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3 years ago Apr 21,2022, 14:15:48 PM

The DaVinci Event and Vitruvian Update

9 351 Views

When we launched Humankind, we already knew we wanted to support the games for a long time with free updates. Today, we are releasing the next of these, the Vitruvian Update. As a recap, here are the main improvements included in this update: 

  • Notifications can now be set to not automatically expand even if the ribbon is open 
  • Improved the tenet screen to make picking a Historic Religion easier and enabled the AI to do so 
  • Restricted Builder and Scientist active abilities to one city at a time, increased payout of Aesthete and Merchant active abilities 

You can read the full patch notes here.

In addition to the update, we are launching the DaVinci event, another set of in-game challenges that let you unlock a new persona to play against: None other than Leonardo DaVinci himself! Since DaVinci was a remarkable artist, engineer, and “natural philosopher,” the challenges are focusing on these themes.  

The event runs until May 16th, and on this occasion you will have both chapters available to complete from day 1.  

Chapter 1: 

  • Science and Industry: Own a city netting over 1000 Industry and 1000 Science per turn 
  • Machines of War: Destroy the fortifications on 10 tiles during the same game. 
  • Flight of Birds: Own a Biplane as an Early Modern Era Culture. 

Chapter 2: 

  • Live with Passion: Max out all 4 Ideology Axis, on either side.
  • Eternal City: Own a city with Cultural Wonders from all six eras 
  • La Serenissima: As Venetians, trigger the Science End Condition 

As usual, completing each chapter will unlock player symbols and decorations for you to use, while completing both will earn you the Leonardo DaVinci persona.  

We hope you will enjoy this new challenge, and the improvements of the Vitruvian Update. If you want to know more about what else we have in mind for Humankind in the next few months, be sure to check out the post about What’s Next. We’ve already started working on many points on that list, like the improved War Support and Surrender system for example, and if you look closely at the previews for the Vitruvian Update, you might even spot a few teasers... 

Have fun, 

The Amplitude Team 

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 12:12:10 PM
MCFisher wrote:

Problem with La Serenissima:  I've completed it twice now but it hasn't been recognized for the event, I've also completed Flight of birds and Machines of War in the same game which were recognized, so it isn't a problem with the connection to G2G. I even loaded a save game and completed it again but still not recognized. 

Have you researched all endgame techs? This may sound like stupid question, but a lot of players are used to civ ways and in HK space race isn't the same end game condition as scientific one.

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 3:51:37 PM

For Machines of War you can use nukes at the end, worked for me, no need to bother with siege engines or ships. Just build satellite projects to have vision on targets, DOW and send a couple of well placed nukes a few turns before researching the final required tech and done.

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2 years ago
Apr 30, 2022, 4:11:06 AM
Dale_K wrote:

So, for the people like myself who are waiting for you to fix the game first before playing it again, will we get access to these events later?

Because if not, that's pretty god damn dog. And why I hate these types of FOMO event.

I mean, that sounds like a you problem... Why should the devs be catering to people who are actively choosing to not play the game?

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2 years ago
May 3, 2022, 8:54:38 PM
verdebloom wrote:
JerrievanHidermand wrote:

Does "destroy fortification" include ransacking,or bombardment only?And does it mean garrison district only?

Any answers?

From my point of viewn, I made the battle in manuel and destroy complety the walls with siege machine

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2 years ago
May 6, 2022, 7:17:39 AM

Just Curious about the Da Vinci event. Will it be like the Holi one and as long as we complete 3 objectives total, then when the dead line hits we can still unlock everything. Its just that I love this game but I work a lot and so can only play recreationally. . . . .seems a lot to shoot for with maybe half an hour to an hour a day.

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2 years ago
May 7, 2022, 11:01:03 AM
DNLH wrote:
Qscaxz wrote:
"Flight of Birds" requires that you pick a science culture to able to research the techs of the next era, as the Biplane tech is in the industrial era.

I can confirm that you just need an Early Modern Era culture (transcended), as I got it as Industrial Venetians.

Thanks, I was wondering if I could just transcend to do it.

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2 years ago
May 17, 2022, 7:25:47 PM

I've appreciated that the 2 chapters were released at the same time, with chapter 2 being somewhat more "end game" challenges than chapter 1.

I do like challenges that force us to maybe not play as we are used to - I'm still ramping up the difficulty, so I usually end the game way ahead of AI players and with no need for advanced military units, so this game I discovered how air military are working :oops:

One thing to consider also for these events, especially when timed, is that all challenges shall be doable in only one game for those who are extremely slow at playing or don't have much time to play, even with not optimal culture picks.

Overall, I felt less "overwhelmed" by these challenges than with the previous event. Even on blitz speed, I didn't had time to try to make the AI behave one way or another, or to play several games to earn 40000 stars (all stars each era is 4500x6 fame, so at least 13000 to find elsewhere - is it even doable in one single game?).

