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(WIP) New Factions

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11 years ago
Jan 27, 2014, 10:06:23 PM

Compatible with ES Disharmony 1.1.42

Current version: 1.0.2. Updated 02/05/2014


Artwork by John Wu

Home planet type: Jungle

Diplomatic alignment: Evil

Gameplay: Military Domination

The Meed-Khatta are a militaristic non-humanoid race, a race of warriors and amazing engineers, totally obsessed with anything related to spaceships. They worship "Khatta", the mythical conscious spaceship, and believe their race originated from it ("Meed-Khatta" could be translated as "Children of Khatta"). That's why they treat their spaceships in a very special way:

- they consider blasphemy treating a spaceship like a thing, any spaceship should be treated like a conscious being, although their gorgeous ships are definitely not conscious. It makes them very aggressive towards other races. Other races, in turn, looking at the Meed-Khatta see some kind of crazy fanatics. Such cultural differences slow down both assimilation on systems conquered by the Meed-Khatta and advancement of heroes, hired in order to make the Meed-Khatta the most powerful race in the Universe.

- they spend lots and lots of Dust on ship building and ship maintenance, so their precious fleets are built from the best possible materials and well nourished with the most expensive type of fuel.

- being on board a spaceship for the Meed-Khatta is like being inside a temple.

It may sound paradoxical but their religious fanaticism leads to technological progress and perfect military discipline, though they are not so good at waging war as the Hissho or the Cravers.


  • Receive temporary bonus after researching a technology unlocking new hull type (+25 smiley: approval and +25% smiley: industry on system)
  • Each hull has construction effect: +10 smiley: approval and +10%: industry: on star system


Advanced Strikecraft 2/2 (12)

Deep Roots 2/2 (-2)

Eternal War (-10)

Headhunter - Commander (3)

Headhunter - Pilot (3)

Hull Architects 2/2 (10)

Slow Adaptation 2/2 (-10)

Militarists 2/3 (16)

Optimal Defense 3/3 (15)

Optimal Structure 2/2 (20)

Strong Alloys 2/2 (20)

+X% Upkeep On Ships 2/2 (-8)

Total: 69/65

New Traits:

Advanced Strikecraft 1/2

Cost: 6

+20% current HP on fighters

+20% current HP on bombers

+20% damage per shot on fighters

+20% damage per shot on bombers

Advanced Strikecraft 2/2

Cost: 12

+30% current HP on fighters

+30% current HP on bombers

+30% damage per shot on fighters

+30% damage per shot on bombers

Inspired by the following traits from Antera Faction Trait Mod:

"Superior Fighters", "Superior Bombers".

+X% Upkeep On Ships 1/2

Cost: -5

Blocks and blocked by: AffinityHarmony, AffinitySwarm, Anarchists

+20% Upkeep On Ships

+X% Upkeep On Ships 2/2

Cost: -8

Blocks and blocked by: AffinityHarmony, AffinitySwarm, Anarchists

+30% Upkeep On Ships

From Antera Faction Trait Mod.

Slow Adaptation 1/2

Cost: -5

Blocks and blocked by: AffinityHarmony, Legendary Heroes, Micromanagers

-20 initial hero XP on hiring on empire

Slow Adaptation 2/2

Cost: -10

Blocks and blocked by: AffinityHarmony, Legendary Heroes, Micromanagers

-40 initial hero XP on hiring on empire

This trait was created in order to replace the Micromanagers trait (after running some tests I consider Micromanagers as absolutely "free" faction points).


Meed-Khatta Technology #1

Branch: Diplomacy and Trade

Research cost: 130 smiley: science

Techs prerequisite: Xenology, Soil Xenobiology

Unlocks: Meed-Khatta Industry Bonus (Empire Improvement)

Meed-Khatta Industry Bonus:

+4% smiley: industry per each pilot hired on system

+4% smiley: industry per each commander hired on system

Meed-Khatta Technology #2

Branch: Galactic Warfare

Research cost: 225 smiley: science

Techs prerequisite: Depleted Isotopes

Unlocks: Meed-Khatta Support Module

Meed-Khatta Support Module

Industry cost: 80 smiley: industry, 1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

Weight: 10%

+3% damage min on fleet weapons in hostile territory (up to +15%)

