
We're getting closer and closer to a public update for Endless Legend. smiley: draw Once again, if you have missed the explanation from Mathieu, our CEO, on the update delay, please check it out. We are working on so many different things that I'll try to keep you informed with short blog posts like these.

So what's on the menu for today? The transportation system! smiley: smile


In Endless Legend, for ocean travel to be available, the player will have to research the “Ocean travel” technology. Once that technology is discovered, armies will be able to embark/disembark, and ocean trade routes will be available.

Ports can be made only on exploited water tiles. They will be used to embark/disembark more easily, and to create ocean roads.
There can be only one port per region.

Embark / Disembark
  • With armies, you can click on the water to “embark” near any water tile without cliffs in between, then select a destination water tile (also without cliffs in between). It will move the army onto the water tile, transformed into a ship
  • Embark will deplete all the remaining water movement points of the army

  • With armies in ships you can click on the map to “disembark” near any land tile without cliffs in between, then select a destination land tile (without cliffs in between). It will move the army onto the land tile, transformed back into a normal army
  • Disembark will deplete all the remaining land movement points of the army

Please note that this is only a first version.

Ship properties
Ships can contain the same number of units than other armies
  • You can merge ships’ contents
  • You can split ships’ contents
  • Empty ships (or with hero only) will disappear, the same way armies do

Ships can move only between two water tiles. Their only new map action is “disembark”

  • Units use a different movement attribute on water. That new attribute will be affected by different bonuses than for land movement
    • All units will start with the same sea movement value


The Ocean Travel technology will allow the creation of Port improvements. Ports can be made only on exploited water tiles.

Connecting ports
  • Ocean roads must go from one port to another.
  • There must be a valid path between the ports, passing through water tiles inside the 2 concerned regions and 1 ocean region max.

If such a road can be made, then trade routes can be made across the Cities of those two Ports. Unlike land roads, ocean roads will need the 2 ports to be created (no half-roads), and they will disappear immediately if one of the corresponding ports is destroyed.


Taken in Unity (real time)

The Wild Walkers