Hi everyone,

A bit of news from the trenches! We have finished our last sprint last Tuesday, and are now in the process of converging to a new version. We hope to release this version as a branch which can be downloaded on Steam (instructions will be provided), hopefully tomorrow Friday 20th. We are finalizing the version for tonight, to give our QA a full pass tomorrow to validate the build.

Although what have worked to remove critical / blocking bugs, we know this branch will contain bugs and room for polish. But since we understand you are eager to see what’s up with the game, the build is delivered in a branch to avoid breaking the experience for the less adventurous players.

In terms of content, you will be provided with a release note tomorrow. What I can tell right now, is that there are numerous improvements on Battle, Diplomacy, Gui, AI. Rumor has it, multiplayer could be in for tomorrow. Well, I guess you will just have to wait to see if this is just a rumor. Also I have heard people talking about a fifth faction available, something to do with magic. Who knows? smiley: stickouttongue

In terms of production, we are now fully focused on finalizing the beta version of the game, with more factions, confirmed multiplayer, it should be available beginning of July if all goes well. We have also increased the AI team to 5 programmers, with the addition of 2 new senior AI programmers. Their main focus will be the battle AI and the military high level AI.

More info coming tomorrow!

smiley: amplitude