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The Spice must flow - A Dune themed mod for Endless Space

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10 years ago
Jul 15, 2014, 5:06:49 AM
ive been lurking here for some time. but ive finally come out of the woodwork to help with... rather get help with this. ive created the planet and Melange (as a luxury resource akin to eden incense) but i cannot get the galaxy to spawn Arrakis. i have absolutely no idea why. and its not coming up with any nullreferences or anything so i have no clue where to look.
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10 years ago
Jul 18, 2014, 2:54:02 PM
ehh new planet types. well this'll be interesting. thx for pointing me in the right direction, i remembered when i was poking around the galaxy.xml's i saw something about resource spawning.

but that ^^^ right there is probably half the battle smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Jul 18, 2014, 5:46:42 AM
I did find that unique planet block in the registry of the galaxy plugin but editing it to "2" instead of "1" would cause a null reference error.

Your intuition was right, that is what your supposed to do. The problem was errors in the unique planet template so the datatable loader skipped it. When the game state changed to create game(post galaxy generation) the registry was dictating there should be two unique planets but only one was loaded. Thus nullref exception. Kinda sucks we need to be so explicit with this element but at least we know how it works now

Ive changed it so the "auriga override" planet doesnt show up, just normal auriga.

Heh, sorry. I left some of my debug garbage in there. The whole auriga template can be removed from the mod if there wont be any changes to it. It will still be loaded from 'Public_xp1'.

The next step is getting melange to spawn in the galaxy, specifically on Arrakis if possible. do i have to edit the galaxy.xml's for that¿

GalaxySetting.Xml, Copy and paste the whole plugins folder from 'Public_xp1' to the mod. You will find the block 'PlanetStrategicResourcesPerPlanetType' that controls the chance of a resource showing up on a planet type.

You will need to add the resources generation chance to each planet type. But because you only want Melange to show up on Arrakis you can make a new underlying planet type for dune and link it to its own 'PlanetTypeStrategicResource' and the 'UniquePlanet' template. Never tried added a new planet type so I hope its straightforward enough.


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10 years ago
Jul 18, 2014, 4:25:53 AM
thanks for all your help!!!!!!!

learned about how to properly work with the index! as well as various xml stuff. i did find that unique planet block in the registry of the galaxy plugin but editing it to "2" instead of "1" would cause a null reference error.

furthermore i just uploaded the files i thought relevant. i actually have a lot more ive done, add techs, heroes, etc.; so that's why files are referenced in the index that didn't exist in the upload.

Ive changed it so the "auriga override" planet doesnt show up, just normal auriga. The next step is getting melange to spawn in the galaxy, specifically on Arrakis if possible. do i have to edit the galaxy.xml's for that¿
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10 years ago
Jul 18, 2014, 1:22:22 AM

Got additional unique planets working! There was a trick to it in Registry.xml which defines the max amount of unique planets that can appear per galaxy size. Ive sprinkled comments around the xml to help explain a couple things, check it out.

Besides figuring out the trick to it there were a bunch of easy to miss xml syntax errors throughout the mod. I often use the W3 Xml Validator especially on the denser files to catch most simple errors. Helps me lots. The index.xml was the biggest issue where I found defined files that did not exist and files registered to repositories that dont exist. I left some notes on that in the index as well.

The spice must flow. smiley: cool
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10 years ago
Jul 15, 2014, 3:37:32 PM
i did not, would that affect the planet spawning or the resource spawning on the planet¿
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11 years ago
Jun 8, 2014, 4:37:09 AM
I feel that Endless Space has been suffering needlessly from the lack of a Dune mod since it's release.

As such I intend to create one. I will start small, that way we can be sure of seeing a stable mod which captures the core essence of the Dune theme, that being that the Spice must flow!

The first step is the creation of a Unique planet - Arrakis, a huge desert planet which holds a unique resource, the Spice, Melange.

As I see it, Arrakis would be a Single planet system. The Spice will be a luxury resource with 4 units, all on the planet Arrakis. Enough there to give the greedy player a monopoly, but a more generous player will share the benefits around and trade it off for what he needs in return.

This is my vision.

Two small problems stand in the way however;

1. I have no idea how to create a UNIQUE planet.

2. I also have no idea how to create a unique resource and give it only to that planet.

So, if any kindly soul out there can spare the time in their day to either work with me to create these things or point me in the right direction to create them myself, it would be very much appreciated.

I also have one question open to all and sundry. What should the effect of the Spice be? Keeping in mind it should be strong enough to make people fight for control of the planet to gain a monopoly, but not so strong as to make the controlling faction unbeatable.

I'm thinking it should have a strong economic bonus, like +10% Dust on empire per piece plus an additional +10% for a monopoly. Could also hold a ship movement bonus on empire similar to Ionic crystals, say +15% per with an additional +40% for monopoly. Heck if I could mod it in, I'd make the monopoly bonus give you the Endless War racial trait.

Anyhow, If you'd like to see something like this then please, help me out and put a comment below.

The Spice must flow!
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10 years ago
Jul 9, 2014, 4:29:35 AM
Hey OP, sign me up for pretty much any support. I have a lot of interest and ideas but right now I can't put much here.

