Hi everyone,

Later today, around 7pm CET (we are in France!), we will be releasing "Disharmony" on Steam. smiley: smile As a reminder, the expansion pack will be available for $9.99 / €9.99 and requires the base game of Endless Space.




  • Added Steam Trading Cards for Endless Space
  • Added 14 new Steam achievements [G2G]
  • Updated tutorials
  • Added lobby messages for multiplayer management between Classic and Disharmony versions
  • Add information in the data of multiplayer sessions to know the host's current Expansion Pack
  • New button to switch from Disharmony to Classic (and from Classic to Disharmony)
  • Current Expansion Pack and current mod are now saved to be activated automatically when launching the game again
  • The client that can't connect to a server from an invitation due to a problem of Expansion Packor mod is now blocked in the main menu screen with an error message
  • Changed loading screens
  • Invalid custom factions are not removed from player directory. The player can still edit them to repair them
  • The new growth calculation has been improved when loosing population on systems
  • Option to survey all moons (empire management screen)
  • Option to reduce all anomalies (empire management screen)
  • Golden Age feature for the Pilgrims' Fleet Errant
  • Adding Automaton ships models [G2G]
  • Saves compatibility with previous version 1.0.67
  • Added Sheredyn affinity: Battle Stasis [G2G]
  • Added Automaton and Sheredyn intro movies
  • Updated victory screens for Sheredyn
  • Added Coloured anomalies mod into the game *based on the mod of [Luminality]*

  • Fixed a bug reported by community on Escalating Event
  • Fixed an error raised when a fleet start moving while the user is not in the galaxy view
  • Fixed the bug with Steam overlay and Shift key
  • Fixed: BattleAction_WeaponOverlock now compares military power with the so far highest mp (instead of comparing to 0)
  • Fixed AI bug: Attack are cancelled when loading a saved game
  • Fixed an issue with blockade
  • Fix: the player could not invade a system when the enemy AI system border is close to the player's border while in the cold war diplomatic status
  • Fix: the title remains stuck on End Turn action if the user assigns a hero to a system from Academy window
  • Fixed various desynchronizations


  • Added the Official Artbook

Ship design:
  • Small hulls cost increased from 30 to 40 and large hulls from 400 to 500
  • Added Hull effects which are different for each faction
  • Added new notion of ranges among categories of weapons
  • New special slot system in ship design
  • New modules Fighters and Bombers
  • New modules Troops
  • Notion of module archetype and specialization
  • Modules can be damaged and repaired
  • Added feedback for the invasion MP
  • Increased all module costs by 35%
  • New modules Bombs
  • Updated Template of the Pirate's ship design
  • Nano repair has been switched with Armour: Armour is unlocked from the start and Nano Repair is in a technology
  • New module defence points
  • Increased limit of ship design from 10 to 20

  • AMAS (AI-Diplomacy) with new attitude reports
  • New option to disable technology exchange

  • General update on sound bank and FX for ships in battle
  • Two new battle musics
  • One new galaxy ambiance music

  • Updated all Hero ability trees
  • 5 new heroes: Harmony, Automaton, Dust Collective, Virus and Pilgrim [G2G]
  • Heroes can now level up to level 25

  • Increased pre battle timer from 30 to 45 seconds
  • From now on, attack action will target the most powerful fleet in orbit (inverted the sort order, and ignored the guard state)
  • Update of pre-battle panel
  • Battle Formation
  • Battle Targeting
  • Fighters & Bombers (tiny ships) effects in manual battle:
  • Behaviours occur during rounds which are parallel to the phases
  • The camera can focus on a random squadron
  • The camera can focus on some key points on an assault trajectory
  • The camera can focus a zone used during the melee sequence
  • Realization: the camera will focus alternatively ships and squadrons according to a given ratio
  • Added a Camera follow to the already existing Free Camera
  • The player is now able to switch back from freecam to director cam (3D battle view)
  • A Hide HUD button is implemented
  • Update on damage formula
  • Update of battle report overview info
  • [/LIST]

    • Razing system feature (as an improvement) [G2G]
    • Pillage system feature (as an improvement)
    • New option to build improvements with a fixed number of turns and no industry costs
    • The growth is now frozen when the system is building a ship containing civilian module or when the player is colonizing a new planet inside the system

    • Harmony ship models [G2G]
    • Harmony faction [G2G]
    • Specific Diplomacy technology tree
    • Affinity Harmony: Freeze bank account, no approval, tax rate on food VS science, no access to Academy, local penalty when colonized planets generates Dust, purifying power
    • Disharmony: FIS penalty depends on the number of impure systems
    • Disharmony penatly is related to the Game Difficulty

    • New invasion actions to send troops or bombs on system
    • Those special actions appears only when siege is active
    • Added Land invasion and bombardment arts in the reports
    • Ship tool-tips in galaxy view display special slots and invasion military power

    • Warfare technology tree re-factoring
    • Added 3 unique technologies for each faction in order to strengthen their unique play-style
    • Added Sheredyn faction technologies

    • Modified some Battle Card effects
    • Mods are linked to an Expansion Pack
    • For modding, new possibility to add effects during the construction of an improvement thanks to the tag "ConstructionDescriptors"
    • Reduced Bushido Length
    • Add default Defence Anti-aircraft on Colonial Base to avoid division by 0
    • Added Intro event for Disharmony
    • Added Disharmony only credits

    • Battle card Power Convergence temporary disabled: needed until a proper fix
    • Aware of performance issues / freezes due to various additions of previously described features and we are still improving the build for further updates!
    • Known bug: visual issue with the resource that can be required for a module. Even if the resource is accessible, if something else prevents the module to be added the resource icon will remain crossed out
    • Feedback still Work In Progress, such as "Golden Age", or "Purify System" in the Galaxy view (amongst other features)

    Release notes