I see extraneous era star indicator bars on the left of the screen. I see:

 Agrarian star with a goal of 12 and a current value of 11.

Aesthete star with a goal of 11980 and a current value of 10889. S

cientist start with a goal of 14 and a current value of 13. A

grarian star (yes, two of them) with a goal of 67 and a current value of 62. B

uilder start with a goal of 34 and a current value of 31. E

xpansionist star with a goal of 2 and a current value of 1. T

hese appear to be the era star goals of two games that I'm playing concurrently. I

 just switched from one loaded game where I was playing as the Achaemenid Persians at turn 126 to a different game (different map, etc) where I was playing as the Pama-Nyungan on turn 29. I loaded the save file for the latter while playing the game of the former. I had, just 10 minutes prior, loaded the former while playing the latter. In both cases I didn't quit to menu or to desktop, but loaded the other save file/game directly. I

 haven't tried to reproduce. I don't recall how many turns I performed after loading game 1 and before loading game 2. But I didn't complete any turns, or indeed do any actions, in game 2 before loading back to game 1.

I've added a screenshot of the bug and the other game's save file to the zip file before uploading. "

Empire 5" - save file for game 1. "

Achaemenid Persians Turn 126" - save file for game 2.