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Antera Faction Trait Mod

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11 years ago
Jan 28, 2014, 9:18:20 PM
I totally missed the trade route trait.

Regarding headhunter traits, I've tried using headhunter before but the results have been mixed, it doesn't seem to actually guarantee a particular specialization. It may increase the chance of getting the spec but its not obvious to me how effective it is. I can tinker around a bit and see if there's any meaningful effect.
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11 years ago
Sep 14, 2013, 4:34:52 PM
Hi all, I got tired of waiting for a new ES patch so I'm releasing the next update for AFTM (ver It adds quite a lot of new traits, I hope you all enjoy.

Note that I'm changing the way I assign mod version numbers. It's still in sequential order (higher number is newer) but I'm going to increment the 3rd digit by 1 at a time instead of matching the stock version number. Compatibility for the latest version is now listed at the very top of the first post. Let me know if something turns out to not be compatible.
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11 years ago
Sep 28, 2013, 9:34:05 PM
cool stuff, downloaded and installed.

E: thanks for making this mod, well, modular -- was trivial to combine it with alternate galaxy generator, help the harmony and the stuff i've changed personally.
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11 years ago
Oct 5, 2013, 6:11:55 PM
Love your Mod.

I've never modded anything before and I have no programming experience. I also like the SuperNova mod. I tried to merge them using the information provided here ( /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16331-super-nova-disharmony ) but I had no success. The game started, but upon trying to create a race it gave a dialog box of errors. Something about character creation....

Has anyone ever gotten these two mods to work together?
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11 years ago
Oct 5, 2013, 8:18:40 PM
What's the error?

Can you post the index file you're using for the merged mod?
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11 years ago
Oct 18, 2013, 4:13:01 AM
I would also think it'd be cool if this mod and the Supernova mod were merged! Unfortunately I have no experience with modding whatsoever so I'd be completely lost if I tried..

There's an updated version of Supernova as of last night too, if you are so inclined as to try to merge them.. smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Oct 19, 2013, 3:25:54 PM
You guys really need to learn how to splice mods. It's really not that hard. I'm only going to do this for you once. I need to focus my time on Hectic Combat. Use the instructions/files here together with the mod tutorial to figure out how I modified the index file to perform the splice.

Step 1) Take all the files from AFTM and throw them into SuperNova directory in the equivalent places

Step 2) Take this index.zip file and extract the index.xml file inside into the SuperNova directory, over-ride the index.xml file in there.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 5:40:07 AM
Ahh... I forgot about this... been working on Hectic Combat or just plain not working...

Got any requests for new traits?

Last I check the mod works with Auriga, the only thing I got left to implement are a few faction-specific traits.
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 10:19:18 PM
It's the faction bits I'm interested in. FI(D?)S ships from the new patch from Harmony. Defence/science buildings and portal structures from the Vaulters (transport and disharmony removal possibly as separate traits). Dreadnaught CP reduction and inescapable combat from Sheredyn.

I'd love to say add Tiaxium's planet size mod as racial traits, maybe with the asteroids to barren terraform (from Imperium Aterna by Evil Tactition). I've already pooled some of their work with:-


But that's reaching a bit far I guess as your busy with Hectic Combat. I guess I should do it myself, but I'm a little lazy and it's way easier to have an idea than to implement it. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime and made an addon for your mod.

Finally thank you for your work and your time.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 8:50:58 PM
v1.1.19 is out. I've combed through the existing factions, minus Vaulter, and have located all the traits that are both implementable and interesting. It appears the following faction specialties involve hard-code and cannot be brought out using only xml files:

Hissho bushido mechanics

Sheredyn anti-retreat net

Horatio cloning

Pilgrim evacuation ships

Note Sheredyn dreadnaught CP reduction is do-able but kind of a pain, its simpler to just use the trait that raise CP. I still need to look more closely at how vaulter works. But other than that this mod is pretty complete. Let me know if anyone have new trait ideas.
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11 years ago
Jan 27, 2014, 2:36:40 PM
Thank you for the update. Some more ideas:-

Number of trade routes per system +/-

Headhunter dual specialisation (e.g. administrator and corporate)
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11 years ago
Jul 11, 2013, 3:16:29 AM
Trait List as of v1.1.20.0

(* indicate newly added traits)

Affinity traits:

Decelerate/Accelerated Locustation (Craver only, modify locust rate)

Deepbore Exploitation (Craver only, modify locust magnitude)

Resource Assimilation (Craver only, reverse locust effect)

Accelerated Assimilation (Craver only, speed up reversed locust effect)

Master/Novice Stackers (Automaton only, +/- stack capacity)

Stack Breeders (Automaton only, + stack interest)

Harmony/Discord (Harmony only, +/- empire and system approval)

Amplified/Damped Resonance (Harmony only, +/- % Resonance Vessels bonus)

