Hi everyone,

It has now been 3 weeks since we officially released Endless Legend. Thanks again for your involvement, warm words, constructive criticism to help us make this game a success. It has been a challenging adventure, and the release has allowed us to catch our breath and lick our wounds for a few days. We have not been idle, though, and have continued tracking the technical issue to allow you all to play the game in good conditions.

But as we stated in the past, release was just a stage in the life cycle of the game, so it is time to speak of the future.

First of all, a new patch is imminent, which will incorporate fixes on the gameplay, AI, typos, more of a collection of small items than a big change. But I am confident the release note will be impressive as usual.

Next, the first step for modding will be released. The system is here, along with the UI to select/activate a mod, and it allows to override the full simulation, AI, and GUI bitmaps to create new city improvements, new factions and traits, overhaul the tech tree with new icons, and tune the AI. What we want to achieve before we release it is a set of examples to guide you in the process of creating mods. You can expect to get this first version of modding in a matter of weeks, as soon as our modding instructions and samples are ready. Depending on the success of modding, we will extend it to incorporating new 3D models and textures.

After that we are going to work on free add-ons and expansions, much like what we did for Endless Space.

The focus right now is on a free add-on which we want to release before the end of this year. In order to be efficient, we have restarted our agile process with 2-weeks sprints, meaning that it will be difficult to deliver intermediate versions of the add-on before it is all done and reviewed by the VIP and our QA. Also we want to make a consistent package for each add-on (as we did on Endless Space) rather than a series of smaller updates.

Here is a list of the subjects we will process during the development of the coming add-ons. It is possible that not everything will fit in it, and that we will have several add-ons.

  • Some cool stuff involving weapon visuals (I cannot say more)
  • Advanced world generation options, as well as fixing the remaining generation issues on the exotic operating systems
  • New outgame view (the 3d scene behind the menus)
  • New side quests
  • A new minor faction
  • Advanced notifications (idle cities, unassigned heroes, end of pillars, etc.)
  • Loading tips to clarify some deep game mechanics which cannot be explained in the tutorial
  • Market improvement
  • Battle UI improvement
  • AI War management: attack (more parallel attacks, opportunistic interceptions)
  • AI War management: defence (more units in garrison, regrouping of armies inside cities, better frontier defence)
  • AI War management: threat evaluation and region scoring (threat of rising players, minor factions, mission interruption)
  • AI Empire Plan Management: avoid hurting the economy to achieve higher tiers at all costs
  • AI Resource Management: tweaks and tuning, better use of luxury boosters
  • AI Overall Balancing: tech priorities, improve militia
  • And more AI improvements on Battle, Unit Design, and Economy

Thanks for your attention.
