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Stumped on reading ship design templates

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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 5:42:14 AM
I'm trying to make out heads or tails of the following:

So correct me if I'm wrong here on the following..

Fleet Weight: Is this it's ranking or it's perceived value for building a ship? I see most as .3 while the scout templates seem to be .0

DefenseModule / SupportModule / WeaponsModule Weight: .x these values are weighed against each other when determining what module to choose by the AI to build a ship..?

That what I've got so far, anyone else can chime in and correct me where I'm wrong. I'm back from a long break and trying to get back into game and modding.

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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 2:49:28 PM
0utlaw wrote:
I'm trying to make out heads or tails of the following:

So correct me if I'm wrong here on the following..

Fleet Weight: Is this it's ranking or it's perceived value for building a ship? I see most as .3 while the scout templates seem to be .0

DefenseModule / SupportModule / WeaponsModule Weight: .x these values are weighed against each other when determining what module to choose by the AI to build a ship..?

That what I've got so far, anyone else can chime in and correct me where I'm wrong. I'm back from a long break and trying to get back into game and modding.


Think of weights as mass on a balance; the AI just distribute the mass around. The fleet weight is just that, how much of a fleet certain templates are relative to the others. As it is, the AI will roughtly put the same amount of each class of ship in a fleet, but since it got 2 set of Large ships, fleets do end up with mostly heavy ships by end game. Each Template has a class of ships, with multiple designs (repartition), not sure if the AI will build one of each or pick one at random; if you want to control what designs the AI will build, create new design templates with fewer Reaprtition in them. The only way i see you can control the AI's budget spending (from the Templates) is to alter the weighting betwen the templates (like making it build more small ships rather than the big ones for example).
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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 6:08:54 PM
Foraven wrote:
The fleet weight is just that, how much of a fleet certain templates are relative to the others.

I assumed the very same thing but when i tested it, it appeared that changing this value does nothing. The AI still built a relatively even mix of all sorts of ships.
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 12:58:23 AM
Ail wrote:
I assumed the very same thing but when i tested it, it appeared that changing this value does nothing. The AI still built a relatively even mix of all sorts of ships.

But like i said, is for fleet composition, meaning how much of each type they put in them. Might mean they have a big stash of ships left in hangers all around though.
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