Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

Mod request

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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 8:34:34 AM
Hi, guys. First of all, sorry for my english- its not my native language. I recently play ES, but very pleased by this game. It has intelligible GUI and enthralling gameplay. Although it would be nice to add some features to it. Because I am not good at programmig maybe someone can realised my ideas:

1. At the screen of star system where you can see the range of planets that present in it would be more rationally if planets locate not in random order (from left to right: terran, helium, lava, arctic, desert, tundra, etc. as example) but in order of it distance from "sun" (from left to right: lava, desert, arid, jungle, terran, ocean, tundra, arctic, barren, asteroid, methane, helium, hydrogen. First going those "hot" planets, then habitable planets, then "cold", "dead" planets, space trash, gas giants. Such location of planets match with distribution of approval by the planets classes (-15,-10,-5,0,0,0,-5,-10,-15,-20).

2. I think that asteroid "planet" has more disadvantages than advantages. It will be good if asteroid will have opportunity of something like terraforming or moon exploring or anomally reduction that tutn asteroid into Asteroid Belt. It can be describes like gathering of some mount of the bigest asteroids by net of rail-road elevators or system of space tunnel and power (energy, gravitational, magnetic) field and give the effect 5,5,5 IDS and -15 disapproval by the planet type. Also the opportunity of such improvement should be investigated in tech tree.
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 10:43:23 AM
first one has been sugested many time and it cannot be done. g2g also said they have no interest to add this. 2 you can add moon by mod to anything.
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