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Endless Space done. Now, Freelancer?

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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 1:50:29 AM
I have yet to find a game that was half as awesome as the original Privater.

I'm waiting for a company to get the mix of pilot/sandbox/story/Sci-fi mix right...

How about an "Endless Privater"...? smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 8:50:47 PM
How about something really really ambitious... I was wondering if we could do something similar to Freelancer and other T-Raid type games as far as setting (I mean maaaan the backgrounds, the dust clouds, why has nobody even come CLOSE to that kind of art) and using tactical "terrain" advantages (radioactive clouds etc, like in freelancer) but instead of stopping at command of a single dinky (but agile) starfighter we accelerate into command of ever larger and more powerful ships... all the way up to massive capital ships! but every ship has an inherent advantage too, fighters can hide without something to mask emissions, and have maximum manuverability, the lower class ships need a gas cloud, and the capital ships just can't hide. in the other direction, the capital ships can stop incoming fire and take large amounts of damage as well as mount close in defenses against fighters (which a good pilot can outmanuver, but at the cost of losing accuraccy of fire) wheras fighters cannot mount defense but rely on agility...etc. in addition to this a certain fluidity of command would be nice, the ability to return to piloting a fighter or a large cruiser... etc.

If we wish to become MORE ambitious we could start with military command of a fleet but do it in a tactical combat method, in other words, like Rainbow Six, you have control over multiple actors during battle, allowing the player to leap from fleet command to capital ship command, to dreadnaught and on down to squadron command, thus carrying out fighter strafing attacks on the enemy by the skin of their teeth and providing missle/beam support from capital ships. The ability to call down fire from the heavens so to speak given to fighters In THIS scenario you need a formidable enemy AI to deal with the skill of the player as the level of tactical adjustments would be incredible... especially if we provide players with the ability to use gas clouds and nearby stars to degrade targeting or to shut off everything but the life support and hide from an enemy (which leaves you open to fire) and Yeah, I am kinda ripping this off from a certain sci-fi series, but it is about TIME somebody made something with the high level of tactical and strategic depth available in that book series I'll leave you to guess which book series "admiralharrington" is ripping off, and figure out something less, copyright infringement-esque. Basically I crave a game where the combat works out real-time and does not turn for the biggest, or the most technologically advanced, but for the one who has set the best trap, the one with the best pre-game strategy...

But yeah, I'll go for another Freelancer, just please make it so it isn't buggy like the last one (I got frozen out of the quest and all the mods didn't fix it)

However, my contribution to a freelancer game is thusly, How about some traps (not just mines, but dropping a shoal of missiles into vaccuum and launching them at the approaching target) and the possiblity of calling in long range support....

Another idea, lightspeed limitations to weapons (if the target is a light minute away lasers have to guess where it will be in about a minutes time)

I guess, if we are going to do something "like" another game, people an just go buy the other game, we need to do better, and we need something new, put in something that hasn't been tried (the way sins of a solar empire did) and execute it well, and our little community will get a whole lot bigger very very fast.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 4:38:15 PM
Bah. Freelancer was fun, but there's one jewel of sci fi fun in far more dire need of revival: Homeworld!

Who's with me on that!?
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 4:19:03 PM
So the general direction is towards a space sim right? I haven't played a decent space sim for eons. And yeah Freespace 2 and Freelancer were so much fun... nostalgia... smiley: sadblue

Is such a project (space sim/trading game in ES' universe) going to be possible with Unity 3D?
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 12:51:02 PM
Armid wrote:
Freelancer, Starlancer... Can we send some love towards the X series also? smiley: small

Frankly I liked the setting and the economy about the X-series, but not so much the actual combat.

For a space economy simulation, you've got my approval for a X-series reference. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 11:59:02 PM
Armid wrote:
Freelancer, Starlancer... Can we send some love towards the X series also? smiley: small

No. But you cannot forget Wing Commander in this post surely - the game that started it all off? Wing Commander was sheer genius, I loved those Kilrathi and the relationships and enemy ships were something straight out of Battlestar Galactica. I still remember some of the missions.
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 10:44:51 PM
Freelancer, Starlancer... Can we send some love towards the X series also? smiley: small
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 5:21:53 AM
I say, that would make a suitable addition to my very small collection of timeless repayable games!
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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 1:23:52 AM
So, Amplitude guys... you gave me back those feelings I had playing MOO2 and Ascendancy back in the days with this (yet to be finished I know) Endless Space. And for that THANK YOU.

Now, if you were able to revamp my feelings making another Freelancer I'd come to France and personally kiss everyone of you. A chance you cannot miss! lol

PLEASE? smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 10:11:28 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Anyways, let's throw Starlancer and Freespace in the ring. smiley: stickouttongue

Such good choices. But I want another Freespace game more than anything. I still play FS2 from time to time. Take that, Shivans!

I really liked Freelancer. And when I discovered all the mods out there, the game just got better. Hardwar was pretty good. I played that a bit. Heck, I'd love to see another WC: Privateer done. The original rocked.
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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 3:50:14 PM
Why not "Traveller" noire also. Noire is for nice pics, multiplayer and still txt. Hehe I got toosmiley: redface big imagination eh
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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 12:58:39 PM
I'm confused. Do you want them to make the game or kiss them? I'm not sure of your ulterior motives, here... XD

Anyways, let's throw Starlancer and Freespace in the ring. smiley: stickouttongue
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