+3% damage max on fleet weapons in hostile territory (up to +15%)

+0.2 fleet repair per turn (friendly sector) on ship

Depleted Isotopes

Branch: Galactic Warfare

Research cost: 100 smiley: science

Unlocked by: HE Batteries

Unlocks: Hardened Framing (Star System Improvement),

Fighter (Special Module)

Focused Plasma

Branch: Galactic Warfare

Research cost: 510 smiley: science

Unlocked by: Autonomous Construction

Unlocks: Meed-Khatta Faction-Specific Short Range Beams (Weapon Module)

Meed-Khatta Faction-Specific Short Range Beams

Mobile Gauss Platforms

Branch: Galactic Warfare

Research cost: 510 smiley: science

Unlocked by: Autonomous Construction, Isotope Fabrication

Unlocks: Bomber (Special Module),

Bunker Busters (Support Module)

Meed-Khatta Technology #3

Branch: Galactic Warfare

Research cost: 1350 smiley: science

Techs prerequisite: Alternative Armors

Unlocks: Meed-Khatta Ship Upgrade Bonus (Empire Improvement)

Meed-Khatta Ship Upgrade Bonus:

-30% retrofit cost on ships

Meed-Khatta Technology #4

Branch: Galactic Warfare

Research cost: 5625 smiley: science

Techs prerequisite: Large-Scale Neurals

Unlocks: Meed-Khatta Ship Defense (Star System Improvement)

Meed-Khatta Ship Defense

Industry cost: 3 turns

Can be built only on star systems with 100% ownership

+1% defense on fleet defenses

+1% interception accuracy on one missile per round on fleet missile weapon

+1% beam damage absorbed per round on fleet beam weapon

+1% kinetic projectiles deflected per round on fleet kinetic weapon

-4 smiley: dust on improvement

Meed-Khatta Technology #5

Branch: Applied Sciences

Research cost: 4000 smiley: science

Techs prerequisite: Rudimentary Telepathics, Advanced Simulations

Replaces: Tectonic Engineering

Unlocks: Lossless Transmission (Empire Improvement),

Meed-Khatta +1 Special Slot on Small and Medium Hulls (Empire Improvement)


  • Name the traits, technologies and faction-specific improvements.
  • Add missing flavour text.

Actually I hope someone who likes the mod will do it for me. I'm literally struggling when I need to name something. This is not even linked to my English, I'm just terrible at naming things (look at the faction name).




-50% support module civilian tonnage on ship

Construction effects:

+10 smiley: approval on star system

+10% smiley: industry on star system



-20% deflector module tonnage on ship

-20% support module engine tonnage on ship

Construction effects:

+10 smiley: approval on star system

+10% smiley: industry on star system



+200 HP per support module repair on ship

Construction effects:

+10 smiley: approval on star system

+10% smiley: industry on star system



-30% support module invasion tonnage on ship

Construction effects:

+10 smiley: approval on star system

+10% smiley: industry on star system



-60% fighters tonnage on ship

-60% bombers tonnage on ship

Construction effects:

+10 smiley: approval on star system

+10% smiley: industry on star system



-25% beam weapon module tonnage on ship

Construction effects:

+10 smiley: approval on star system

+10% smiley: industry on star system

Faction-specific bomber


Updated tooltips

New Factions / Stock game

In-game tooltips display actual values.

  • The mod contains the "Colored Anomalies" mod by Luminality and Ail.

  • The icon for the "Portable Nonbaryonics" technology is orange only if the technology unlocks a faction-specific fighter design. Otherwise it's blue.
  • The icon for the "Quark Effect Weapons" technology is orange only if the technology unlocks a faction-specific bomber design. Otherwise it's blue.

