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Eliminating Technology Tree Costs

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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 6:58:45 PM
Hello All,

I have been playing Endless Space for over a month, and thought I would try my hand at modding. I'm not very technical and have never done anything like this before, so please pardon my asking what may seem like questions with obvious answers.

One of the mods I enjoyed playing with was WhAtEvErYoUmEaN's Sandbox mod. It had some bugs, however, and he has discontinued maintaining and developing it.

One feature I particularly liked about Sandbox was the ability to defray a single feature and see how that would impact the game.

For insance, in Sandbox one might chose to fully eliminate the cost of technology skills. This would make all skills on the Tech trees trainable in one turn.

I am wondering how I might accomplish the same thing -- making all tech trees trainable in one turn -- without using Sandbox?

Thanks ahead of time for your help.

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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 3:27:41 AM
Create an improvement with +1kk science, i guess?

Or change the multiplier of one speed to x0.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 4:04:59 AM
Well this depends on if you mean to make the tech tree trainable easily only for the player, or for all AI factions as well. If the latter, it's easy, albeit a little time consuming unless u have a good text editor that can use regular expressions (notepad++). You'd just open up the 4 tech tree xml files and replace all the Cost="xyz" entries with Cost="0" or Cost="1".

If you'd like to do it for just yourself, i'd say make a new faction trait and have it be science +100,000,000% or something outrageous like that. Then make a custom race and apply that trait to yourself.
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 10:51:00 PM
So if i understood right then what you want is for all techs to be unlocked since turn 1.

In that case the solution is very easy, open Faction.xml and add the following trait names for the factions you want in the property :






like in this exemple that the devs left in for us:







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12 years ago
May 16, 2013, 3:04:04 AM
Aureon, LogicSequence and Skyrah,

Thank you all for your replies. I apologize for the delay in responding. I have been traveling for work.

Logic, I tried your suggestion for all the AI factions. Everything worked great until the AIs caught on, skilled up, then starting producing hundreds of ships a turn. It was fun, but I simply could not take enough time to keep up with them!

I also played around with how the orphaned Sandbox mod worked. That created a trait type "SandboxCost" that modified the TechnoBonus Cost to -1 percent in the EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml file. Here is an example of the code.

I haven't had success trying this approach on a single faction. But for fun I did try this approach for all factions as a whole. Once the AI caught on, the outrageous fleets emerged again!

Skyrah, yours seems like the most elegant solution right now. And one that allows for discrimination between different kinds of tech trees. That could be interesting. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

Thanks again folks. I really appreciate how helpful folks are in this gaming community.

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12 years ago
May 21, 2013, 2:54:38 AM
Well, I've tried Skyrah's solution and it is not working for me. This is not to say that Skyrah is wrong, only that I am not technically accomplished!

So I modified the code in Faction.xml according to what I thought were her instructions. Might someone correct me and set me on the right path?

Cheers, Del






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