Portal Guru (Vaulter only, -% gate movement cost)

Resource Conversion traits:

Cibarfuel Organ (convert % food to industry)

Dusty Food (convert % food to dust)

Food for Thought (convert % food to science)

Lithovore (convert % industry to food)

Dust Magnetism (convert % industry to dust)

Obsessed Tinkerer (convert % industry to science)

Dustivore (convert % dust to food)

Miracle Fab (convert % dust to industry)

Philosophic (convert % dust to science)

Psychovore (convert % science to food)

Telekinetic Builders (convert % science to industry)

Materialistic (convert % science to dust)

Government traits:

Expansionism/Isolationism (-/+ % overcolonization malus)

Economy traits:

Tycoons/Rustics (+/- % dust)

Dust Broker/Waster (+/- dust/pop)

Dust Windfall/Shortfall (+/- initial dust)

Competent/Inept Traders (+/- trade route)

Mineral Memory (Unveil Strat Res)

Efficient Stock (FIS Bonus per strat res)

Resourceful/Wasteful Luxury (Luxury bonus/malus)

King of Mineral (+% fids from strat res monopolies)

King of Luxury (+% fids from lux res monopolies)

Mineral/Luxury Tycoon (- deposit needed for monopolies)

Population traits:

Talented/Pathetic Chef (+/- % food)

Expert/Clumsy Farmers (+/- food/pop)

Efficient/Inefficient Housing (+/- pop on all planet)

Efficient/Inefficient Metabolism (-/+ % food consumption)

Virile/Impotent (+/- % growth rate)

Positive/Negative Outlook (+/- approval)

Calm/Emotional (-/+ sensitivity to approval changing effects)

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering II

Genetic Engineering III

Genetic Engineering IV

Science traits:

Ingenious/Superstitious (+/- % science)

Smart/Dumb Scientists (+/- science/pop)

Superior/Inferior Recordkeeping (-/+ % research cost)

Adaptive Constitution (tolerant)

Building traits:

Hard/Lazy Workers (+/- % Industry)

Expert/Clumsy Miners (+/- ind/pop)

Master/Bungling Builders (-/+ % improvement construction cost)

Master/Bungling Shipwrights (-/+ % ship construction cost)

Miracle/Greedy Builders (-/+ % buyout cost)

Clever/Idiotic Architects (-/+ % system upkeep cost)

Meta-D Engineers (activate industry stacking, + stack interest)

Weapon System Experts (-% weapon module cost)

Defense System Experts (-% defense module cost)

Support System Experts (-% support module cost)

Civilian Ship Specialists (-% unarmed ship cost)

Fleet traits:

Propulsion Expert/Amateur (+/- ship move points)

Hyper-Dimensional (-% starlane speed, + warp speed, +% warp speed)

*Stargate/Celestial Gate (Lv 1 allow construction of stargate, which act like a Vaulter portal; Lv 2 automatically attach gate to every owned system)

*Integrated Gate Network (Gated systems do not contribute to over-expansion penalty)

Superior/Inferior C3 Systems (+/- CP)

Solid/Flimsy Hull (+/- % Ship HP)

Compact/Bulky Equipments (+/- % Tonnage)

Superior/Inferior Sensors (+sensor range)

Expert/Amateur Engineers (-% ship maintenace)

Elite Crew (+initial ship XP)

Regenerating/Decaying Hull (+/- ship regeneration)

Modular/Integrated Components (-/+ % retrofit cost)

Compact Weapons (-% weapon module tonnage)

Compact Defenses (-% defense module tonnage)

Compact Support Systems (-% support module tonnage(exclude invasion modules))

Compact Strikecraft Bay (-% fighter/bomber module tonnage)

Compact Invasion Gear (-% invasion/bomb/troop module tonnage)

Space Battle traits

Enhanced Weapons (+% weapon damage)

Enhanced Defenses (+% ship defense)

High/Low Caliber Guns (+/- % kinetic dmg)

Intense/Dull Beams (+/- % beam dmg)

Deadly/Wimpy Explosives (+/- % missile dmg)

Sturdy/Flimsy Deflectors (+/- % kinetic def)

Steady/Jittery Shields (+/- % beam defense)

Portals/Faith-based Missile Defense (+/- % missile defense)

Superior/Inferior Targetting (+/- accuracy)

Dust Scavengers/Excessive Victory Parties (+/- dust per destroyed CP)

Meticulous Salvagers (+ research points per destroyed CP)

Superior Fighters (boost fighter)

Superior Bombers (boost bombers)

Angry PD (boost point defense)

Control (Defense) traits

Super/Weak Soldiers (+/- def/pop)

Strong/Weak Influence (+/- influence)

Fanatiscism (+ ownership gain speed, - ownership loss speed)

Strong/Weak Invaders (+/- % invasion MP)

Ancient Map (reveal galaxy at start)

