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Planet Modding Question

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12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013, 3:59:16 PM
In an attempt to spice up the endless space experience for a few friends and I, I was looking into creating a few more planets, mostly by splitting the existing planets each into two and making them both feel a little bit more focused.

I have gone over the very helpful tutorial posted on the forums on modding planets, but my question is whether there is an easy way to tell ES to use the same skin, (Terran for example) for two differently named Terran-esque planets, or whether I need to create a reference in the index file for both of them. Are the default planet skins somewhere I can get at them?

Going off the same vein, can you simply have the colonization based off the Terran Colonization, even with the planets named something different?
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12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013, 5:35:39 PM
PuDDleS4263 wrote:
Going off the same vein, can you simply have the colonization based off the Terran Colonization, even with the planets named something different?

For that part i can answer: you just have to mod PlanetColonization.xml and edit existing colony tech so Terran include Terran varian as well.

($(PlanetTypeTerran) or $(PlanetTypeTerran2)) and !$(PlanetStatusColonized)

$(../ClassStarSystem:Population) ge $(../ClassStarSystem:AlmostMaxPop) and $(../ClassStarSystem:Population) gt 1



Should be as simple as that to mod. I believe you can recycle planet's appearance just as easily (haven't checked yet), so your mod should be quite easy to make.
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12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013, 10:14:54 PM
Yea, I thought I could do it pretty easily, but I just can't figure out how to set my new planets to just use stock appearances from the provided planets. I also don't have any real experience with modding, so it's been a little difficult.

I did however merge what I was doing with another mod I was already using, so I think I'm gonna start from scratch and see if there was some conflict there.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 4:31:15 AM
PuDDleS4263 wrote:
Yea, I thought I could do it pretty easily, but I just can't figure out how to set my new planets to just use stock appearances from the provided planets. I also don't have any real experience with modding, so it's been a little difficult.

I did however merge what I was doing with another mod I was already using, so I think I'm gonna start from scratch and see if there was some conflict there.

Tonight i did check it out, and like you i could not find where the planets are linked to their 3d models... I fear this is hardcoded and that for now we are unable to add new planet types, only mod existing ones. I hope they will unlock the feature eventually.
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12 years ago
Mar 18, 2013, 6:33:13 AM
There's a way to add planets (I know, I've already had to make two for my own mod), and in doing so, you also choose how it will appear. Go to the "Modding how-tos" thread stickied at the top, and it's the third one, I believe.
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