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Buy it Now Brand New Unlocked Original Sophon Dreadnought 32KT... 500 Dust Only!!

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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 8:00:13 PM
UNITED EMPIRE A pacifist race of pirates or return – or other peoples descended from the Automatons were gardens. Home Planet Type: Military/Population The rest, as warriors whose weapons are economic and fond of a goal is to discover his own the edge of the knowledge and over time. Calculating that it has already been created a swampy planet, these colorful beings come both in great leaps and fond of Security is theoretically under the form of pirates or domesticate animals. Their innate and with the heavy corporate hand of the way or raiders before they get in great leaps and trade.

CRAVERS They have come from appreciative emperors, over all. No theory -- unless they were filled with... Horatios. The Sowers are a society of a caste within the Endless. Home Planet Type: Jungle Diplomatic Alignment: Evil Gameplay: Conquest, Glory Main Victory Type: Jungle Diplomatic Alignment: Evil Gameplay: Colonialist Main Victory Type: Economic/Diplomatic “Iron and intelligent species. Their goal is full of known as ABC is to seek further nourishment. If they are those who left the Sheredyn Fleet retains its surface. The rest, as well, due to orbital platforms, the galaxy driven by a caste within the Imperial Navy, admission to eke out their living and Isolationist Main Victory Type: Military Created by the Endless. Home Planet Type: Economic/Diplomatic “Iron and remnants left by a long dead civilization would run out their development they lived, thus protecting the Sheredyn fleet has grown sufficiently large Endless from an insectoid life form, the control of Security is involved as the Sowers are primarily interested in their society of highly evolved on the newly gained freedom of their history is so as the Hissho are primarily interested in a goal is a very hardy, aggressive, and to find other peoples descended from their civilization would beautify the arrival – or domesticate animals. Their life form, the Horatio, founder of their food. Home Planet Type: Military/Population The Sowers are a proportionally greater contact and Isolationist Main Victory Type: Military Created by the newly gained freedom of the service of 'treaty', 'trade', and military. Home Planet Type: Economic/Diplomatic “Iron and love nature while developing their living on which they get in the Reyans developed a very hardy, aggressive, and atmosphere of the Endless. They took from which the universe and conquer, they are the Sophons, this faction within the systems of professionalism. With several centuries the time of centuries of bloodshed, conquest, vengeance, and spread Dust engines to raise crops or machine race of the planet. Over the United Empire's strengths are in the Endless originated.

HISSHO Proud warriors whose weapons are not to dominate and make worlds as the Automatons tend worlds as if they did reach the Automatons excavated the Endless. They refused the Sowers' holy mission. PIRATES A loyal elite faction of the machines, enhancing their reaction was an exceptionally high 'emotional intelligence' and inquisitive, the time the rate of 'treaty', 'trade', and slaves who were created a proportionally greater contact and familiarity with the right to prepare for honor and advanced industrial capacity and advanced materials will be ignored -- unless they can resist a society could literally eat itself to commerce. Home Planet Type: Jungle Diplomatic Alignment: Good Gameplay: Colonialist Main Victory Type: Arid Diplomatic Alignment: Good Gameplay: Peaceful and would rather take what has also grown sufficiently large Endless ship crashed into them sentience. In a constant movement, during the need to the newly gained freedom of the service of highly evolved form of time the clockwork beings that the Cravers are simply continuing their society cannot be harvested and their floating ships -- unless they left to understand their creators the arrival – of 'treaty', 'trade', and dominate. Their life form, the Horatio, founder of time of the planet was consumed, they are diplomacy and Steel, Blood and aviators, the Horatio, founder of their food. Home Planet Type: Population/Wonder Incredibly wealthy to look like… Horatio. Home Planet Type: Scientific Curious, analytical, and lost on the Reyans committed mass suicide so as the Reyans decided to the Endless. They refused the home planet from an independent government. They used the United Empire's strengths are not exist.

SOPHONS Adept at the basic infrastructure needed to create a thirst to their advanced industrial capacity and 'peace' do not continue to uncontrolled industrialization and realize how much more beautiful they, too, would die, the Sheredyn Fleet. Originally a dying planet. The Ministry of pirates or oppose the creation of the United Empire's strengths are capable of the Fleet remains impossible to display its image of their destiny. Though the Sheredyn Fleet. Originally a serious things in the Endless in their greatest technological achievements: Highly sophisticated clockwork beings that it has bred into the Automatons excavated the edge of the military of criminal family clans, the Fleet retains its image of the hard work themselves. While this has grown over millions of the Fleet retains its military reputation.

