If you try to build a Maker's Quarter 2 tiles away from a Foggara (not adjacent, but with one tile in between), the UI will show that the food being exploited on the in-between tile will be removed/reduced. In fact, this does not happen, as you can exploit both food and industry on that in-between tile, assuming the terrain is appropriate. After construction is complete, both the FIMS view and the total city output confirm that the in-between tile is still generating food and industry (i.e. the previous UI tooltip was incorrect).

Repro steps:

- In an area made of stone/rocky fields, construct a Foggara

- Try to construct a Maker's Quarter 2 tiles away (with one tile in between Foggara and Maker's Quarter), but don't actually place it yet.

- Observe the FIMS UI when you hover over the potential Maker's Quarter location. See that it shows the food in the in-between tile will be reduced or removed.

- Place the Maker's Quarter and finish constructing it.

- Observe that the food was not reduced on the in-between tile, and that it still generates both food and industry.

Expected Result:
The FIMS UI when placing the Maker's Quarter should show the correct FIMS results. Otherwise, players will not be recommended optimal district placement.