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It's OP, it will bring unbalance to the force!
Very powerful trait worth 20+ trait points!
It's OK, it can be useful, 10-20 trait points.
It's a very small bonus, won't help much, 5-10 trait points.
This has no meaning, I would not pay 1 trait point for this!
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 11:41:52 AM
I have made a new trait, I thought it was very powerful, I posted here before, but I don't feel that way when I'm playing, so I need you help, what do you think?


Nature Harvester

Unoccupied population will provide 1 food bonus. This bonus decrease as population increases.


So if one planet have 7 max population, when you colonise it, you will have Maxpop/Pop food bonus, which is 7/1=7 food at the beginning, when population reaches 2, the bonus will be 7/2=3.5, and so on until 1. So it's a new colony trait really, makes easier expansion.







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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 12:58:07 PM
Well Well...at first i was thinking...man...so less food bonus...and its decreasing to nothing with time...but after that i was imaging smooth starting lavas and and smooth starting desert planets.

Its Pretty Okay...but as i voted it should be cost 10-20 Trait points...cause when its cost 5 every dam ppl in MP will take it in case such a trait is planed one time by the Devs.

PS:the idea itself for that trait is cool kind of innovative imo.
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 3:38:05 PM
Seem it would be useful for settling new colonies faster, especially if they have large max population. However, i think it's usefulness is is mostly early game as later on there are many ways to increase food production and you have the dust to buy them out. Also, that bonus may not be high enough to greatly improve growth...
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 3:52:15 PM
Looks good for the fast expanding civilisations.
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 4:41:31 PM
Foraven wrote:
Also, that bonus may not be high enough to greatly improve growth...

I think so too, before I thought it will dramatically increase the colonisation rate, but looks like it only make big (very big) difference on bad planets~ well, we can always double it~
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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 4:14:43 PM
Seems like an interesting way to speed up rather slow starting colonies.
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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 5:16:04 PM
Not very.

The first population point practically comes in a turn or two already on any decent planet, and the bonus is already halved for the second unit and 1/3 for the third. The high amount at the start is wasted if the planet is already at 1-turn-growth, and planets tend to grow a few times before exploitation finishes.

Could be fairly potent on the high production planets, but really, who settles something that has little to no food first unless they have no other option? And when do they do that before they have technology to make it more feasible?

As far as hyper 'wide' expansion goes, it could have a potent effect, but an extremely short lived one unless several planets are colonized rapid fire. Still, the self division destroys itself extremely fast, and cloning outclasses it quite a bit as it scales perfectly and doesn't require 1+ single population planets (and the corresponding disapproval which harms all FIDS) to be effective.
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 1:27:15 AM
Seems like it would be much more viable as Maxpop minus Pop. So that second population point wouldn't cripple the benefit and there would be a larger long term bonus as you expanded your colony through a system.
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 3:37:03 AM
The idea is nice, but only T1-T2 would really see much of a benefit because they have higher population cap than lava, barren, etc.

This would be really cool with crowded planets and certain anomalies, but (like the before posters) it is limited after the first growth in population.

In conjunction with the Pilgrim's affinity, I could see it working well. However, other races can not decrease their population that fast without lots of industry.

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 1:32:28 PM
A trait that negates itself over time?

Why not take up cloning instead.

The point being: This makes sense for cave dwellers with overcrowded 2. Everyone else: yeah clone your food.

I rate this ability as pointless.

Now if it was about industry.... that migt be useful.....
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