A bear attacked one of my stationed armies. After the bear attacked and died, the game seemed like it got hung up. It look a long time for the battle to resolve so I could go to the next turn, but it did eventually. Unfortunately, the defending army disappeared from the map and did not come back. What's even weirder is that although the army was no longer on the map, it was clearly still in the game. I could still select it from the military overview list or scroll to it by cycling through the other armies. I could even interact with it a little. Specifically, I could give it the order to skip a turn or station, which meant even though it was gone (and I couldn't give any other orders, like move), I could continue playing the game.

PS: I tried submitting the entire .zip file generated by hitting the "Bug Report" button in the game menu, but a message appeared during submission saying it was too big (over 10MB). I checked and rechecked, but the whole .zip file was only about 5.6MB. Uncompressed, it was about 27MB, but that's not what I tried to submit. Anyways, it seems like I can upload the saves at least, so that's what I did.