Hey guys and gals!

The time has come to decide which of the three most popular dilemmas selected last week will make it into the game! The third spot in these finals was very contested, thanks to all participants and voters!

Here are the contenders (event effects have been preliminarily balanced by quaedam, the description of the winner will be edited by Slowhands):

First Contact by Hiyouren

An unknown fleet has just entered one of our systems, and their crescent models match no known Empire. Despite warnings they don’t show any signs of response, and are instead looming near an Endless wreck...

Blast ‘em: After hailing them failed, the vessels were considered hostile and engaged. Unfortunately this led to a few new holes in the Endless wrecks. Though the fleet was recycled for Dust.
-5%  on Empire (10 turns)
+Minor Militarist Ideology increase (10 turns)
+10  on Empire (10 turns)
+10 Ship XP on existing ships

Message at the beep:In the end it was they who contacted us. Survivors of a dead marsupial race, only a few tens in number now. They offered to aid us in patrols in exchange for food.
+15%  on Empire (10 turns)
-5%  on system (10 turns)
A Minor Faction fleet joins your Empire

Disabled Parking:After ordering the intercepting fleet’s commander to deal with the matter, they launched EMP torpedoes at the Aliens and called in some civilian tugs to haul the ships out of the system – someone else’s problem now.
+Moderate Pacifist Ideology increase (10 turns)
+ 20 XP on one Hero
+10%  on Empire (10 turns)

Mysterious Plague Ship by electronben

A ship is detected entering your system on a collision course with the sun. Your scientists discover that the ship contains a civilization who have been infected with a deadly plague, and are trying to destroy it before it spreads through the galaxy.

Leave the ship alone:Quarantine the system and allow the race to nobly sacrifice themselves to eradicate the plague. Your people celebrate their sacrifice throughout your empire.
Religious Ideology increase (10 turns)
+15%  on Empire (10 turns)
-10%  on Empire (10 turns)
No ship construction on system (10 turns)

Salvage the technology:Disassemble the vessel and learn from its secrets. A few people getting sick is nothing compared to the value contained inside.
Scientific Ideology Increase (10 turns)
+10%  on Empire (10 turns)
-10%  production across empire (10 turns)
+1 random technology

Weaponize the ship against your enemies:Your enemies deserve no mercy! Re-route the ship's course to infect your enemy's empire.
Militarist Ideology Increase (10 turns)
+10%  on Empire (10 turns)
-10%  on Empire (10 turns)

Hear my last cry by Epikuros

What looked like a huge asteroid approaching one of your system's stars turned out to be a fragment of an ancient planet that burst ages ago. What makes it different are the remains of strange alien structures over it. What will you do before the asteroid burns in the star?

Forgotten Science:Send a team of scientist to get as much as they can of that structure.
One science technology discovered

Pay respect to the past away:While is safe, make tours to visit and know more about who lived there. Also make some dust out of it.
+10%  on Empire (10 turns)
+20  on Empire (10 turns)

Let the dead rest in peace:What happened in that planet was not a natural thing. Some things are better left undisturbed and just learn of what we can observe from the distance.
+10%  on Empire(10 turns)
+10  on Empire(10 turns)

The lucky winner will receive the following:

  • Your name in the game credits.
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt that will be the envy of your friends.
  • Two copies of the game when it comes to Early Access, for you and a friend! 

That's it!

Vote here: GAMES2GETHER .