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SoaSE: Rebellion: Should I buy?

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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 8:15:31 AM
Let me just say this: I friggin' LOVE Sins of a Solar Empire. I don't think I need to explain why; most people here will probably know where I'm coming from.

And Rebellion had me all giddy when I heard about it, but it kind of makes me... uneasy. The thought of Titans kind of scares me. I never build a large amount of fleets for defending my planets; I mainly build one large offensive fleet and leave my planets in the hands of my Hangar Defenses. If I had to work in constant fear of a giant Titan approaching my empire, I would feel even more compelled to build more and more ships, which would not only destroy my strategies and erase any skills I have, but also seriously hinder my enjoyment of the game.

That's just me being paranoid, though. I assume there's plenty of people out there who have the game and know it well enough to tell me if I would really enjoy it. having an option to disable Titans would be a good sway factor, but I don't know if there is one. But again, you guys can tell em that yourselves.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 8:40:04 AM
Its a good game, and the best way to kill a titan is with a small fleet of capital ships or another titan.

If you like the vasari then you should be fine smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 9:00:27 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Its a good game, and the best way to kill a titan is with a small fleet of capital ships or another titan.

If you like the vasari then you should be fine smiley: wink

Actually I play as the Advent. Which is another issue, considering they aren't that bulky in terms of firepower. And because I group my ships into one big fleet, they could be at the other end of the galaxy when a Titan attacks - or even in combat with another enemy. I know I'm paranoid, but I don't want to feel like I have to focus more on defense than on anything else, just for fear of this one big unit.

And please tell me, is it possible to disable Titans for a game?
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 9:19:38 AM
Most offensive tactics in Rebellion do tend to revolve around Titans (yours and theirs) being in the mix. This is not to say that a game can’t be played, and even won, without ever building a Titan; the amount of resources and time it takes to invest in building a Titan puts you at a disadvantage against the sides that aren’t bothering just yet. Even without building a Titan yourself, Titans still form the fulcrum point upon which all tactics now balance. Titans still need lots of support, they cost far too much to risk soloing with them -- they’re not strong enough at the starting levels to solo more than one Tactical capacity heavy system anyway -- and they are certainly not “I win!” assets.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 9:28:47 AM
defekt wrote:
Most offensive tactics in Rebellion do tend to revolve around Titans (yours and theirs) being in the mix. This is not to say that a game can’t be played, and even won, without ever building a Titan; the amount of resources and time it takes to invest in building a Titan puts you at a disadvantage against the sides that aren’t bothering just yet. Even without building a Titan yourself, Titans still form the fulcrum point upon which all tactics now balance. Titans still need lots of support, they cost far too much to risk soloing with them -- they’re not strong enough at the starting levels to solo more than one Tactical capacity heavy system anyway -- and they are certainly not “I win!” assets.

Well that's good to hear. But what about at later levels? Is a level 8 Titan an "I win" asset?
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 11:58:32 AM
If the enemy has their Titan maxed out, bend over and kiss your skinny rear goodbye. IME if that happens the game was lost long, long ago anyway.
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