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[Question] When mod AI Battle cards: How to make AI not play a specific card?

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12 years ago
Feb 16, 2013, 11:26:57 PM
Because I deleted Missile on medium and short range battle, Camouflage is useless in these phases, so I want to make sure AI don't play it on these phases, so I change the BettleTechAction4 like this : , I thought that will decrease the chances of this card in short range to 0%, but it doesn't have any affects??? AI still using it all the phases? Is there anything else I forget to change?
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12 years ago
Feb 16, 2013, 11:29:40 PM
BTW, do I have to start a new game to test the changes on AI? caz I didn't, but I did exit the game and started again and load the old save.
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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 4:35:09 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
Because I deleted Missile on medium and short range battle, Camouflage is useless in these phases, so I want to make sure AI don't play it on these phases, so I change the BettleTechAction4 like this : , I thought that will decrease the chances of this card in short range to 0%, but it doesn't have any affects??? AI still using it all the phases? Is there anything else I forget to change?

The weight value works quite well, if you don't want the AI to use a card under certain circumstances you just have to add a negative value to it and make it high enough it overrride any positive one. Don't forget though that while some cards may be useless as a buff, they can be used as a counter by the AI. That's why they are set to sometimes pull a card out even if it's less than optimal. Besides, it's always good to leave the AI some chance of not using the most optimal card to throw us off in our attempt to counter of use a powerful card.
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