Hello Everyone,

Here comes a great, stressful time for us, we are getting naked in front of all of you... We are starting to share with you, today, our design documents for Endless Legend.

As you may know a core team of players, that we call the VIPs, already had a first pass on these documents, so we could already address some of the biggest issues. As there are a lot of documents, and we need to clean up a bit to remove obsolete designs, we will hand them to you over the course of the next coming months.

The first documents will be mostly high level, and should raise more questions, than bringing real concrete answers, but we'll need to start there to make the vision clear to everyone, before we can start digging, deeper and deeper.

Feel free to use these threads in order to ask us any question you need to better understand the game, we'll do all we can to answer them.

Endless Legend, being so big, covering the evolution of your tribe over the course of a few hundred years, we will need you to help us make it the perfect fantasy civilization building game.

Be creative, but most of all be active, don't be afraid to ask or to propose anything, as long as it is on topic.
Make sure we don't forget something while we create the game. The game can only be amazing if we make it together, and half a million brains is always better than 20. I love to state the obvious!

As we disclose more about the game, there will be a lot to discuss, game design is one thing, but character design is another one, maybe you will be more interested by the music, the AI, the scenario without forgetting the game balance. Anyway you will decide what you want to contribute to, and as usual when we'll face many good choices, we'll ask you to cast your vote, to pick the right one!

Thank you all for joining us on that exciting phase!

The Game Design Documents are available here:
