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Custom galaxy fleets are broken :(

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11 years ago
Jan 3, 2014, 4:32:28 AM
Hey guys. Im having trouble with missing galaxy fleet models. I have setup a standalone faction/affinity and this is the root of my problem. In my screenshot I suspect my galaxy fleet is using the fallback model 'GL_Ss.obj'. aka the cone.

I think Ive read somewhere the devs have abandoned further mod support for custom prefabs and models, though I hope this isnt the case (still love you guys anyway). If this is the case Ill be looking for a creative solution. Maybe you modders can help me find one smiley: smile

For creative solutions Ive had great success modifying the asset files directly. Im using certain tools to unpack files from the asset archives, modify them, and then shove them back in. The tools I use are smart enough to update the archive offsets so changing a files length is not an issue. The real issue is distribution. If I released a modified version of an asset file this could possibly result in serious butt hurt and lots of tears smiley: cry So Ive been playing with the idea of rolling my own asset packing program designed for Endless Space modders. That way I would only need to release my own assets as loose files and have the program shove them into the archives post download. Its just an idea and an extreme one too.

So tell me ideas for fixing galaxy fleets!

copy and paste img url for larger version

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11 years ago
Jan 4, 2014, 1:03:44 AM
I think your idea is the best idea so far. I can't even touch the asset files...
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11 years ago
Jan 18, 2014, 12:10:18 PM
Scrivener07 wrote:
For creative solutions Ive had great success modifying the asset files directly. Im using certain tools to unpack files from the asset archives, modify them, and then shove them back in. The tools I use are smart enough to update the archive offsets so changing a files length is not an issue. The real issue is distribution. If I released a modified version of an asset file this could possibly result in serious butt hurt and lots of tears smiley: cry So Ive been playing with the idea of rolling my own asset packing program designed for Endless Space modders. That way I would only need to release my own assets as loose files and have the program shove them into the archives post download. Its just an idea and an extreme one too.

Any progress on that?

I find it very frustrating that modders are not able to create 100% unique factions due to the inability to load into the game custom ship holos. For example, Stealth_Hawk created ship models for a brand new faction we implemented for PANCZASU's faction pack, but all we can do is to use an already existing affinity mapping as descriptor for custom affinity mapping. In other words we're only able to replace already existing models with new ones. Say, if i use AffinityMappingAmoeba as descriptor for AffinityMappingPlanarian, that means there will be no Amoeba ships in the game anymore.
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