Diplomacy traits

Expert/Poor Negotiators (+/- % trade route bonus)

Expert Dealer (+% trade route bonus per coop)

Inter-Faction Economics (+% fids per coop and ally)

*Expert/Poor Logisticians (+/- trade route number)

Honorable (Sheredyn Integrity)

Eternal War

Hero traits

League of Heroes (+hero slots/arrival rate) (Inspired by Crymson's Genetics Lab mod)

Veteran Heroes (+ initial hero XP, - hero upkeep)

Super Heroes (+free ability points)

Dust Masters/Amateurs (-/+ % hero ability cost)

Rapid/Slow Regeneration (-/+ % hero healing cost)

Fast/Slow Learners (+/- hero XP gain speed)

Death Before Dishonor

Skillful Theif (+% dust leech)

Skillful Spy (+% science leech)

Tireless Heroes (-reassignment delay)

Anomaly traits

One trait for each of the 54 anomalies

One trait for each of the 9 natural wonders

One trait for each of 8 restored endless wonders



*Added the following traits:

*Expert/Poor Logisticians (+/- trade route number)

*Stargate/Celestial Gate (Lv 1 allow construction of stargate, which act like a Vaulter portal; Lv 2 automatically attach gate to every owned system)

*Integrated Gate Network (Gated systems do not contribute to over-expansion penalty)


*Cost of mineral memory reduced to 5 to match v1.1.27 of stock game

*Added the following traits:

*Meta-D Engineers (activate industry stacking, + stack interest)

*Master/Novice Stackers (Automaton only, +/- stack capacity)

*Stack Breeders (Automaton only, + stack interest)

*Harmony/Discord (Harmony only, +/- empire and system approval)

*Amplified/Damped Resonance (Harmony only, +/- % Resonance Vessels bonus)

*Portal Guru (Vaulter only, -% gate movement cost)


*Fixed an issue where Adaptive Constitution (tolerant) Lv3 was not reducing approval malus for Sower

*Enhanced Weapons now also increase fighter/bomber damage

*Enhanced Defenses now also increase point defense module damage

*Enhanced Weapons/Defenses have been re-balanced and extended to 10 levels

*Rebalanced Superior Fighter/Bomber bonuses; they now give both accuracy and evade bonuses

*Rebalanced Expert Negotiator; effect increased, number of levels decreased from 10 to 8

*Ultra Heroes has been renamed to Veteran Heroes

*The tag of Fast/Slow Learners is changed to He06

*Added the following traits:

*One trait for each of eight restored endless wonders

*Angry PD (boost point defense)

*Compact Invasion Gear (-% invasion/bomb/troop module tonnage)

*Strong/Weak Invaders (+/- % invasion MP)

*Expert Dealer (+% trade route bonus per coop)

*Inter-Faction Economics (+% fids per coop and ally)

*Modular/Integrated Components (-/+ % retrofit cost)

*Honorable (Sheredyn Integrity)

*Eternal War

*Death Before Dishonor

*Skillful Theif (+% dust leech)

*Skillful Spy (+% science leech)

*Super Heroes (+free ability points)

*Tireless Heroes (-reassignment delay)

*Calm/Emotional (-/+ sensitivity to approval changing effects)

*Ancient Map (Reveal galaxy at start)

*Cibarfuel Organ (convert % food to industry)

*Dusty Food (convert % food to dust)

*Food for Thought (convert % food to science)

*Dustivore (convert % dust to food)

*Miracle Fab (convert % dust to industry)

*Philosophic (convert % dust to science)

*Psychovore (convert % science to food)

*Telekinetic Builders (convert % science to industry)

*Materialistic (convert % science to dust)

*Decelerate/Accelerated Locustation (Craver only, modify locust rate)

*Deepbore Exploitation (Craver only, modify locust magnitude)

*Resource Assimilation (Craver only, reverse locust effect)

*Accelerated Assimilation (Craver only, speed up reversed locust effect)


*Tested for compatibility with v1.1.17.3 of stock game

*Added Hyper-Dimensional (-% starlane speed, + warp speed, +% warp speed)

*Completed color-coding of remaining traits


*Removed the fix for 10-trait limit as that limit had been removed from the stock game in this patch

*Added the following traits:

*Regenerating/Decaying Hull (+/- ship regeneration)

*Dust Magnetism (convert % industry to dust)

*Obsessed Tinkerer (convert % industry to science)


*Added defense bonus to Enhanced Defenses

*Removed the 10-trait limit imposed by v1.1.14.3 of the stock game

*Extended Adaptive Constitution (Tolerant) to level 3 (colonize all planet, no malus)

*Added the following traits:

*Genetic Engineering IV

*Expansionism/Isolationism (-/+ % overcolonization malus)

*Mineral/Luxury Tycoon (- deposit needed for monopolies)


*Slightly increased the magnitude of trait points for anomaly traits and Compact/Bulky Equipments trait (positive values are more positive, negative values are more negative)

*Added colors to trait tags for some traits as an experiment

*Added traits for natural wonders

*Added the following traits:

*Compact Weapons (-% weapon module tonnage);

*Compact Defenses (-% defense module tonnage);

*Compact Support Systems (-% support module tonnage(exclude invasion modules));

*Weapon System Experts (-% weapon module cost);

*Defense System Experts (-% defense module cost)

*Virile/Impotent (+/- % growth rate)

*Lithovore (convert % industry to food)


*Checked compatibility with game version 1.1.9

*Re-wrote the anomaly trait system


*Added new traits from Disharmony. See forum for complete list.

