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List of defined commands

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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 6:14:06 AM
Is there one? I sure as hell can't find it.

For example..

Something specific I'm looking for is an equivalent to ApplyAnomalyOnWhatever, except for resources.
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 10:28:44 PM
The basic idea of xml is that it is data, not commands. The xml files define a number of objects, such as technologies. Each object may have a number of properties, such as its cost, or a list of module that it unlocks. In order to achieve a particular effect, you need to find out how the existing effects are implemented by finding the bits in the related xml files. Then you can modify them or add new ones. It takes some work, but a number of people have figured it out. Once you have started creating a mod and changed some xml files, if you have specific questions please post here. I am sure we can answer them.
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 11:42:53 PM
Think of XMLs like a book. The game simply uses them as a knowledge database.

For example, the game's internal code would have the "Apply Anomaly" Equivalent within it. It would only use the XML to find out the different parameters it should use as it goes about applying an anomaly. Things like the randomization seed, commonality ratios, etc. etc.
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12 years ago
Feb 26, 2013, 6:31:42 AM
davea wrote:
The basic idea of xml is that it is data, not commands. The xml files define a number of objects, such as technologies. Each object may have a number of properties, such as its cost, or a list of module that it unlocks. In order to achieve a particular effect, you need to find out how the existing effects are implemented by finding the bits in the related xml files. Then you can modify them or add new ones. It takes some work, but a number of people have figured it out. Once you have started creating a mod and changed some xml files, if you have specific questions please post here. I am sure we can answer them.

I do have a specific question, actually. That is, where are the commands the xml files are utilizing, that are not in the xml files, assuming they're even public. It's in the thread title that you glazed over, and for the sake of obviousness, I probably wouldn't be asking for more than is available if I hadn't already 'changed some xml files'.

Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Think of XMLs like a book. The game simply uses them as a knowledge database.

For example, the game's internal code would have the "Apply Anomaly" Equivalent within it. It would only use the XML to find out the different parameters it should use as it goes about applying an anomaly. Things like the randomization seed, commonality ratios, etc. etc.

Yes. Also known as a command. Something I do not have. An 'apply anomaly equivalent' as you put it, may very well exist for strategic/luxury resources, or who knows what else, and I have absolutely no way of knowing because I do not have access to any of the engine's commands except for what is clearly visible and in-use by the xml files. The parameters are irrelevant, I want the commands themselves.

So, to re-iterate, is there any list of known commands that are not a part of the xml's, or is the modding for this game really that restricted?
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 9:08:08 AM
Something I would like to know as well, if for example there is a command like ApplyLuxuryResourceOnStartingPlanet. Other than putting commands similar to the one I just wrote, only the development team would know for sure.
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 9:16:48 PM
Nayru wrote:
I do have a specific question, actually. That is, where are the commands the xml files are utilizing, that are not in the xml files, assuming they're even public. It's in the thread title that you glazed over, and for the sake of obviousness, I probably wouldn't be asking for more than is available if I hadn't already 'changed some xml files'.

Yes. Also known as a command. Something I do not have. An 'apply anomaly equivalent' as you put it, may very well exist for strategic/luxury resources, or who knows what else, and I have absolutely no way of knowing because I do not have access to any of the engine's commands except for what is clearly visible and in-use by the xml files. The parameters are irrelevant, I want the commands themselves.

So, to re-iterate, is there any list of known commands that are not a part of the xml's, or is the modding for this game really that restricted?

If you're asking the community for help, perhaps don't be disrespectful to the moderator whose most involved in the modding section. No one's going to help you if you're rude about it.

As to your question, the XMLs already reference virtually every aspect of the game, so perhaps post what it is you're trying to do, and someone can chime in with how to go about doing it. The modding of the game isn't particularly restrictive, especially considering it's what the devs are using with the own content packs. Personally, I've yet to run in to anything that couldn't be done using the XMLs (Unless we're talking about changing some fundamental part of the game, in which case that's true of every SDK).
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