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11 years ago
Jan 27, 2014, 10:10:26 PM


  • The following faction-specific improvements were removed from the game:

    Meed-Khatta Speed Bonus (Empire Improvement):

    +3 smiley: speed on empire

    Meed-Khatta Ship Quality (Star System Improvement):

    +30% initial ship HP on ships

    +4 XP on ships

    -4 smiley: dust on improvement

  • Added new faction-specific technologies and improvements:

    Meed-Khatta Technology #2

    Branch: Galactic Warfare

    Research cost: 225 smiley: science

    Techs prerequisite: Depleted Isotopes

    Unlocks: Meed-Khatta Support Module

    Meed-Khatta Support Module

    Industry cost: 80 smiley: industry, 1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

    Weight: 10%

    +3% damage min on fleet weapons in hostile territory (up to +15%)

    +3% damage max on fleet weapons in hostile territory (up to +15%)

    +0.2 fleet repair per turn (friendly sector) on ship

    Meed-Khatta Technology #5

    Branch: Applied Sciences

    Research cost: 4000 smiley: science

    Techs prerequisite: Rudimentary Telepathics, Advanced Simulations

    Replaces: Tectonic Engineering

    Unlocks: Lossless Transmission (Empire Improvement),

    Meed-Khatta +1 Special Slot on Small and Medium Hulls (Empire Improvement)

  • Meed-Khatta Technology #4 no longer unlocks Meed-Khatta Ship Defense Bonus (Empire Improvement). Instead it unlocks Meed-Khatta Ship Defense (Star System Improvement).

    Meed-Khatta Ship Defense

    Industry cost: 3 turns

    Can be built only in star systems with 100% ownership

    +1% defense on fleet defenses

    +1% interception accuracy on one missile per round on fleet missile weapon

    +1% beam damage absorbed per round on fleet beam weapon

    +1% kinetic projectiles deflected per round on fleet kinetic weapon

    -4 smiley: dust on improvement

  • Slightly tweaked bonuses provided by Meed-Khatta Affinity and Meed-Khatta Industry Bonus:

    Meed-Khatta Affinity

    Receive temporary bonus after researching a technology unlocking new hull type (+25 smiley: approval and +25% smiley: industry on system)

    Each hull has construction effect: +10 smiley: approval and +10% smiley: industry on star system

    Meed-Khatta Industry Bonus (Empire Improvement)

    +4% smiley: industry per each pilot hired on system

    +4% smiley: industry per each commander hired on system

  • Fixed an issue where the bonus from Mercurite was not applied.

  • Fixed a minor issue where StarSystemConstructionFreezeGrowth (construction effect: -100% on population growth on star system) was applied to ShipClassColonizationVaulter and ShipClassColonizationHarmony. StarSystemConstructionSlowGrowth (construction effect: -50% on population growth on star system) is applied to ShipClassColonizationHarmony instead.

    New factions:

    Stock game:

  • The bonus from "Harmonized Targets" is displayed in the Empire Wide Factors list.


  • Fixed an issue where researching "Meed-Khatta Technology #5" was causing error due to my copy/paste mistake.

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11 years ago
Jan 29, 2014, 2:36:10 AM
Very nice, that's an interesting mechanic there where researching hulls give you boost.
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 6:59:09 PM
Version 1.0.1 is up.

Antera wrote:
Very nice, that's an interesting mechanic there where researching hulls give you boost.

Thanks, I hope everyone will find it interesting to play as the Meed-Khatta.
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 8:42:42 PM
Just tried out the mod. Its all great! Love the Meed-Khatta's play style. All the bonuses surrounding Ships really give them a nice, unique play style.

Looking forward to more smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Feb 5, 2014, 7:07:47 PM
Version 1.0.2 is up.

  • Fixed an issue where researching "Meed-Khatta Technology #5" was causing error due to my copy/paste mistake.

  • [/LIST]

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10 years ago
Mar 26, 2014, 4:46:33 PM
Having played this Mod for a while now, I think I can give some decent feedback now

*Bullet Points are awesome*

  • I like the Meed's connection with strikecraft. Its makes for a very formidable mid-game foe in Combat. I would definitely like to see a few more techs/faction specific bombers and fighters added.
  • I think their connection with Commanders and Pilots could be buffed just a bit to provide even more uniqueness. But its still pretty awsome.
  • atm, the Meed seem just a bit OP. the AI of other standard factions just isn't good enough to compete with their military supremacy
  • A way to balance it might be to apply some negative traits to non-military infastructure. IE, Unskilled builders, Black thumbs, etc. etc., after all, they seem like they are so in love with their ships they would happily forget such things.
  • Overall I love the mod. I've never been as happy when the AI declares war as I am when playing the Meed. Not even when I play Cravers or Hissho lol

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