*Genetic Engineering broken up into three traits worth varying amount of trait points.

*Changed names of traits to make the trait window more organized.

*Changed names of traits to make them shorter and more fitting.

*Added many trait titles so that the name of the trait causing the effect is more clearly shown with the effect in the Empire Factors screen and various FIDS breakdown lists.

*Re-balanced trait point values based on Stock game trait point values


*Used Endless Genetics v1.10 by ZZGashi as a template to create Disharmony compatible faction traits mod
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 1:04:59 PM
They seem to be working better recently, one trait usually gives 2 of said trait with 2 traits giving one with both and one random of each. I'm guessing that they have coded for 3 traits requested.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 6:09:05 AM
v1.1.20.0 is up, which introduces gate mechanics as traits. I believe it will still work even if you don't have the Vaulter faction but I can't really check it. In any case, you can now try Portal Harmony and Portal Craver, or whatever crazy combination you come up with.

Gonna check into those headhunter traits next.
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11 years ago
Mar 13, 2014, 4:50:20 PM
I've been loving been playing with the fleet hull regeneration, have I misunderstood? It seems to be a bonus applied to existing regen not applied to each ship's max HP is that right?
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11 years ago
Mar 15, 2014, 8:00:20 PM
DreamSmith wrote:
I've been loving been playing with the fleet hull regeneration, have I misunderstood? It seems to be a bonus applied to existing regen not applied to each ship's max HP is that right?

I believe you're talking about "Regenerating Hull", there is a built-in HP regeneration rate of 5% per turn for all factions, the trait adds to that at low level; at high level, the trait also adds regeneration per combat phase (just like what a repair module gives), so you can end up with ships that incredibly hard to kill since they're healing in the middle of combat.

There's also Decaying Hull which actually takes away % health per turn. Decaying hull makes your ship kinda like zombie ships, so you have to either equip repair modules to fight the decay or use them quickly.
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11 years ago
Mar 16, 2014, 10:09:40 PM
Hmmm, something's not right, my cruisers with 800hp were regenerating 80 hp per turn with 50% (the last one before per combat turn) trait.

Rerolling a new race to test.


Ship with 378/472.5 HP becomes 401.6/472.5 next turn with 7/15 Regenerating Hull Trait (50%)

Ship with 339/472.5 HP becomes 362.6/472.5 next turn with 7/15 Regenerating Hull Trait (50%)

Need more?
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10 years ago
May 5, 2014, 2:15:56 AM
Oh Antera, you're a god send. This will make my life much, much easier.

Thank you.
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8 years ago
Apr 3, 2016, 9:41:51 AM
The upkeep cost trait does not work which is in Building Tree (CleverArchitecture and other one. )

I also tried to edit xml file but still no effect.

EDIT: okay i correct my fault: it's working however the game does not recognize the trait. In system you see -XX improvement costs but the real revenue is still correctly calculated.

I also added few tweaks such as overpopulation approval and CP value by percent.
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8 years ago
Apr 15, 2016, 6:47:23 AM
If you have an unofficial fixed version, post it smiley: smile

If you have a list of things that need fixing, post it and someone will get around to fixing it.
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8 years ago
Apr 16, 2016, 11:43:20 AM
---Its the CleverArchitecture trait. In the game (system menu) yo don't see the correct dust value. Hovewer it seems dust value calculated correctly in empirewide. (needs confirmation)---

---I also added few things such as reducing bad planet disaproval, fleet evasion rate, command points by percentage and tweaked hyper dimensional (seperate traits incresing free move by percent or flat value and not reducing string move.) few more tweaks that i dont remember. Hovewer this modifications done by me by changnig the original traits of the mod. Also some of the res conversion traits doesnt work. For example if you take a trait that converts dust to ind. in system you cant use inf ind to dust. I think game cant calculate values correctly (maybe this can be fixed by tweaking the calculation priority i dont know someone needs to try ) . My english not the best in the world, sorry.---

---So basicly dont use res-conversion traits, CleverArchitecture and the opposite one.---
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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 7:08:09 PM
The res conversion traits are invisable in operation, so checking them is hard. Regnerating hull is another broken one, both this and Tiax's Anomaly Overhaul are in my todo stack.
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8 years ago
Jul 23, 2016, 6:12:44 AM
Dabooma wrote:

Maybe I'm stupid... but... where is the download link? Can someone post it? 

