Hey guys,

I hope you liked the hero we revealed yesterday. Today, we'll share with you something that several players have been requesting for a little while:
  • Rally Points
  • Repair
  • Scrap

These have been introduced in the game to reduce micro-management, especially in end-game. When a rally point has been created between two systems, all the ships created in the system of origin will automatically go to the chosen system. There is however no automatic way to merge fleets, so we are leaving the choice to the player. In case of an attack, ships will however auto-merge in a defensive way.

The player can at any time display the existing rally point by pressing CTRL. To create some, they will have to:
  • Maintain CTRL
  • Click on the system of origin that you own
  • Click on the system of destination where you are allowed to go (either yours, or a friendly system)

Warning! The system of origin can be the starting point of only one rally point (several destinations allowed on one though).

The repair button, as the name suggests, allows you to repair a ship or fleet, without going through the retrofit. It will cost you Dust, calculated thanks to the amount of missing hull points, as well as the amount of fighters/bombers destroyers, or the population to replace the missing troops.
You will only be able to execute this repair action while orbiting around a system that you own at 100%, to avoid the unstoppable: invasion => repair => moving towards new system => repeat.

Keep in mind that the Harmony can't repair with Dust so they default repair rate is doubled!

When you scrap a ship, a fleet or an improvement, you receive a compensation in terms of Dust. This will allow you to get a little bit better in case you are facing a bankruptcy!

I hope you're all ready for the add-on. Reminder: November 14th! smiley: cool