Happy (early) Halloween everyone!

You all know how candies are bad for your teeth. Therefore, we think that it would be for your own good to stay home and play Endless Legend instead of trick or treating...Just kidding obviously.  What's true however is that we have released an exciting Halloween Mini Add-On for you. Here's what it includes:

  • Modding support, more info on this can be found HERE
  • A new side quest
  • A new Broken Lord hero and an item
  • Various bug fixes



  • Added the mod support
  • Added a new side quest unlocking a new Broken Lords' Hero and a new item
  • Reduced base XP gain per turn on Hero as Governor from 3 to 2 (now identical to XP gain on Hero as Leader)


  • Fixed an issue where the host receives an unskippable assert during a session
  • Fixed an issue where the player receives an assert message and remains stuck in combat after ending the targeting phase


  • Fixed an issue where the AI does not take the Founder's Memorial improvement into account
  • Fixed an issue where the AI factions do not build Watchtowers
  • Fixed an issue where the village dust ray indicator from the quest "Too Many Chiefs" does not disappear when the quest is failed
  • Fixed an issue where custom factions with the "Make Trade Not War" trait were asked to declare war in a side quest
  • Fixed an issue where armour quest items were Tier 2 instead of Tier 4
  • Fixed an issue where quest items makes Tier 3 items obsolete (because effects are not always better)
  • Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages main chapter 8 cannot be completed
  • Fixed an issue where the custom Cultists affinity factions without "Weapons of the Enemy" trait cannot raze captured cities
  • Fixed an issue with custom Vaulters improvements that could be build multiple times
  • Fixed an issue with the "Strength of the Vault" tech position when used in a custom faction
  • Fixed an issue where the technology allowing to explore again ruins does not reset the FX and 2D icon
  • Fixed an issue where some buildings show completion in 1 turn regardless their position in the queue
  • Fixed an issue where the minor factions can be assimilated in colonised regions even when never discovered
  • Fixed several text issues

Have fun!