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 12:08:04 AM
Well, let the lower tax rate be less profitable, and let food be more useful~

So, basically when tax is low, the food comsuption is increased up to 300%, because low tax let people have extra money to buy food, waste them. (how? parties maybe?)

and when tax is high, people have no money to buy food, they will be hungry, but let's face it they still can survive, so the food cosumption can be decreased down to 30%~

How is this sound? it may not have too much effects on the game, but still fun to put it in~ simple modding so no mod file uploaded.

If you want to try this just put this line below into your EmpireDescriptor.xml, under each tax rate ( )

Don't forget to change the value under different tax rate!

I didn't put it down as a trait, I think it should apply to every empire~ food wasting is always a side effect when people are high~smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 12:27:12 AM
Low taxes leading to a decident capatlistic empire?

lol I like it.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 1:03:25 AM
What do you mean b decident?

yorkgrass wrote:
So, basically when tax is low, the food comsuption is increased up to 300%, because low tax let people have extra money to buy food, waste them. (how? parties maybe?)

and when tax is high, people have no money to buy food, they will be hungry, but let's face it they still can survive,:

Well romans had moderately high taxes but their rich (same in feudal societies) still had enough to party :P

yorkgrass wrote:
and when tax is high, people have no money to buy food, they will be hungry, but let's face it they still can survive,:

Spark for French Revolution much? :P
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