I gave out trade deals to all AIs I've met in the ancient era, but upon entering the classical era, decided to wage war against one of my neighbors, since they were getting too big. I took their capital (and attached outposts), which happened to contain all of their luxury goods. Now I keep getting notified of blockages to my trade network, and in the resource window, the goods I was originally buying from them are in red, telling me that I've purchased, for example, 4 ambergris from Green, but am not getting them because of supply blockages... when the reason I'm not getting them is because they were produced in the city that I took from them. the "poachers stealing the resources from me" is me. I'm the poacher. the game should update to account for changes in what the AI is able to trade, but doesn't, at least not for the poaching claims. and of course if I look in the trade window under blockages, there's nothing there.

of course this is only a minor bug, I'm still getting the resources I took, it's just the game's also expecting to be getting some from the AI that is no longer capable of selling the resources, and keeps trying to tell me there's a problem with my AI trade network.

(also, I tried to attach the diagnostics zip like asked, but was given the warning that it was "too big", and that I should only upload stuff under 10MB - it's only 9MB lol. you probably shouldn't need it, though)