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What's Your Favorite PC Game to Play When You're Bored?

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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 11:57:48 PM
Nate388 wrote:
Civ V gives me some fun times smiley: smile

Although Civ IV is the most complete Civ III remains my favorite from the series among Alpha Centauri as spin off
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 2:29:34 AM
I used to play SubSpace: Continuum a whole lot. Clocked up ~3000 hours but I stopped playing like 5 years ago.

Nowadays I usually go to Team Fortress 2 or Counterstrike: Source when I'm not playing through an RPG or RTS (currently having lots of fun in Jagged Alliance 2 and Shogun TW 2)

FinalStrigon wrote:
What was wrong with Empires? I played the hell out of that game, too, and I never noticed any issues.

When it was first released until about half a year later, it had numerous bugs such as memory leaks (the game would freeze for longer and longer periods every time you selected a fleet), bad unit pathing (especially movement on fortress walls, but also cavalry units would break apart in every direction when ordered to charge), bad battle AI (often it just sat still and let you blast it apart with ranged attacks, and ignored you as you moved your entire army behind it to flank attack), bad campaign AI (it never ever launched ampibious invasions so the UK was basically a non-entity, and the AI didn't coordinate its alliances or wars so it would often declare war on you the turn after entering an alliance with you), and ridiculously long turn resolution times.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 2:53:54 AM
Panopticon wrote:
bad campaign AI (it never ever launched ampibious invasions so the UK was basically a non-entity

Ah, the non-amphibious invasions bug. How could I have forgotten that one. Good times, good times...
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 12:34:48 PM
Panopticon wrote:
When it was first released until about half a year later, it had numerous bugs such as memory leaks (the game would freeze for longer and longer periods every time you selected a fleet), bad unit pathing (especially movement on fortress walls, but also cavalry units would break apart in every direction when ordered to charge), bad battle AI (often it just sat still and let you blast it apart with ranged attacks, and ignored you as you moved your entire army behind it to flank attack), bad campaign AI (it never ever launched ampibious invasions so the UK was basically a non-entity, and the AI didn't coordinate its alliances or wars so it would often declare war on you the turn after entering an alliance with you), and ridiculously long turn resolution times.

Ah, that would explain it. I must have bought it after it was updated. Because I know that late into my US campaign, for some reason, the Marathas were invading my newly acquired Canadian holdings. This was following numerous declined diplomatic proposals with them asking for the territory. What on earth they wanted with Canada I'll never know, but I showed them the door...I haven't noticed those other issues either, so, yeah, I must have missed that period of the game having all those issues.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 1:11:04 PM
When I am bored I usually buy a new game to play (and then regret it a few hours later).
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 11:44:20 AM
nats wrote:
When I am bored I usually buy a new game to play (and then regret it a few hours later).

Yeh, i know that feeling.

I usually play Counterstrike: Source. Im not sure why i always go back to it because it infuriates me to no end, but i guess im just not quite right in the head smiley: sweat
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 4:31:26 PM
For pure boredom, league of legends or dota 2.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 5:46:34 AM
Nomas wrote:
Although Civ IV is the most complete Civ III remains my favorite from the series among Alpha Centauri as spin off

HAH! so you do it to eh? I used Alpha Centauri as a spin off into Endless space when I bought the game xD
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 8:11:26 AM
Well after a complete Civ game i used to go on a MOO game to continue the story lol till Alpha comes at least smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 3:51:54 AM
Hearts of Iron III where I organize armies, HQ and stuff. Good boredom killer, but haven't actually played it for some months now.
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 6:54:19 AM
Civ 5 is a great time killer. I always walk away thinking, 'alright that's enough, it's getting boring now,' but that being hours later. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 10:19:14 PM
League of Legends where I also partake as a wrenchman in the forums.

And tf2 is good for a laugh
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:08:03 PM
Killing Floor.

Used to be LoL and DOTA2 but hundreds-too-many adolescent keyboard jockeys put paid to that. In no other game – and I’ve been an online gamer ever since it was possible – have I ever encountered such a toxic player base. I am now of the opinion that if LoL & DOTA2 ceased to exist tomorrow we would send at least one form of internet cancer into remission right there.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:14:42 PM
defekt wrote:
Killing Floor.

Used to be LoL and DOTA2 but hundreds-too-many adolescent keyboard jockeys put paid to that. In no other game – and I’ve been an online gamer ever since it was possible – have I ever encountered such a toxic player base. I am now of the opinion that if LoL & DOTA2 ceased to exist tomorrow we would send at least one form of internet cancer into remission right there.

What do you mean by toxic player base? I can't speak for LoL, but I have some friends who play DOTA2, and I've been trying to get my hands on a way to get in and play with them.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:17:43 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
What do you mean by toxic player base? I can't speak for LoL, but I have some friends who play DOTA2, and I've been trying to get my hands on a way to get in and play with them.

Clearly not everyone is an asshat that plays those games, but by far and away they have the highest contingent of the said than any other online game I've experienced. If I could give you my DOTA2 pass you'd be most welcome to it.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:28:17 PM
defekt wrote:
Clearly not everyone is an asshat that plays those games, but by far and away they have the highest contingent of the said than any other online game I've experienced. If I could give you my DOTA2 pass you'd be most welcome to it.

Oh, I wasn't implying that you meant everyone was, just was curious as to what made you say that. Aside from Endless Space, I rarely interact with the communities of other games. ^^;; The most I do otherwise is checking the ME3 forums every now and then, looking for builds for classes.

