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YG Uncolonisable Asteroids Mod

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12 years ago
Feb 26, 2013, 2:31:48 PM
YG Uncolonisable Asteroids Mod

This mod will make all asteroids uncolonisable to most factions, no FDIS, no population, no resources. I also increased the rate of asteroids. so colonisable planets are more valuable. (Still, asteroids are just common, not dominant). No technologies or any improvements can make asteroids colonisable or add population to it, with the exception of Tolerant trait, so faction with tolerant will be able to colonise asteroids with no population or FIDS. Btw, home system will not have asteroids. Beware there now will be some system can never be colonised, so your empire may have some gaps.

If anyone have the time, just add an asteroids terraforming tech, then you will get a planet destroying tech, I don't know what will happen when you terraform a planet to a no population asteroids. (Second thoughts, since you can only terraforming your own planets, so you can only destroy ones you have colonised, this is very stupid, so don't try it)



>Bug Fix: Click on the asteroids will cause crash.

A no name tech is added, this tech requires itself to unlock itself??? smiley: sweat You can't see it on the tech menu. No name, because if you search its name, you can still find it, and if you click it, game crashes. So now you should not be able to find it, but if you do somehow, don't click it!

>Asteroids income now multiplied by 0, you still can have system improvements' income. (with Tolerant of course)

>Asteroids will -50 approval now, so AI will more likely to colonise on other type of planet, unless it really wants to! (I don't know if approval is the reason, but anyway they are less interesting on asteroids now)


Wonders are still able to appear on asteroids, there is nothing I can do, maybe dev in future patchs will solve this problem.

Download Here: EmptySpace V101.zip

Old versions:EmptySpace.zip

(ps. There were 2 versions, I deleted them because I found out tolerant trait problem, if there are too many asteroids, tolerant trait will be too powerful, so it's unplayable.)
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12 years ago
Feb 26, 2013, 11:26:30 PM
I did mess around with an early unlock for asteroids with 0% food, 70% sci malus, 50% approval, and 100% ind. The idea being asteroids would provide a nice bonus industry (asteroid extraction/mining with various ind improvements receiving bonuses) wise while generating zero food. Never thought about fiddling with pop values.
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12 years ago
Feb 26, 2013, 11:41:14 PM
smiley: rollsweat Bad News, there is a problem with this mod, Tolerant traits! There is nothing I can do about it, so any faction such as sower, will be able to colonise asteroids, although there is nothing to gain from the asteroids, but as the only one who can control the asteroids system, it's a bit annoying.

But if you think from another way, it's an improvement for tolerant trait, so sower can be more powerful than before.

One question: Why the sower want to settle on asteroids? since I changed all FIDS to 0, and there is no population, there is nothing to be gained from the asteroids, but I find several times, that sower put their first colony on an asteroids? maybe because the closest system to their home has only asteroids?
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 2:54:44 AM
Planetary exploitations will still give a benefit to asteroid fields.
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 10:53:05 AM
true, so are some other system improvments, without tolerant traits, they aren't problems, but now, i don't think there will be an esay way to make asteroids useless?
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 11:03:10 AM


Could you change the operation type to a percentage and then make all of the values -1 for -100%?

So that any added value would automatically be zero?

Also, can I ask why you would want asteroids fields to be worthless? smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 1:10:43 PM
I want to play a map with full of stars, but i too lazy to colonise every single system, but i don't want to leave colonisable system empty either, so i start to think, how to make some uncolonisable sytem? the this uncolonisable asteroids idea came out~
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 1:52:50 PM
good idea, how about multiply by 0?

btw, there is a problem with deleting the asteroids unlock in the tech menu, click on the asteroids will cause crash, i have already fix it, i will upload it soon.
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 1:58:05 PM
btw, i have seen wonders appear on thr astetoids. and there is no way to avoid that, according to dev, wonders should not appear on the asteroids, so it is a bug, we have to see future patch going to fix this, before then, there is nothing I can do about it.
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