Releasing on Steam Early Access: April 24th

Hello Everyone

I wanted to give you a bit more info about the content you will have with the Early Access, and especially what will be missing and added as we near the final release.

Before we start, let me share with you what we are aiming at with this Alpha Early Access:

Our main goal with this Early Access is to prove the core game loop to players, hence why the alpha focuses mainly on the core game mechanics. We are planning to add or improve the game layer by layer, one after the other, over the course of the Early Access.
Yet, in order to get good feedback, usable feedback, the game must be fun and stable. Or else, all we will get is feedback from “frustrated” players, which definitely does not tend to be constructive.

smiley: warning That being said, please note that you will have bugs, and the game you will play is only an initial attempt at some form of balance.

Fortunately together, we will reach perfection for final release!

What content you will find in this Alpha - Early Access
  • You can play any game with up to 5 AI players but only on continental maps. Boats will be added later
  • 4 factions out of 8 are available for you to choose from
  • 10 minor factions out of 15 to be incorporated to your empire
  • 4 eras and around 100 technologies to get from quests and research
  • Military victory condition
  • A few sample quests on top of the main Faction Quests
  • A 200-turn time limit after which the best score will win
  • A core AI that will simulate a bunch of leaders who probably skipped way too many courses and instead went brawling in their youth
  • Therefore, with such leaders we only went for basic diplomacy
  • A first pass at music and sound design; all soundtracks will be re-recorded later
  • The core battle system

What is missing
  • 4 additional playable factions (8 in the final game) and 5 additional minor factions (15 in the final game)
  • Multiplayer gameplay (8 players / simultaneous turns)
  • Custom factions and modding
  • Advanced AI for diplomacy, economy and warmongering
  • Naval transportation and map generation with several continents
  • Roads and Trade Routes
  • 2 additional Research Eras for a total of 6, with up to 40 extra technologies
  • Fully functional Diplomacy
  • A tutorial campaign
  • Additional victory conditions
  • Additional battle options
  • Varied unit abilities
  • Finished battle system
  • Lots of tuning and additions coming from players participating with us in GAMES2GETHER.

smiley: warning Another very important thing that you need to keep in mind is that your game saves will most likely not be compatible at each new release. We know this can be very frustrating, but at this early stage, there is still a lot of content for Endless Legend that will be added/changed.