I am dark green, have two huge cities on new world. Have been at war with cyan and lime green for ages. Win both wars and enforce my demands, bringing my war score down to 0. Lime Green out of nowhere demands my two cities on new world (no reason given). I tell him to foxtrot oscar. He calls international crisis vote. Wins vote because cyan is his ally and has big influence. I now have choice to give him two of my finest cities or declare a surprise war and be a traitor, which is bullshit. I declare war. My warscore hasn't recovered from last war so is low (20 or so but losing 5 per turn because of unjust war and proximity). He placates me twice, and I lose war. He forces me to surrender takes both of my cities whilst my armies haven't even got a chance to move off the island. Absolute nonsense which has ruined a really fun run.