Hey there,

Later this week (November 14th), we will be releasing our fifth free add-on (already?!) for Endless Space: Disharmony:

"The Search for Auriga".

Amongst other interesting features, the add-on will include some new narrative events triggered by the introduction of a new unique planet: Auriga..! These are triggered by several types of game events and are either sent to the system owner or everyone. They also aim at telling the story of the evolution of Auriga throughout the game.

Actions that will trigger those events:
  • Discovery of the system
  • Colonisation of the system
  • Colonisation of the planet
  • Capture of the system
  • Depleted system
  • Purified system
  • Razed system
  • Terraformed planet
  • Explored Moon
  • Restored wonder

We don't want to spoil the surprise too much, but here's a little preview:

The star around which the legendary planet Auriga orbits has been discovered!

The system that holds the famous planet Auriga has been colonized!

Colonized by a greedy faction, the planet Auriga has been depleted of its resources and its once-rich surface is now an over-exploited wasteland.

Tomorrow, you will find out what Auriga and the wonder look like so stay tuned! smiley: smile