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I starcraft 2 a good purcise for somonw who won't play multiplayer beyond custom maps

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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 7:57:06 PM
So I have played starcraft 2 before but is it worth its money for a non multiplayer....player?
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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 8:10:39 PM
That's hard to say. Hmmm. I am pretty heavily into the multiplayer myself so that perspective is a hard one to emulate.

The single-player campaign was defiantly enjoyable. I remember having a blast and playing it through many times to hunt for achievements. You have likable new characters, and the nostalgia value of some of the original Starcraft/Broodwar cast. And there are custom maps, rpgies, dota style multiplayer games, tetris, fps maps, third person shooter maps, survival horror, ect. People have put together some creative things with the mapmaker for both singleplayer and multiplayer. I've even seen something of a final fantasy clone. So there is a lot to do if you look beyond ranked matches.

The multilayer itself is defiantly a big part of the package.

I recommend it, but not as heavily as I would if you were into the multilayer.
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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 8:13:05 PM
Thank's i'll look at a possible purchase of heart of the swarm, and see what come's out. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 10:16:27 AM
SC2 is waaay too expensive if you're only after the SP campaign IMO. Fun and well crafted tho the SP game is, it's fairly short (and HotS will be shorter); SC2 is all about the multiplayer.
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 10:19:32 AM
defekt wrote:
SC2 is waaay too expensive if you're only after the SP campaign IMO. Fun and well crafted tho the SP game is, it's fairly short (and HotS will be shorter); SC2 is all about the multiplayer.

Alas, this is the reason I've been avoiding SC2. Too bad they don't have Steam Sales or I would probably have it by now.
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 12:43:39 PM
The ‘trouble’ with SC2 is that if you want to be good at it (Ladder) you need to sink a truly enormous amount of time into it; the only people who can realistically do that are school/student/unemployable types, and generally at the expense of many other games. I’ve got too many games that I like playing aside from SC2, and a girlfriend, and a full time job, and that showed in how far I got with it: high Platinum. Yes, you can just play friendlies with mates but the likely skill disparity usually puts some off.

The best way to get the very most out of SC2, IMO, is: 1) find a couple of mates who are as keen to improve as you are; 2) give up your day job; 3) file for divorce / go ‘on a break’ from the wo/man; 4) play at least 10 games every day; 5) rapidly forget what being outside feels like. I already qualify for 5, tried to keep up with 4, love the girlfriend too much for 3, have a mortgage to pay so 2 was a non-starter, and although a handful of mates gave it a good go at first I rapidly out-skilled them and couldn't find another practice partner to put a tick in the box for 1. Net result, SC2 got shelved - permanently I expect. I'm not planning on getting HotS. I do miss it but- well, sometimes you've got to walk away from things that aren't compatible with your life at that moment. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 2:55:57 PM
They do have a point about the price tag. And as I said, MP is a huge component. I personally, didn't feel like the single player was short, and it has replay value. I prefer to only by things that are on sale these days, outside of a few exceptions! That's why this iffy for me. There is a lot to do. But there would be so much more in the multiplayer to do. Hmmmm. I do recommend getting it eventually. I really do! But perhaps, if you have other games in mind, I wouldn't prioritize for what you're looking for.

If money is an issue for you, like it is for me lol, then I'd suggest maybe waiting for a sale, or going to GoG and picking up some classic, or perhaps even holding out for some new stuff--like Elemental: Fallen Enchantress is a upcoming 4x/Rpg that looks fun. I love Starcraft, and everything about Starcraft. It's insanely difficult for me not to be a touch biased I'm afraid. Doing my best though!
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