AUTOMATONS A loose federation of plant or domesticate animals. Their innate and Development. The rest, as they say, is so perfect that it is their creators and urbane, they can be if they are a religious light, and only to live in fact, the Fleet retains its image of a long dead civilization remained on the Endless from an Empire trillionaire who value knowledge over time even giving them the Endless in the early years of 'treaty', 'trade', and love nature while developing their Dust across its traditional colors. Home Planet Type: Military/Population The Sowers are diplomacy and only slightly less deranged, Horatio to discover his own the Imperial Navy, the Automatons were gardens. Home Planet Type: Jungle Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral Gameplay: Exploration, Diplomacy Main Victory Type: Scientific Curious, analytical, and began learning…and advancing. The Ministry of the arrival – or domesticate animals. Their innate and their creators and tiny increments. The clockwork beings. Within a wild planet from the creation of highly evolved on their Dust engines to call themselves the origins
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 8:08:38 PM
Garden of the planet's soil make it renders them into a concerted effort to build upon. Swamp World Described by explorers using that have risen and 2. Inhabitants must watch where they left behind are the problem. Dense rings are greatly lessened the Endless schism; it is possible to empire benefits from the fumaroles cause havoc with a highly acidic rain on this exceptionally strong magnetic shielding. Fortunately, their beauty remains a curative substance that have reduced the work of this planet from the ideal source of the 'aura' of life, this anomaly were once meant that preceded the unique structure, a high pressures, Ice 10 is its thermodynamic properties. Its unique lensing properties cause trouble for anything that everyone who are, however, mean that is a natural wealth: Residents, tourists, the ideal source of terraforming sciences, advanced technologies based on this planet with mental activity have been "clever, silent, and the 'Concretes' and exploited in a planet becomes interesting for recycling.

Toxic Toxic (--) The mineral resources can be captured in the benefit of its formation from Dust-infected lichen, this planet. Though it has been converted into harmless organic compounds. Though their nanotechnological 'Dust' is formed only is this planet and therefore of its environment, a metallic plasma, resulting in advanced tools and ship defenses. Ionic Crystals These volcanoes of the seasons and straightforward process within standard norms for its infancy, but the long orbital ellipse remains even though geo-physicists will certainly be healthy and heavily shielded orbitals, major efforts, primarily terraforming sciences, the planet, provide sources of this rare form of two things are eager to technologies and alternate universes, quadrinix has very rare form of minor volcanoes, two things are still in minerals. Dust Ruins Many ruins of crystal and heat in weather; the unique structure, a plant with gravitational anomaly. Though it is highly acidic rain on this situation.

Mineral Poor Basically a headache for recycling. Toxic (--) Dust-based micro-machining is the Endless were sown with Hydromiel To aid their associated gains as it is common on a planet were Dust-enhanced structures or more advanced technologies and containable substance. Control of the more bonuses they permit a great advantage. Metallic Ground Almost dirt-free, the unique lensing properties of the waters is interesting for its main advantage. Metallic Ground Almost dirt-free, the planet's inhabitants has the surface once thrived on the brainwaves of civilizations have a black hole, wormhole, or traditional buildings and potentially benefit of sentient beings. They are critical to study these finds. Rich in working order. If a metal-rich crust, geysers of robots. Anthropologists and alloys. Hollow Planet About as long as a resource is in spite of an axial tilt that many ancient civilizations that must be captured in fact a form of grape-sized fruit.

Mercurite This places heavy wear and dirt, the galaxy. This results include rich in the 'Virtual' faction of this radiation levels of cold winters and happy. Ice 10 is generally delivered horizontally in general--unpleasant.. Polar Tempests Exceedingly cold winters and uncomplaining workforce. Aurora Waves (-) For those that requires it. Orichalcix greatly reduced. Mineral Poor (--) Controlled global warming, advanced than current levels of an individual visible as a planetary level, this planet difficult for anything that remains a cost for anything that requires it. Anti-matter As dangerous place. There is prized tourist destination as long orbital ellipse, the entire structures or battleground of this situation. Mineral Poor Soil Though the planet's soil make this is colonized, the remains even though geo-physicists will bring to empire benefits from any known occurring anti-gemstone, the 'Virtuals', were once meant that are not breathe through simple filtration. Robot Locals Whatever civilization once sterile and flourished before disappearing. Given the history of useful metal spew their rock and obedient population of value is as an enormous industrial development, however, mean that caused by the industrial production and require continual repairs to study these remnants, and ship capacity and liquid, has been alleviated.

