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Planetary Annihilation

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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 7:49:40 PM
Hey guys! Just wanted to drop this kickstarter project right here, so that it may gain some more funding. It's pretty darn close to $2 millions, but still needs 100k smiley: smile

What's this all about?

In short? Destroying planets and conquering galaxies.

In long?

Well, it's much like TA or SupCom (the first one! Not the horrible abomination that's called SupCom2!) in space. You have a commander, that you go around, build buildings and generally destroy the enemy. But! Once you get to the space stage (that is, when you research the technology required to build rockets) you can build your bases on moons, and even asteroids. And then, you can put some huge engines on those asteroids, and slam them into the enemy! And eventually, once you conquer your solar system, you can proceed to conquer the remainder of the galaxy!

So, destroying planets? Sounds awesome! Where do i throw money at them?

You can throw all your hard-earned pennys at them right here! (or as much as you would like to smiley: smile) But hurry! It has only got 23 hours left on the kickstarter at the time of this writing.

Planetary Annihilation

Wait a minute, have you pledged or are you trying to troll us?

Now, why would i ever want to troll you? yes, i have pledged at the 40$ level.

See you in the game, folks!
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 4:45:59 AM
I am always on the look out for anything to do with TA, my first strategy game ever. Looks very interesting, I will probably end up supporting. Thanks for the heads-up.
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