You're right, it's gone. I think I may have a copy of it on me, if so, I'll post it here

EDIT: Got it:


Updated 8 years ago.
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11 years ago
Jul 11, 2013, 3:14:47 AM
Hi everyone, this thread contains all of the information regarding my faction trait mod.

I'd like to start by thanking ZZGashi for making the Endless Genetics mod, which I use as a guide/template to build my mod. I'd also like to thank Amplitude Studio for making the game so easy to mod and the modding community for posting and discussing various modding tricks.

Originally, I was only going to port Endless Genetics to Disharmony, but I have since expanded the scope of the mod and implemented a large number of changes (see below for a complete list of changes). After a while I realized there are many things in this mod that could help my fellow modder, so I'm publishing the mod to the public. To all modders, feel free to use any part of this mod though please give credit where it is due. Without further ado, I present to you the:

Antera Faction Trait Mod

Current version:

Compatible with Disharmony and above

Goal: The original goal of the mod was to help me re-create the Silicoids by implementing various faction traits, I have not reached that goal yet but I'm getting there.

Purpose: I envisioned three purposes for this mod,

  • For regular players who want to play different combination of traits because they are bored of the stock traits.
  • For modder/developer who wants to test out ideas for new races but cannot build their race from the stock traits.
  • For anything else that anybody might think of.

  • [/LIST]

    What the mod does: The mod adds a large number of new traits to the game, which you can read about in the trait list.

    Changes to the Game

    Aside from adding a bunch of new traits, the following changes have also been implemented:

    [1] Trait Window Organization

    Since the game organize all traits alphabetically, I tricked the game into arranging traits in a certain order by using trait tags. That's the "[Ec01+]" tag in front of every trait added by AFTM. By using this tag I'm able to pair up traits that are opposite of each other. The tag also shows very clearly which trait is an AFTM trait as well as what category it falls under and whether it is positive or negative trait. The stock game only had a handful of traits so organization was not a major issue, but the addition of AFTM traits can make the trait window chaotic so this organization was implemented. Note that the trait tags are not always sequential because I'm leaving room for expansion.

    As of v1.1.17.0, all trait tags are color coded.

    [2] Trait Titles

    In the stock game, effect of all traits in the "Empire Factors" screen and FIDS break out are listed as "...FROM FACTION TRAIT", which is not so bad when you only have a handful of traits. But when you start having more and more traits, it can become very difficult to tell which trait is giving which effect. I have implemented a new set of trait titles that properly identifies the trait causing the associated effect when you look at the "Empire Factors" screen and FIDS break out.

    One of my goal is to eventually have AFTM equivalent of all stock traits so that they have both trait tags and trait titles.

    [3] Trait Cost

    I've scaled the cost of various traits based on the cost of stock traits where possible, and various mathematical projections where it is not. However, the numbers are by no means perfectly balanced and should be taken as ballpark values. Many traits have been extended to outrageously large trait levels and have trait cost that prohibits their use when playing with stock game trait point limits. As with Endless Genetics, "Genetic Engineering" traits have been added for people who want to use these traits for whatever reasons.

    Please discuss within this thread if you feel a certain trait is badly out of balance with other traits.

    [4] Anomaly Traits

    For those familiar with the Endless Genetics' system for placing anomaly, AFTM uses a newly re-written system. You no longer have to take fake "Mutated Flora" as pre-requisite to access the other anomalies. Which also means that you can now have Mutated Flora anomaly on your starting planet. Additionally, the new anomaly system is completely separate from the stock game's anomaly system so you should not pick anomaly traits from both AFTM and stock; it may cause issues. Lastly, the AFTM anomaly traits do not have trait tags, instead they use "colored anomalies" titles that Amplitude Studio included into the game (or any modified "colored anomalies" titles that you may be using). By doing this, the trait window will automatically separate all traits by color, and alphabetical order within each color group. The only anomaly left that are not colored are the stock traits. I found this to be a pretty good way to organize the anomaly traits.

    Please let me know if the new anomaly system is not working correctly. It's a lot of code so a lot of room for error.

    As of v1.1.9.1, natural wonder traits have been added.

    [5] Miscellaneous

    There are still many traits that I plan to implement into the mod though I figure I release what I have so far. I plan to update every 2-4 weeks with new traits introduced at each update until I'm satisfied.

    I will occasionally add in traits that I consider "Experimental" and they will be noted with an asterick (*) after the trait tag. Experimental traits are subject to major changes, though I would appreciate it if you could try it out and see if they work properly.

    I will also note in this thread any new traits that I'm currently working on for the next update. You are free to make suggestions about what traits to add though I'm free to not add them if I believe they are not add-able for whatever reason.

