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Minor Races?

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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 12:15:45 PM
Only having just begun to play the game, I have no idea if this is possible or not, but might it be possible to mod Lesser Races into the game?

My idea was that they have only one world, and will not expand beyond their own star system, similar to villages in Endless Legend. The races would build up their own small navy, of course, but if you defeat them, you can subjugate/integrate them into your empire and gain some of their bonuses, such as:

Client Race: Warlike

-20% cost to troop module for units produced in system

Client Race: Scientists

10% boost to science output in system

Client Race: Pilots

-10% cost to ship production

And so on. Does anyone know if this is possible to mod in? Or is it more likely that this would be something to consider for ES2?
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10 years ago
May 2, 2014, 7:01:50 AM
Well, one could sort've "cheat" it in, by making a whole new race, just without AI. They'd spawn then just sit there.

As for the bonuses, that would be harder. One option would be to make a custom anomaly (With the effects you're talking about) that doesn't spawn naturally, but only when it's trait has been selected. Give them the trait and then when you conquer them, you'd inherit the anomaly from their planet.
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