And if you don't mind, that'd be awesome. PM it to me, whenever you feel like it. I'll owe you one.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:48:07 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
And if you don't mind, that'd be awesome. PM it to me, whenever you feel like it. I'll owe you one.

That's the thing, I'm not sure that I can pass it on; it's locked to my Steam account.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:55:11 PM
defekt wrote:
That's the thing, I'm not sure that I can pass it on; it's locked to my Steam account.

Oh, that key. I thought you meant you had one of those guest passes you could pass on. Sorry, I misunderstood you. ^^;
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 7:39:41 AM
I play the mass effect series (over 30 playthroughs )

or wargame: European escalation (this game is insanely hard..oO)
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:36:43 AM
Honestly, I still have Dragon Age: origins on my labtop via steam. Sometimes I just like making a new character and having a go when bored.

But if I had to go with a strictly on-line game that doesn't have to be 'played' half the time, and that is just random: EVE online.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:54:26 AM
To be honest, at the moment I just play ES when I'm bored but when I'm bored with round-based strategy games (though that rarely happens ^^) I tend to play games like Diablo or Torchlight...just something fast paced without too much to think about. smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:00:57 AM
If im bored I tend to browse Reddit for too long haha but recently I been playing older games when im bored or anything that is instant gratification, like BF3 or TF2 where I can kill many people in a matter of mins haha
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 1:28:50 PM
When bored... Hmm. It depends, really. Sometimes I'll launch Skyrim, remember that I either have to A) start from scrap or B) have become so powerful with my main char that it ain't funny anymore and quit the game. Most of the time, though, I'll log into X3: Albion Prelude and go crazy on the Earthlings with my modded Sirokos. Good times! 3smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:35:49 PM
Lately I've been jumping onto Tribes: Ascend fairly often. It's a good way to prove that you hate yourself, as you always seem to be on a team that has no idea what they're doing, versus a team that seems to be coordinating perfectly in everything they do.

Then again, this is a trend I see in any online shooter I play...So then I get frustrated, and jump on Endless Space or Skyrim.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:52:23 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I like Dota 2. Raging is fun.

smiley: biggrin

Gaah, I've been trying to get into that to play with some friends, but apparently I simply can't get invited or selected for a key...I never get beta access for games. ^^;; Endless Space has been the first time I've ever gotten into one.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:31:55 PM
Minecraft! The best thing to snap you out of boredom is building and having a impeding sense of fear from a simple hiss.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:02:28 PM
When I'm bored, I generally just surf between games, but then I generally get onto my Xbox and just sit there and talk with mates and then work up the energy to play gears 2 but that's not a PC game.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 12:14:43 AM
What's a pc game you specifically go to when you're bored of all your other stuff? I like X-Com: UFO Defense.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 9:34:06 AM
Recently bought Civ III ,that is one to play when I'm bored.Can stay there with interest for three or so hours.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:01:18 PM
adder wrote:
I play the mass effect series (over 30 playthroughs )

For the love of all that's holy, how many hours have you logged into it? oO
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:58:16 PM
Armid wrote:
For the love of all that's holy, how many hours have you logged into it? oO

Between all three ME games for me (countless playthroughs), I have to have several hundred hours. There have been entire weekends just spent playing the game, eating, playing, thinking about sleep, and playing some more...So I'd guess adder's would be around there.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:04:03 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Between all three ME games for me (countless playthroughs), I have to have several hundred hours. There have been entire weekends just spent playing the game, eating, playing, thinking about sleep, and playing some more...So I'd guess adder's would be around there.

To think I thought my 268 hours into Empire: Total War were bad. smiley: sweat

Well... thinking about it, I guess it was a pretty bad investment of time... Wonder if that game has been fixed by now. smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:10:29 PM
Armid wrote:
To think I thought my 268 hours into Empire: Total War were bad. smiley: sweat

Well... thinking about it, I guess it was a pretty bad investment of time... Wonder if that game has been fixed by now. smiley: confused

What was wrong with Empires? I played the hell out of that game, too, and I never noticed any issues.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:23:45 PM
Favorite game when bored would have to be: Altitude by Nimbly Games... I have logged over 450 hours on that little gem... For those interested in checking it out, it is on Steam, has an unlimited demo, & happens to be on sale for $2.49... Check it out! (Good for Anger Management too!)
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:26:22 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
What was wrong with Empires? I played the hell out of that game, too, and I never noticed any issues.

Well, I don't remember exactly since I haven't touched that game for months (if not 2 years).

I do remember several issues with forts though. The biggest issue was forts never being repaired, their walls always destroyed. Unless that was in Napoleon?

Anyways, Empire was loads of fun (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have spent so many hours on it), but it was more of a love/hate relationship than anything else! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:28:49 PM
Armid wrote:
Well, I don't remember exactly since I haven't touched that game for months (if not 2 years).

I do remember several issues with forts though. The biggest issue was forts never being repaired, their walls always destroyed. Unless that was in Napoleon?

Anyways, Empire was loads of fun (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have spent so many hours on it), but it was more of a love/hate relationship than anything else! smiley: smile

Ah. I never used forts, so I wouldn't be able to comment either way. And I never played Napoleon, simply because Empires spoiled me with being able to recruits US Marines. Never went back to another country after I found that out. ^^;;
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:45:04 PM
Armid wrote:
For the love of all that's holy, how many hours have you logged into it? oO

yeah alot of hours went into that game, the actual number doesn't really matter.

As long as I have a good time. ^^
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