    Occasionally, an update might break the link to a trait from an older version, though I would not do this unless absolutely necessary. In such a case you may need to re-create your custom faction though I believe the game will allow you to simply edit the outdated faction. In any case, please bare in mind that this is a mod so backup your saves, custom races, etc. when updating.

    Explanation for Traits

    Most of the traits are self-explanatory. But a few of them can be tricky to understand. This section explains the tricky traits.

    Many traits operate on a different priority level than other in-game effect. For example, the trait "Master Shipwrights" work at a different priority level than improvements/heroes/wonders. What this mean is that if you have Master Shipwright +5 (-50% ship cost) and an improvement that has the effect -50% ship cost, the total ship cost is multiplied by (1-0.5)*(1-0.5) = 0.25, as opposed to (1-0.5-0.5) = 0.

    Affinity traits:

    Affinity traits are specific to certain affinities. For example, "Resource Assimilation" is Craver specific. Affinity traits become available if you have the right affinity. You can tell which affinity is needed by mousing over the trait or by looking at the trait tag.

    Goverment traits:

    The traits "Expansionism/Isolationism" work at a different priority level from technologies that decrease overcolonization malus.

    Population traits:

    The traits "Virile/Impotent" work at a different priority level from ship construction effects like Harmony's "slow growth" effect.

    Building traits:

    The traits "Master/Bungling Builders" and "Master/Bungling Shipwrights" work at a different priority level than improvements/heroes/wonders.

    The "System Exeprts" traits has a different priority level than the "Master/Bungling Shipwrights" traits. For example, if you have Weapon System Experts +2 (-50% weapon module cost) and Master Shipwright +5 (-50% ship cost), the cost of the weapon module is multiplied by (1-0.5)*(1-0.5) = 0.25.

    Fleet traits:

    The trait "Hyper-Dimensional" is intended to make a faction more reliant on free warp over conventional starlane travel. However, due to an issue with the hardcode, it is not possible to force a fleet to warp directly from point A to point B if there is a starlane/wormhole connecting them. As such, some amount of starlane travel is typically still needed for smooth movement. Try it out and you'll what I mean. Note that this trait is very powerful when used by Amoeba.

    Module tonnage reduction traits have a different priority level than ship bonus. See Building traits for an explanation of priority.

    Installation Instructions

    Mod files are attached to this post.


    1) If not already existing, create a new folder called "Modding" in "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\"

    1a) If you don't know where "My Documents" is, navigate to "[DriveLetter]:\Users[AccountName]\My Documents\"

    2) Unzip the zip file’s content to "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding", this should create a folder called "AFTM"

    Running the mod:

    1) Start the game, go to Mods on the title screen.

    2) Select mod and load.

    Starting the game with the mod loaded:

    1) [Steamusers] Go to the "Game Library" in Steam

    2) Right click Endless Space and select "Properties"

    3) Click "Set Launch Options"

    4) Type "+mod AFTM" without the quotation marks into the blank

    5) Start the game


    (You need to uninstall a mod that takes up only a MB?)

    1) Clear the "Set Launch Options" if you had them set

    2) Navigate to the "Modding" folder

    3) Delete the "AFTM" folder

    How to Use

    For players who want to have a balanced game follow these rules:

  • Don't pick genetic engineering.
  • Don't pick more than 3 levels of any trait (positive or negative). Alternatedly, use your own judgment on what may be too OP of an ability/combo to use.
  • Don't pick more than 3 negative traits for the purpose of gaining points.
  • Don't pick both the stock and the AFTM version of the same trait. Doing so can cause unforseen consequences as the AFTM traits will only be debugged/balanced against other AFTM traits.
  • Afinity selection does not currently disable any AFTM traits (for example, picking Harmony normally disable all dust/hero traits), it is up to the user to pick traits that make sense for the given afinity.

  • [/LIST]

    For anyone else

  • Anything goes

  • [/LIST]
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Jul 11, 2013, 3:18:26 AM
    If you played with a particular trait combination that you thought give rise to an interesting game play style, please post on this thread. This helps me in two ways: 1) I can tell what combination of traits people like to play with and what kind of traits to develop next; 2) Which traits may need balancing.


    Q1) Do the upkeep cost modifiers work even though the effect text are missing?

    A1) Yes, the effect text you see in game for upkeep modifiers are custom text generated using special tooltips for specific traits and improvements. They are rather tedius to make and does not automatically update, I'll try to get to them if I have time.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Jul 11, 2013, 3:29:55 AM
    I had been planning on porting my mod into the expansion, but I have been waiting to see if the devs continue to develop the game in a way that would hold my interest, because otherwise it has gotten a bit stale. It will be nice to see the mutated flora issue finally resolved.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Jul 11, 2013, 3:37:54 AM
    ZZGashi wrote:
    I had been planning on porting my mod into the expansion, but I have been waiting to see if the devs continue to develop the game in a way that would hold my interest, because otherwise it has gotten a bit stale. It will be nice to see the mutated flora issue finally resolved.

