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Facebook or no Facebook, a poll to see the pro- and con-factions on earth

Europe and Arctica - Pro Facebook
Europe and Arctica - Contra-Facebook
Asia and Oceania - Pro Facebook
Asia and Oceania - Contra Facebook
Africa and Middle East - Pro Facebook
Africa and Middle East - Contra Facebook
North and Middle America - Pro Facebook
North and Middle America - Contra Facebook
South America and Antarctica - Pro Facebook
South America and Antarctica - Contra Facebook
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 10:01:05 AM
Hm. If the poll were representative, we'd have less than 10% facebook-lovers in North and Middle America, but a whole third in Europe & Arctica? o_O

I always got quite the reverse impression. Maybe 4x-gamers in America are recruited out of contra-facebook people, only.
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 5:31:23 PM
I use facebook, but not very often due to the fact I just don't post anything, I mainly use it to chat with family.
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 10:30:56 AM
UK, anti-Facebook; but I am on it. I use it to keep in touch with all of my old Uni friends who are now spread far and wide (I was at Uni nearly 20 years ago).

As far as Facetube is concerned there is nothing contained therein that can identify who I am and IMO people who do include personal information are only asking for trouble later on. Bookface is not trustworthy, it is not your ‘friend’ and it only sees you as being an exploitable resource/consumer.

The number of real friends that I have number no more than the people I would ask to help me hide a body - and I wouldn’t ask them via Faceache!
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 12:27:21 AM
I use facebook to get material for my studies, that's where all the students from my university share their scripts

and so on. aside from that i dont use it and would like not to do so^^
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12 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 9:28:29 AM
Well,I was addicted for 10 minutes,then disgusted,never used the account for a few months,then deleted it smiley: biggrin(This was some time ago,I was young(er))


Edit 2:Bomb the server with an EMP smiley: biggrin

Edit 3:I deleted the account after a few months because I didn't know it could be deleted,there are more important things in life,like Space,I am addicted to space.Oh and cats and computers,and dogs and....
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12 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 2:37:09 AM
Haha that's very true, I often find myself joining fb groups with lecturers and tutors, something I would never dream of 5 years back. Still for more serious things nothing beats a physical 1-2-1 discussion in person :P but it's still so convenient.
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 2:04:11 PM
I voted for "Contra-Facebook" although I have a facebook-account, since my fellow students, lecturers, professors and even our examination office communicates way faster through facebook than by email, so I just had to adapt to that sadly. smiley: mad
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 1:52:30 PM
My years through the education system and my earlier beginnings of my career path have been with a very tight-nit group of friends (entire groups or grades knew each other well). That said, I use facebook for the sole purpose of connecting with people that I know personally around the world, and use the near strictest of privacy settings. :P
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12 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 8:11:14 AM
Calico wrote:
But well, that's just a story. Not representative at all. Social-Networking is just a mondern thing that everyone does. With a few exceptions.

The interesting thing is, that at least here, the majority of voters doesn't seem to do social networking or at least facebook.
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12 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 7:37:03 AM
adder wrote:
Facebook friends are no real friends.

You could as well write names on a piece of paper, and call those your friends.. smiley: sarcastic

I get that. The thing is, my sister, a "normal" FB user does not. She thinks that many of them are real friends (not even my sister is that naive and believes that all of them are)... until she really needs a friend and realizes that 99% of them can't be counted on when things get serious. And then she grabs the phone and calls the one guy that isn't on FB. Me.

But well, that's just a story. Not representative at all. Social-Networking is just a mondern thing that everyone does. With a few exceptions.
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12 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 7:26:13 AM
Facebook friends are no real friends.

You could as well write names on a piece of paper, and call those your friends.. smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 7:19:35 AM
Europe - contra facebook.

I'm hanging around in the internet for almost 20 years now, i'm too old for this "social-networking" stuff. Wait, i'm only 31. ok, not to old, i just hate it. Don't own a single FB, Twitter and co Account. And if the gods of the internet allow it, i will never make one.

My Sister has hundreds of FB Friends.... but when she had trouble, guess who she couldn't count on? right, her hundreds FB friends.
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 12:26:30 PM
I use it for communication and the occasional FB game, but i never have people i wouldn't like to talk to.
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 9:20:23 AM
I had a Facebook account a few years ago. Never was a fan of it, and I ended up deleting my account after 8-9 months. (For those who may be wondering, I'm a Yank living in Minnesota.)
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12 years ago
Jun 14, 2012, 9:21:06 AM
Many people here in germany have facebook, but also a really big portion doesn't have it. Me included.

Now what I'd like to know is very simple: Which region of the world is represented by the most pro-facebook people, in this forum, and which one by the most contra-facebook people?

I tried to cut the world into 5 regions each, just select if you're pro or contra facebook and your region.

Comments on usefulness and uselessness of facebook are encouraged. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 7:28:27 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
So I tried to make it a complete list of options (on earth, aboveground) for once.

Besides, It is very important to have the penguin's feedback on this on! smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 7:26:46 PM
Campana wrote:
I like the way you carefully included Arctica and Antarctica in the poll. Very thoughtful!

I've seen a few "where are you from"-threads, so far. They were always lacking some parts of the earth or someone complained that they weren't represented. So I tried to make it a complete list of options (on earth, aboveground) for once.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 7:24:41 PM
I like the way you carefully included Arctica and Antarctica in the poll. Very thoughtful!

I actually have two facebook accounts, one private for friends and family, and one using my online name to follow games I like, and accept random people I've never heard of as my friends. Neither account has a great deal of personal information on it. I've found fb useful for keeping in touch with people or finding people I wouldn't otherwise keep in touch with, but other than that I don't have much use for it.

If any employer was so crazy as to demand my fb password, I'd just make another fake account. Not that they would dream of doing that in a million years, but anyway.

I do have a policy of not having anyone from the workplace as fb friends.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 6:41:49 PM
I have facebook because everyone had it in highschool as it was trendy at the time and the addicting social games. Now I don't really have a reason to and the things I post that are exciting to me aren't exciting to other people I already know that aren't interested like say... Was gifted An Animation Bible, Massive Black, And Complete series of Popgun! OOOORGASM . *No replies*

Most people that I'm intimate with, I would text/email/call them anyway so... no facebook, even when using it to 'like' something, i never visit the fan page again.

But when it comes to fandom and niche interests, TUMBLR! I freaking love tumblr! So many like-minded obsessive people!
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 12:09:38 PM
Seems we haven't got a lot of facebook-users or they don't want to vote. Strange.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:12:25 PM
N. America contra facebook. Yes I have an account. I only use it for networking, and generally post on my wall ~4x a year. Fb for many people is a tool used to craft an ego and personality slightly different from their own (why I am against)
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:10:48 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Heard of it. Also heard that you needed to give some companies in the US your facebook account password for any hope to get employed by them.

I'd dearly want a falsification about this, but suspect the opposite...

Unthinkable, around here. It would violate the rule of informational self-determination, I reckon.

I've heard that this is more isolated than the sensationalist media portrays (requirement for work to access your facebook). I do fear it could become commonplace, but hopefully privacy rights will trump this.

BUT I'd be careful where you list your employment; doing so gives the admin and members of the group (assume your boss) access to your information.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 12:26:34 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Heard of it. Also heard that you needed to give some companies in the US your facebook account password for any hope to get employed by them.

I'd dearly want a falsification about this, but suspect the opposite...

Unthinkable, around here. It would violate the rule of informational self-determination, I reckon.

This is actually going through the legislative process right now, and it's really speculated that the Supreme Court is ultimately going to have to make some rulings on where Facebook fall under a person's rights. Some states have taken the initiative in drafting laws banning employers from asking for your log-in info, but I can only think of Maryland as having signed the law into existence. Similar issues are springing up around the county, though. A bigger issue than employers, in terms of how many cases are showing up, are schools suspending students for things they did out of school, or not letting a kid leave the principal's office until he/she hands ouver her password.

I do get some of the employer's concern, though...If I ran a business, or were in charge of hiring, I wouldn't want someone who spends every weekend getting drunk and doing stupid stuff. If they don't have their privacy set to "Friends Only," well, they're only inviting people to look, because all your info is in public space at that point. It's at asking for passwords that the line needs to be drawn.

Anyway, I'm not sure where to vote. I use Facebook, but I really don't like how every time I log on it asks for more info (I gave it the bare minimum). I really only use to to keep in touch with some friends I have internationally, as well as make plans with my geographically closer friends, as none of them seem really capable anymore of operating without event reminders and so on...I know where I'd vote if this was about Google, though...
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 7:08:02 AM
adder wrote:
I'm not into: "Give us all your personal info and we will sell it to a company ^^"

Besides, did you knew that company look at employee's their FB page?

If you are drunk every weekend, and post the pictures on facebook they maybe fired you

(at least, that what happens in Belgium.. )

Heard of it. Also heard that you needed to give some companies in the US your facebook account password for any hope to get employed by them.

I'd dearly want a falsification about this, but suspect the opposite...

Unthinkable, around here. It would violate the rule of informational self-determination, I reckon.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 6:52:44 AM
I'm not into: "Give us all your personal info and we will sell it to a company ^^"

Besides, did you knew that company look at employee's their FB page?

If you are drunk every weekend, and post the pictures on facebook they maybe fired you

(at least, that what happens in Belgium.. )

Oh and:

Nice idea this poll smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 6:10:16 AM
I currently have facebook but I find that it is a useless site that just craves personal information. I still have it on though, due to the fact that I know a few friends who can only be contacted through it to my chagrin.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 1:14:16 AM
I have Facebook, but never found it interesting or useful, and as such I never go on, much to the dismay of my friends.
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12 years ago
Jun 14, 2012, 9:19:52 PM
I use facebook, not for what it is mainly for, but as a way of entering free competitions lol
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