Hey there,

The faction creation competition is now over and with Endless Legend now in Beta and we're getting closer and closer to the release. You must know that despite all the features we would love to work on, we sometimes need to take a decision. Indeed, we need to prioritise the improvements we want to make on the game, Here's a link to all the community suggestions that have been made with comments and a status from our team.


The faction creation competition officially ended yesterday and we would like to thank all of you for never ceasing to surprise us. When we launched it a few weeks ago now, we were almost overwhelmed! We had no idea we would have that many participants and that the entries would be that awesome. We all had our personal favourites at the office and sometimes even campaigned for them!

Quest 1: the faction biography
Winner: Nosferatiel smiley: empirepoint

Quest 2: the Cultists hero, units and city
Winner: Telum smiley: empirepoint

Quest 3: the Cultists logo and ship
Winner: adazu smiley: empirepoint

We're already in contact with our winners (except adazu, but we'll contact you very soon! smiley: biggrin) and have started working with them on the faction's gameplay and concepts. Hopefully, I'll be able to publish a little sneak peek sometime. smiley: smile


Here's the priority vote that I have mentioned above: of course, we will do our best to implement the listed features, but only the winner should be available for the release of the game and we're asking you to make that choice.

Endless Legend Feature Priority
Choose one of the Endless Legend dev team's priorities, that will be implemented before the release of the game: