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Maia on Kickstarter

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12 years ago
Oct 31, 2012, 10:11:44 PM
Bah... can't pledge anything right now. But it looks great - love me some "colony" games smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 5:43:41 AM
I have absolutely no money, so i reccomend anyone to pledge it, the concept sounds very interesting! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 5:47:50 AM
I want to pledge my 15 pounds to get my name in the credits, but Kickstarter keeps declining my pledge. Maybe doesn't like debit cards? Simon Roth (developer) said he might add a Paypal option soon so if he does I can guarantee that much.
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