Hi everyone,

We just wanted to share some pictures we have taken during the BEER2GETHER we had at the office on February 28th (2014!). We had a really nice day with the playtesters we invited from France but also from abroad (Poland, the United States and Ireland); they seemed delighted about Endless Legend and we have collected some really interesting feedback! Bonus: if our plyatesters had something in particular they wanted to discuss, we would simply ask the programmer / designer who worked on the feature to explain their goal and how they could improve it.

In the evening, we then held our Beer2Gether and had the opportunity to meet plenty of new faces: from the forums, other gaming studios in Paris, but also a bunch of students looking to work in the gaming industry. We gave away some T-shirts, had a few drinks and it was overall a really fun day.

Thank you all for coming and if you didn't make it, you know there'll always be another occasion. smiley: smile

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