Updated 2 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 5:49:40 PM
These are some nice and fun challenges, albeit fairly easy ones this time after Holi Event. :)

The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Eternal City: Own a city with Cultural Wonders from all six eras

Based on this one I want to assume that Wonder-Full achievement in Steam is not bugged anymore.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 2:28:07 PM
CapitaoRolinho wrote:

So, do we have both chapters available since day 1, or will chapter 2 be released soon? You have both statements in the text

both chapters will be ablailable since day one (today)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 2:40:36 PM

I hope this is not time limited event, I am tired with FOMO. Can you please make it as a achievement reward instead? I want to enjoy this game casually, unlocking stuff while I play it over time.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 2:54:20 PM

Ughhhhh...  Not another FOMO event...  These "challenges" look like more painful grinding too.  What is so hard about just making a perfectly normal achievement-based event that people can play at their leisure?

And this comes on the heels of four other limited-time events.  You all do realize that people have lives outside of playing your game, right?

Or here's another idea: Add a cosmetic booster pack as a minor DLC containing a dozen or so new personas and borders/icons (think: the same scope and price as a minor Endless DLC), and people will probably PAY YOU a nominal fee for this stuff.  Seriously, there are LOTS of better ways to handle this than trying to be as bad as a cheap mobile game.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 2:57:19 PM

The challenges seem quite fine this time around, Flight of Birds and La Serenissima sound quite fun, the former makes me want to finally do my own, 'Poland can into space', self-imposed challenge, the latter will be kind of repeat of that with different culture.

I can sense Eternal City and Machines of War being two that would warrant a couple of Blitz speed games, but that's not bad, if not for challenges I wouldn't even think about playing Blitz and after playing some for Festival of Colors I think it's not as bad as I thought it to be.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 3:33:57 PM

If these events are meant to keep player retention, I'm sorry it's not working, the steam charts show the game is now having trouble breaking 1000 players and is getting ready to be overtaken by ES2 in player count.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 3:44:28 PM
nuyu wrote:

I hope this is not time limited event, I am tired with FOMO. Can you please make it as a achievement reward instead? I want to enjoy this game casually, unlocking stuff while I play it over time.

They confirmed on their streams that the cosmetics will be returning.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 3:50:02 PM
Barbaneth wrote:
nuyu wrote:

I hope this is not time limited event, I am tired with FOMO. Can you please make it as a achievement reward instead? I want to enjoy this game casually, unlocking stuff while I play it over time.

They confirmed on their streams that the cosmetics will be returning.

Yeah, but I'm sure it will be via another cringey FOMO event which really doesn't make things better.

Also, this event recycling plan comes with its own pitfalls.  If they keep recycling events, then there will be less time for new ones.  If they focus on new events, that's less time for recycling old events.  If they allow concurrent old/new events and keep adding new ones, after a few years they're eventually going to have so many old events that they'll have to run like 2-3 old events plus a new one in order to keep up with their content.  In short, the outcome of saying "oh, the cosmetics will be returning" will not be a net positive in the long run.  Either it will lead to there being less new content (which seems like it would upset the individuals at Amplitude who are insisting on pushing this silly event system), it will lead to them eventually phasing out old content anyway despite telling us not to worry because it will be available again, or it will lead to Humankind being an absolute mess of a game that constantly runs all sorts of events on any given day (like a low-effort F2P game).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 3:58:44 PM

This update was much needed. The notifications fix was the most needed of the provided patches.

Historic Religion, I'm embarrassed to say, did not discover them until two weeks ago. Loving the custom holy sites.

Looking forward to fixes in the war support system and city siege mechanics, it's most annoying for players to immediately retake cities the same turn you take them.

Caught a glimpse in the trailer at the 0:51 second mark of a neat addition: Satellites no longer requiring you to have a large amount of empty space in your empire. Curious to see if this works with Space shuttle launchpad too.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 4:55:53 PM
Judgemental_Soldier wrote:
Satellites no longer requiring you to have a large amount of empty space in your empire. Curious to see if this works with Space shuttle launchpad too.

Not sure that's the case, pretty sure you just need all that empty space at launch and can build the area up after it's done. I don't mind that, even if single launch center with all the stages buildable on top of it would kind of make more sense, but I would like to see a more convenient method for clearing out the land for it.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 4:56:52 PM

I don't see an active event in game...and I am not able to connect to Games2Gether in game now either.  I will try again and see if it works. 

I tend to agree on these events though...the time it takes to go through the steps to unlock tend to be vary tedious and time consuming.  Something I don't usually have that kind of time for, which is unfortunate as I'd love to be able to add Da Vinci to the Persona pool.

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