As far as resources, I'd recommend making multiple angles for the Spice. Resource, Anomaly, Tech, etc. Remember they use spice a lot of ways, it's a lot like Dust actually. So also get some ideas for how Dust is used in lore, but not necessarily in game, and adapt it. For example a faction, like Muad'ib, that has tech that needs Spice for it's special technologies, some that give buildings that need spice resource, etc. That way you can be helpful to others but have a faction that uses it to a great advantage so they can have a homeworld and NOT want to lose it or at worst give an arm and leg to get traded some and go on a vicious reclaiming.

Maybe they can have Affinity where other factions have extreme disadvantage for a long time if they take Dune, being a harsh place for those unfamiliar with the dangers. Also, on that note, you can clone the Desert planet type and Rename it, and give it different stats from the normal Desert type.

This is a sleep ramble, feel free to add me on steam it's same username. I have a lot of time on my hands as I am going through foot surgery and constantly having to sit. Once it recovers I'll still be helping if you're going on.

P.S. for balancing, I recommend the above planet type idea, and making an "Arrakis" Type planet that has Spice, since the series discusses that spice and worms are unique, but only just. Not because of any reason other than what happened and the processes the planet underwent. This is just my ideas for adding this stuff to the game, not a total conversion, though you obviously could do that.
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 10:46:19 AM
Awesome idea!

If I can help in some way, hunting for lore details or working out the racial traits for example, do count me in. I would really love to see a Dune mod completed for this game! smiley: smile

Simple graphics are probably also something I could help with.
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11 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 11:32:33 PM
Maybe you got the xml entered wrong in the GalaxySettings.xml, heres a snippet of the OverrideAnomaly type in use. I dont think its used anywhere in the distributed xml's so maybe it got missed. Lots of ways I see to completely customize the entire starting system.

Ive got the galaxy generator source in front of me and it looks like we could also easily at new override types like 'OverrideHomeName'. Not sure about this because I think even galaxy plugin xmls are validated on start up, an unexpected element might cause a crash?

Anyway, you have some good options for creating unique planets and home worlds. I hope you keep working on this smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 8:22:12 PM
You're welcome to see if you can plunder anything from the conversion I was working on. I got pretty far with the graphics side of things, but stalled when it came to the tech side of things, galaxy map editing, and pretty much everything else smiley: wink

The file's linked in this thread:



Edit: looking back it seems I did in fact start mucking about with the tech tree. My plan was to edit some of the techs to have them represent outside help from Major Houses, the Guild, Bene Gesserit and so on. So, as your empire grew in power in the new sector, these bodies would start to take an interest and get involved, sending agents and troops, that sort of thing.

I don't think I'll be doing much with it all now, so please do use anything you can, and I'll keep looking in to see how you're getting on, as I'd love to see a Dune mod get done. I'm just getting in to modding Distant Worlds at the moment (Daleks are on the menu at the moment), and I have future plans to move what I've done for this ES mod over to DW, but time will tell if that's remotely doable, I guess. Happy modding!
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11 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 12:35:33 AM
Be careful editing the home planets in GalaxySettings.xml -- I attempted to add anomalies to starting planets there and it really screws things up when you start a game.

For example, trying to add Garden of Eden to the terran home planet turned the planet into a random planet type (lava, desert, etc) with a lot of crash pop-ups.

I think it's mainly an issue with my improperly coded InhibitAnomalies line, but it shouldn't change the planet type... Bleh. Adding the following command line to the faction trait does NOT work either:


You can however make a trait that applied a desired planetary wonder (or heck, just make it an anomaly that never shows up anywhere else) to the starting planet. It would require the user to create a custom faction however. :-P

Making a unique planet with a unique resource may be possible. I haven't yet found the code that actually INSERTS Auriga into galaxy generation. I'm working on racial anomalies now, but if I get any new testing done with unique planets I will let you know how that goes.
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11 years ago
Jun 9, 2014, 7:15:45 AM
Looked into unique planets a bit and I think it depends on how you want it to work. If you want to add it as a home planet you can customize the whole starting system in GalaxySettings.xml using an affinity.

If you own disharmony and want a unique planet that could show up anywhere you can use the new UniquePlanet xml element. Looks like it has support for some cool stuff like planet name, events, anomalies, moons, and descriptors. I dont see a way to add a UniquePlanet to the home system so this might not work if you need that.
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11 years ago
Jun 8, 2014, 12:26:15 PM
Cheers for the help Tiaximus!

I think the diplomatic debuff sounds like a great idea!

How hard will it be, do you think, to have a resource restricted to only the one planet?
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11 years ago
Jun 8, 2014, 9:44:14 AM
I haven't delved far into the unique planets, but I feel pretty confident that it's an easy thing to make. If I actually get some time to work on modding, I will definitely show you what I find.

The Endless War trait is a little bit more difficult, if not impossible--when a faction is created with the endless war trait, it gets a different set of unique techs on the diplomacy side of the tree. I don't believe you can change the faction effects mid-game (or the tech tree).

However, you may be able to make other factions despise the controller of the world, much like how factions will often go to war when the Invulnerable Empire improvement(s) are being built.
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