    Hey ZZGashi, was trying to get in touch with you. Yea, I think the devs might have fixed the Mutated Flora bug at some point, cause I just implemented all 54 anomalies exactly the same way as in the stock game code and they are holding. At least when I tried it. Hopefully, it'll work with other people's games as well.
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    11 years ago
    Jul 11, 2013, 3:50:45 AM
    Antera wrote:
    Hey ZZGashi, was trying to get in touch with you. Yea, I think the devs might have fixed the Mutated Flora bug at some point, cause I just implemented all 54 anomalies exactly the same way as in the stock game code and they are holding. At least when I tried it. Hopefully, it'll work with other people's games as well.

    Good, I had reported it, and was hoping they would get around to fixing it, since I figured it had to be on their end of things that was the problem.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Jul 15, 2013, 7:41:33 PM
    Hey there,

    I just played a full game out on Impossible, and found the game to be a complete pushover. I didn't go overboard on the traitset in this - the problem seems to lie with the AI, it completely lacks any aggression.

    The AI didn't do a single Diplomatic option at all during the game, they waited around in cold war for the entire game and when I tried to negotiate a cease fire/peace they had no interest in agreeing to one whatsoever. They barely interacted with one another as well. I think something may have become broken in there with the changes that have been made. I was able to snatch up 4 colonies while in cold war without getting any reaction from the AI. I think that fleet building may have been stunted too, but that could be just the luck of the game.

    Most importantly though, throughout the game at no point did the AI initiate an attack. They would just blockade endlessly at the planet and never try to invade other territory.

    Happy with the changes overall though! Hoping that these bugs can quickly be caught and fixed! smiley: smile
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Jul 19, 2013, 12:26:58 AM
    lchmilen wrote:
    Hey there,

    I just played a full game out on Impossible, and found the game to be a complete pushover. I didn't go overboard on the traitset in this - the problem seems to lie with the AI, it completely lacks any aggression.

    The AI didn't do a single Diplomatic option at all during the game, they waited around in cold war for the entire game and when I tried to negotiate a cease fire/peace they had no interest in agreeing to one whatsoever. They barely interacted with one another as well. I think something may have become broken in there with the changes that have been made. I was able to snatch up 4 colonies while in cold war without getting any reaction from the AI. I think that fleet building may have been stunted too, but that could be just the luck of the game.

    Most importantly though, throughout the game at no point did the AI initiate an attack. They would just blockade endlessly at the planet and never try to invade other territory.

    Happy with the changes overall though! Hoping that these bugs can quickly be caught and fixed! smiley: smile

    Hmmm, can you give me more details on the game set up you used and what races were there? I'll play a few games and do some code diving to see if there's something key that got changed.
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    11 years ago
    Jul 23, 2013, 11:35:01 PM
    Version is out. Note that I've implemented trait tag colors on some of the traits as an experiment (along with all the stuff described in the changelog), let me know how you guys like the changes.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Jul 27, 2013, 3:35:10 AM
    Quick fix to go above 10 faction trait for those playing beta. Simply unzip the attached file into: ..\Modding\AFTM\Simulation\

    Edit: silly me, didn't realize Registry has to be a certain name and format. Here's a new one that actually works. Same install instructions.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 4, 2013, 3:59:44 PM
    FYI, I messed up the quick fix in the post above. Just uploaded a new one. I'm surprise nobody noticed. Oh well.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 14, 2013, 1:47:44 PM
    I have to say that this has made my game with my friend so much more enjoyable! I also adore - adore - some of the new traits you added! I enjoy the research ones quite a bit, and find having +Science/Person to be great. We personally add one Genetic Engineering II rank (so, -50) as a small hadicap, mostly because we're newbie players and we like things a bit slower, haha. Highly enjoy the ability to add Garden of Eden as well and it's just great in general.

    I'll ask my friend later if he has any ideas, but none come to mind right away for me. ^^ I like you've covered just about everything that can be covered and more, so thanks! If you want, this is what my custom race usually has;

    • Genetic Engineering II (1)

    • Garden of Eden

    • Greedy Builders (5)

    • Smart Scientists (2)

    • Superior Record Keeping (2)

    • Ingenious (4)

    • League of Heroes (1)

    • Dust Shortfall
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 14, 2013, 9:58:55 PM
    Very nice, good to see people are enjoying the variety!

