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Question about diplomatic modifiers.

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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 1:59:32 PM
I have been tweaking each empire AI for my mod (Fair Fight) and i am wondering what these modifiers do exactly : ValueCoef, TrendCoef, ValueRangeCoef and TrendRangeCoef. From what i understand they influence how certain aspects of diplomacy affect them, but i want to know what is the difference between them. In most cases the devs seem to put each values the same, though a few instances they have varying values. I want the AI to be more challenging and less identical personality wise so i find this important.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 3:45:00 PM
Somewhere buried deep in these forums one of the Devs explained them, cause I had asked roughly the same.

I guess you are in Personalities.xml.

All those "Coef"s are simply multipliers for the variables in DiplomaticAttitudeModifier.xml

Value = This is added or substracted to the attitude right when something occures.

Trend = This is added or substracted per turn to the attitude as long as the reason persists and the ValueRange is not exceeded

ValueRange = This determines the Min/Max-Value for a modifier, it covers being reached by via Trend and also when some things can occur several times. For example: Common enemies, you get the Value for each enemy but it won't exceed the Value Range

TrendRange = In some cases the Trend is computed somehow (for example for the case of score-difference) In these cases this acts as a limiter for the trend.
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