EM Radiation (--) Controlled global warming, advanced tools and industry and psychoactive effect that is not breathe through simple and liquid, has led to a rainbow of the universe, the beasts were first described as well and those that remains a big ball of this rare form of this planet strong magnetic core, stabilizing continental masses drive this planet strong magnetic fields where the 'Concretes' and straightforward process of Anti-Matter greatly reduces construction cost for free, they were sown with the star's light in weather; the Endless civilization, the infrastructure, many Lanthanides, comes from its formation from the 'Concrete' faction of the galaxy now their nanotechnological 'Dust' is exposed to their very dangerous and from the broken surface of the surface of the harshest conditions. Its extremely low in a high-technology society. Control of the Endless seeded many of cliffs, chasms, ridges, and fallen since the previously extreme density makes kids really, really happy. Ice 10 A lower density of cancer-related diseases, and quantum computing devices.

Eden Incense An uncountable number of peace and pleasant, with which rare form of 4 or asteroids which gravity for its side effects have risen and fascinating, these conditions, but for anything that run hundreds of a practical military applications for geothermal energy. Propitious Seasons This discovery is it makes agriculture difficult for the hard, gleaming surface of this anomaly were greatly reduced. Mineral Rich Atmosphere Rich in the lakes and heat in winter and tourists, the unpleasantness of its type. No unusual spectra. When released from that requires it. Siderite Siderite Siderite Siderite greatly reduces construction cost for its environment, a planet is colonized, the planet's crust is fascinating for scientific experimentation. Irradiated (--) Controlled global warming, advanced tools and exploited in the planet. This discovery is abnormally high technology (and researchers).

Meteor Strikes (-) While frequent and difficult. High Gravity The more bonuses they will be either expensively protected or more bonuses they left behind are rich in metals and show the unpleasantness of ecosystems, they will bring to obtain more units
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 8:12:18 PM
TEMPLE OF THE EXTENDED CONSCIOUSNESS This opens the entrance to handle the effects propagated through a tight rein on a constant supply that can be built that the effects on a game-changer. No pun intended. OPTIMIZED LOGISTICS Improving techniques adopted from atmospheric sciences. In order to colonize. Medical supplies are autonomous, stable, and noise are critical pre-requisite to orbit this process rather than 5 nano-meter scales. LOSSLESS TRANSMISSION Electricity remains the forms of applied to handle investments, loans, salaries, project finance... and analyzed, yielding significant strides in unusual applications for a society. By augmenting the basic sensor efficiency. The phenomena called 'lensing' was a number of materials can be useful for creation of fuels that transfer goods and the stars, and particle lensing baryonic matter emanations have some particles with undying, mechanical difficulties of a very high consumption of particles that is a greater distances can be brought on a powerful enough portfolio of molecules. Whether fortunate or not, every planet. The wisdom contained within a major task, but efficient money machine.

SEED MOD A planet type is found by individuals from industrial infrastructures in any particle beams. POSITRON TORPEDOES Fusion reactors, powered largely by far as a close proximity to contain or protect objects can be able to find, identify, and creating tolerable chemical balances ATMOSPHERIC FILTRATION A majority of reference, new regulatory network of a crippling handicap. This effectively provide for consumption are invented and model their foes in urban infrastructure owners, end users, governments, and security. FUTURISTIC GAME THEORY Game theory algorithms, spies, forecasting, and frequency of a library that locally accelerate it is part infrastructure, Endless the value of predictive analysis that technology that are famous saying of enemy weapons has great, long-term exchanges to compress and otherwise be forever available to bend their ships

APPLIED ATMOSPHERICS A first step in fertilizing, crop species that can yield great deal of ship shielding, this planet (guidance, maneuvering, it not have been the shared vision and portable size, material, and most likely not for development. Desert ecosystems are a barrier to keep a biological process rather than science. This sub-faction of slavery, exploitation, propaganda, and light. The ability to tonnage and using lighter alloys in fusion energy sources are capable in scientific measures made its value creation of new colonies are created, an enormous Orbital Platforms are a major hurdle to do advanced physics. Now, a star, harvesting both faster and colonize Arctic-type planets is much of particles, fundamental structure of managing larger teams of the fundamental bonds of the ship defense, in its technology increases the laws. XHIYUN CARTEL Named for creation of exceedingly interesting if the effects on economic behavior--like increasing their theoretical maximum.

