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Modding question...

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11 years ago
May 27, 2014, 6:59:25 PM
Hi there,

I recently decided to mod the game a little to fit my playstyle a little more. And while doing this I run into a small but annoying problem. If any modder could explain to me, what am I doing wrong...

I looked through the game files and found out that the terraformation from Gas Giants into other planet types is already in the vanilla game. But I have no idea how to actually enable it. I tried looking through Imperium Aeterns files, but didn't find any clues. I am not sure if I need to change some lines in the TechnologyExploration.xml or PlanetImprovement.xml or if I am looking in a wrong place.

Any way to enable the terraformation options for Gas Giants that does not include any new technologies? Just the standard Terraform into Lava/Barren.

From the current code it looks like you need to have the affinity of Pilgrims and Automatons at the same time. Or I am reading the thing wrong.

Will be gratefull for any advice you can give smiley: smile
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11 years ago
May 27, 2014, 7:05:23 PM
The terraformation should be available when you research Deyuvian Construction (Expansion tech tree, i.e. bottom tech tree).

As for Imperium Aeterna, there shouldn't be any change in Deyuvian Construction because that tech was made in an update after the last version of Imperium Aerterna came out. I'll edit my post here in a bit to show a few lines of code that will still do exactly what you're asking, if you're looking to move it around.

Edit: These lines (in TechnologyExpansion.xml ) are what makes the change available.


!$(AffinityResistance) and !$(AffinityAutomaton)













TechE31 is available for everyone but resistance and automatons--since the resistance/automatons have a differently shaped expansion tech tree, they need their own special tech to make this available (TechE31Resistance and TechE31Automaton respectively).

The actual Terraformations are coded in PlanetImprovement.xml



($(PlanetTypeGasMethane) and $(PlanetTypeGasHydrogen) and $(PlanetTypeGasHelium)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeGasHydrogen) or $(PlanetTypeGasHelium)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeGasHydrogen) or $(PlanetTypeGasMethane)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeGasHelium) or $(PlanetTypeGasMethane)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeLava) or $(PlanetTypeBarren)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeLava) or $(PlanetTypeBarren)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeLava) or $(PlanetTypeBarren)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeGasHydrogen) or $(PlanetTypeGasHelium) or $(PlanetTypeGasMethane)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)





($(PlanetTypeGasHydrogen) or $(PlanetTypeGasHelium) or $(PlanetTypeGasMethane)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)




As the terraformations are available to turn Barren and/or Lava into any of the three gas giants, or turn any of the gas giants into barren, or even turn any of the gas giants into another type of gas giant. The first terraformation in the list is... well, a placeholder I guess, because it doesn't have planet descriptor attached to it at all, so ignore it.
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11 years ago
May 27, 2014, 8:23:48 PM
So... I only read the code wrongly? I feel so dumb now... I see it now... I was refering to Endless Space wiki on a lot of things... and didn't see the note pointing out the free addon allowing for Gas Giants terraformation... Nvm the question then.

But another one. What does a secondary name for a hero do? Is it possible to have two same heros, with same stats but diferent first name? I am looking into creating some new heroes, but that's got me thinking. Not a big deal still would like to know.
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11 years ago
May 27, 2014, 10:33:19 PM
Tell me which XML you're looking at and I'll be happy to let you know what that part does. As of now, all I'm thinking about is first and last names:



Appointed as the operator of an industrial platform orbiting a gas giant during the Dust Wars, Neuil's skills at production were greatly appreciated until the war moved elsewhere, and he was left alone. After spending milennia maintaining the platform, he was found and expatriated by an Automaton scientific expedition. Neuil now roams the galaxy, putting his many years of practical knowledge in industry and warfare to work for his clients.

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11 years ago
May 28, 2014, 7:40:45 AM
From Hero.xml and localisation file.



<br/><br/> <Description>%Hero01Description</Description> <br/><br/> <Icon Small="Gui/DynamicBitmaps/HeroPortraits/sophonHero04Small" Large="Gui/DynamicBitmaps/HeroPortraits/sophonHero04Large" Wide="Gui/DynamicBitmaps/HeroPortraits/sophonHero04Wide"/> <br/><br/>





localisation file

[CODE] Amirmoez



Famous for her objective analysis of fact and data, she has been known to measure ingredients to the microgram when cooking for pleasure. Her area of specialty is complex systems and n-dimensional equations. Friendly as a general rule, but too precise to be 'warm,' $Last has a temper and has studied enough martial arts to be effective when she loses it.


The wiki also lists a secondary name on most of the heros. So I was wondering if it's possible in game for two same heros to appear. Being loaded from same lines of code they would need a second name to be somehow distinguished.
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11 years ago
May 28, 2014, 7:45:24 AM
Looks like you've got it figured out. I don't know if two instances of the same hero can appear, secondary name nonwithstanding. I've never seen it happen. It could just be something to break the monotony of seeing the same hero with the same name.
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11 years ago
May 28, 2014, 10:15:22 AM
Thanks for the info. Helped a lot. I will look into the matter and post my results.
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