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Mod Feasibility - Looking for Input - Non-readers bewary

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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 4:55:22 PM
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering, without delving too deep into the modding of the game (just picked it up yesterday), I was wondering if modders could tell me the feasibily of a mod I am thinking about? I'm not sure if it would be considered a total conversion, but that is what I came to find out. This mod would be fast, and fun for times you cannot sink hours into playing.

Basis of this mod is from a game called Weird Worlds:Return to Infinite Space. The mod would be called Weirdly Infinite&Endless Space ;P

The core gameplay is exploration on a deadline. It would consist of games being able to be finished in 1/2 hour or so.

There are three different mission styles with a points system; Military, Exploration and Scientific

The objective is to search the galaxy map for Weapons (Military), Artifacts (Exploration), Alien Lifeforms (Scientific).

Why I think it could work:Things Endless has that is core to the mod

The core of what is needed for this is already present.

a)Galaxy Map; Your main viewpoint, you travel around from here. Point and click

b)Battles; I've yet to do a manual battle because for some reason it didn't work, but would be the same, except the retreat option just sends you back to the last system you were in at the cost of time

c)Collectible items/events; This is already in here, each one of those events that give you a ship or technology you didn't have.

d)Score; Would just have to be modified

e)Time keeper; In Endless 1 year/turn which could work. With certain tech (warp/jump drive) time ceases to matter but those are hard to get)

f)Custom Races/Ability to incorporate; This is already something as seen in Babylon 5 mod... and why this might be a total conversion mod

Things I am unsure of: Things that may need implementation

a)Continuous quests/Events; Go to a system and pick up an item to bring back to another system

b)Nebula/Black holes; Slower travel through Nebula (speed decreases; engine drives can be found to speed up nebula travel)

c)Ability to swap ship tech/Cargo; Swap weapons and newer and better are found or go back to older ones and have a cargo area where tech is stored. (This could be "icons" that enable or disable certain tech skill tree items)

d) Probably a myriad of other things I cannot think of at this moment.

Things that would need to be removed/hidden/modified

Almost everything... And this is where it stops being 4X

FIDS with the possible exception of Dust

Planet view (possibly)

Ship building screen

Skill tree screen

Possibly Diplomacy Screen (could be kept so you know who you have made allies with)

Current Rating system (would need overhaul)

AI Dumbdown (AI would not travel around but stay at certain systems; if neutral would give the option to retreat (costs time), if friendly could enter system, if hostile enter battle mode instantly. (If you have certain items become friendly)

Battle strategies removed in favour of weapons overhaul. Weapons you put on your ship would be considered long-short range.

Galactic pathways removed... You can go to any system on the map but it costs you time especially early on when you don't have a good drive system.

All battles manual... Possible Battle overhaul (manoeuvrability, etc)

What would be needed just for a basic version of Weirdly Infinite&Endless Space:

Removal of 4X options, skill tree, planet view

Dumbdown of AI (So they do not move from system they are in)

Events (Continuous and one time)

Choosing you type of gameplay (Military[smallest], exploration[Midsized], scientific[Largeship] {This would be vanilla})

Setting a year to finish by/Automatic turn ends - Game does not stop after your time is "up" your score goes down

End Successfully when returning to your home/starting planet - Score determines your end screen

Afterward would come: Battles, Items, Score, etc... All the little nuances.
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 4:29:14 PM
So I now see there is a game that looks like it took a Weird Worlds approach to some of it's elements... StarDrive it's called and it's in Beta... From the Trailer the universe overview is almost the same and the space battles are pretty close too...

Since no one wanted to seem to even input anything into the questions I had and for some strange reason when I tried to do the .xml editing (it never showed up in the mods section [Itriedeverythingthathadbeenpostedintheforum]...

Endless Space... really good game, but with only those .xml files I cannot see it being able to be modded the way I'd like and have it as a short 1/2 hour exploration/battle game...
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 6:04:08 PM
Well, your mod may be too ambitious for what we can currently do mod in this game. Most of what we can do is edit xml files, add some artwork and possibly add new 3d models. The gameplay isn't up for modding besides tweaking aspects of it.

As for why your mod didn't show up, check your name... The game don't like special characters.
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