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Help needed ! Broken XML Localization !!

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10 years ago
Aug 21, 2014, 1:32:06 AM
5 days im stucked on this stupid localization file, I cant find the solution so I deciided to ask to the expirementated modders here smiley: wink

I know the error is located in Localization_Locales file but cant find it.

Here is the the bugged localization file :


Thank you for your precious help, im impatient to discover this damn "noob" error I done ^^

Tonight I even tried a XML validator. It told me that the error was situated in the last line, <\Datatable>, "Opening and ending tag mismatch. "

I searched at the first

I hope you will it out !
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10 years ago
Aug 21, 2014, 10:15:15 AM
I've taken a quick look at it, and my xml editor also complains about a missing end tag to a localization pair. However, it does not tell me exactly where.

Given the size of the file, using a bisection method to look for the error may be worth considering. Make a copy of the file, delete half of it, and see if the error persist. If not, grab the half you just deleted, and cut that in half again, etc. That should hopefully narrow down the location of the missing tag, provided that you are careful with what you delete and don't create more missing tags in the process.
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10 years ago
Aug 21, 2014, 11:50:16 AM
Nice, I found what was wrong thanks to your system !

Here is the stupid error :

Not sure what is wrong there but I will simply removed it, this is unuseful anyway.
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