    I'll be releasing more traits soon (probably around the time of next stable patch), so look forward to more wacky ways to play. Please do let me know if there is a trait you like me to try to implement.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 15, 2013, 4:15:14 AM
    More resource conversions ... I'd love to have more stuff be able to convert into science. =P Also maybe more Harmony-specific traits, since they play so differently then the other factions. It also comes to mind that maybe you can add traits that modify affinities of each faction in that case, like allowing Cravers to gain more LP before it goes into negative FIDs? Or more production per tax rate for the United Federation (is that right?). I'd love to see the ability to change planet types and improve anomalies, but those are more technology requests. =P

    Other then that, no idea. I don't even know how it's possible that you're thinking of new traits. xD
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 17, 2013, 12:08:27 AM
    Faction specific traits eh, you just gave me some ideas...he he he

    I just have an over-active imagination I guess. And space really gets the imagination going. So dark and mysterious..
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    11 years ago
    Aug 18, 2013, 8:10:13 AM
    Wait ... what's the difference between and Is that a 9 as in 09 compared to 17?
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 18, 2013, 2:52:19 PM
    You can see what changes with each version in the changelog, its about halfway down my second post in this thread. Generally speaking I add about 8-12 traits with each new release. Yes, it is a 09 compared to 17. Between 9 and 17, I added 10 traits, fixed up enhanced defense, and extended adaptive constitution to L3.

    The way I number the mod version is I use the same first 3 number as the stock game number where I ended the development of that particular mod version. So, the current mod version is 1.1.17 even though I been making changes the whole time while playing 1.1.14 and 1.1.15 beta. The last number always start at 0 for the 1st mod version I release for a given stock version number. It increments by 1 each time I release a new mod version. So v1.1.9.1 was the second version of the mod I made while the stock game was still at v1.1.9

    I number my mod this way in order to help people figure out which version of the stock game the mod was built in.

    Also, I always leave an older version of the mod behind as an attachment in case something isn't right with the new release or they just really want to play with the older version. I have all the previous versions of the mod as well if anyone need them.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 21, 2013, 7:07:20 AM
    Just DL'd your mod and ...OMG!!!!! I just lost it when I was going through the options and read..."Faith Based Missile Defense and Excessive Victory Parties!" Totally hilarious and a very nice job over all...!
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    11 years ago
    Aug 23, 2013, 2:19:06 PM
    Consider adding Endless Wonders to the starting anomalies section.

    Question: Is it possible to mod in a system where you have multiple wonders per system?

    What about spawning resources? I'm uncertain that this could be done through a trait mod, but that seems useful.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 24, 2013, 1:46:01 AM
    started reading this and....just......god...this could be insane when I try it out

    and mean time still waiting for harmony to get re-balanced to be worth it
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 24, 2013, 3:31:18 AM
    NewAgeOfPower wrote:
    Consider adding Endless Wonders to the starting anomalies section.

    Question: Is it possible to mod in a system where you have multiple wonders per system?

    What about spawning resources? I'm uncertain that this could be done through a trait mod, but that seems useful.

    Yea, so I was thinking about Endless Wonders. Do people want the de-activated version? or the activated version? or both?

    I'll have to think a little more about how to assign points for the de-activated verison too.

    As a matter of fact, it is possible to have more than one wonder in a system. However, I have not found a way to place them on anything other than your starting planet with the trait system (you can place them using planet improvements once in the game). What happens when I place two anomaly of any kind (including wonders) on the starting planet is that the last one to get added will show up in the anomaly slot but the effect of both will be fully active. Its kind of weird how it works.

    I'll look into spawning resources.

    Wakugai wrote:
    started reading this and....just......god...this could be insane when I try it out

    and mean time still waiting for harmony to get re-balanced to be worth it

    Sounds like a plan. Hopefully, it won't take many more iterations. I think the recent use of open betas really helped.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 24, 2013, 12:52:59 PM
    I have downloaded and tested your mod and i must say that you did a very good job! From slight changes to just plain insanity i can have everything i want and more, and the way you sorted the traits is very smart and looks pretty good too !
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    11 years ago
    Aug 26, 2013, 7:15:49 PM
    Thought of something while playing Leto's mod.

    Is it possible to add a moon to home planet through traits? What about a temple? Guarantee your homeworld will have temple of your choice... hmm.
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 26, 2013, 9:54:47 PM
    My initial code dive did not turn up anything that can control resource, moon, temple placement. But hopefully the devs will be able to clarify. I messaged them about other possible commands beyond the one that places anomalies.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 27, 2013, 9:36:28 PM
    System size is determined by the Galaxy Generator using a system of weights. There's a special set of instructions in there for each faction's home system. There's no way I know of to affect the Generator using traits, but I will keep in mind to look out for any such possibilities.
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    6 years ago
    Mar 4, 2019, 3:03:09 AM
    bigbantha wrote:
    Dabooma wrote:

    Maybe I'm stupid... but... where is the download link? Can someone post it? 

    You're right, it's gone. I think I may have a copy of it on me, if so, I'll post it here

    EDIT: Got it:


    Thanks for the link/re-upload!

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