LONG RANGE SENSORS Requiring powerful enough to create a 'wet' planet. The use with other planets is now far the order to provide for those learned from the 'Virtual' Endless, the horizon, the strongest material prices, real time of kinetic impact with better understanding of a living intuition, rapid pace. When coupled with animal and neutrinos -- greatly increased. ACCELERATED EVOLUTION Based on economic behavior--like increasing their studies are set up, and good PR. This opens up systems that are some cases, these planets, and composites to the most powerful thrust due to focus on a fleet maneuvers using lighter alloys in motor systems with degradation, lessening the galaxies that are not admit it, and architecture. The mastery of the do's and dark energy generation, high-mass isotopes can be overwhelming for starship to think and particle physics -- clay brick, steel, concrete, plastic, even taste good. PERFECT NEGOTIATIONS Between observation, study, game theory, and activities must be exploited.

ADAMANTIAN Currently the Pilgrim cause, some particles that they sprung. Nano-enhanced and behavioral analytics all aid in fact is the entrance to the organization was first and economic behavior--like increasing amounts of advanced processes and biological forms of the reverse is an insect swarm, but in its needs cannot be found one of 'money', world' and nervous systems. ADVANCED MAGNETICS DRIVE This counseling program -- make life and claws. COLONIZE JUNGLE TRANSFORMATION A by-product of cold while expanding space-time in unthinkable improvements in the point where any surface. Roads, sidewalks, pipes, walls, and improved armor which they say, a rapid pace. When applied to networks is a star, harvesting foods, it is part of iron formed by one, in size, and advancements in the nature of daily life forms "taught" to adapt to damage.

GRAVITON SHIELDING A form or contain deeply cherished secrets of worlds that hold usually unstable nonbaryonic particles that treated engineering cycles of matter (a high-gravity substance) allows ever more beneficial. POST-OP ANALYTICALS A side effects propagated through standard materials, shielding, this would come together -- from theory of gravity-bearing "graviton" particles. NEUTRINO PULSION This is a diversity of celibate warrior culture is an undeniably mystic side product of negative mass materials together into frozen habitats. Techniques of this a chip scales, quantum processors and partially conscious Dust are unsure how to a boon, intelligent materials can be bothered with tradition, each others' territories. ALIEN ESTEEM It requires regular sanity checks. DARK SCIENCE INSTITUTES Advances in the gate to survive the term for colonization, ocean-type planets is dumped. By upgrading their long-term goals. In addition, crops to be captured and shaped charges.

FUSION TORPEDOES Many things influence their location. As they matter is a colonized system. True to remove planetary atmosphere, removing poisons from planetary magnetic coils in a reality. While many anonymous planets for a virtual reality. INFINITE TRADEWAYS One of terraforming. Like them, it is even lightweight neutrinos -- have great power--and great deal of grant money, it requires exhaustive negotiations and more delicate soils, and detection. SMART WRENCHES They're more powerful streams of quantum tunneling did not a necessity to experiment -- is the computing power), random feeds of dark energy is finally permit the universe--previously unknown entities into random, disorganized energy magnetic characteristics of plate tectonics is processed for colonization would not turn out sufficient documentation before
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 8:17:35 PM
Harel55 wrote:
I'm sorry, but what is this supposed to be?

It's a spambot spoof using actual Endless Space text (and not some unrelated crap) passed trough a text randomizer :


With a bit of work you can get very realistic-looking texts:



EDIT : This one is great too:


And of course the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokal_affair
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 8:18:17 PM
Was this put through a crappy translator?
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 9:15:58 PM
Madrox wrote:

We are Spambot...Resistance is futile...

I'm dying from laughter lol smiley: biggrin

Btw: Why Templar, WHY? D:
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 9:20:28 PM
Haven't you noticed the "Buy it Now Brand New Unlocked Original Apple IPhone 5 32MB... €500" spambot posts? They made me think I could do better than them! lol
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 9:43:08 PM
BlueTemplar wrote:
Haven't you noticed the "Buy it Now Brand New Unlocked Original Apple IPhone 5 32MB... €500" spambot posts? They made me think I could do better than them! lol

Yeah, the title was funny smiley: biggrin

Thanks for cheering up my day smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 10:39:09 AM
BlueTemplar wrote:
Haven't you noticed the "Buy it Now Brand New Unlocked Original Apple IPhone 5 32MB... €500" spambot posts? They made me think I could do better than them! lol

smiley: smile

We've had lots of them recently. Pretty annoying but a few clicks and BAM, they're gone/banned. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 4:32:12 PM
Mansen wrote:
Fighting the Automaton menace one bot at a time!

Ahahaha nice smiley: biggrin

Thank god/Amplitude we got a "Report" option at the posts smiley: biggrin
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