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Endless Space Forum RP [Recruitment]

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 3:02:12 AM

@Tlaloc: I'm at my university on all of those days, but I'm not particularly busy on Wednesday between 11pm and 2pm EST, so I could fit that in.

And the faction's balance is still holding up. The weakness I'm having to cover for is the UE's science keeping up with their borders. Between the Expansionists trait and the default government being a Federation, they can spread out really far without much penalty, but I've made it to Era 2 Tech a few turns ago. My Industry, Influence, and Dust all keep me competitive and I have plenty of resources to sell on the market, but I just have basic military ships with no enhanced weapon modules. The Cravers, Vodyani, and especially the Sophons could easily out-tech the UE and keep them away with better weapons and ships. 

In comparison to the other factions, all the UE really has going for it is Industry and Influence, and that's not by a whole lot. The Lumeris absolutely outpace them in terms of Dust, so their buyout power is about even. The Cravers can push just as far as the UE, but they have better fleets, so not only can they keep their systems safe, their faction trait will bleed rich systems dry before the UE musters up the forces to invade. It's ultimately pointless for the UE to fight at that point since the planets they get are depleted. My favourite revelation, though, is this; even with their buyout power, the UE can have too many systems to protect at any given time, meaning outlying systems can become easy targets. Lacking military power like the Cravers do, those systems are easy pickings for the Vodyani to soak up Essence.

So the UE's far from perfect. It's still really good if you want your empire to be a sprawling industrial juggernaut with a flexible senate, but be careful of overexpanding without a military and under-researching.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 6:44:24 AM
Nibot wrote:

I have added people on steam. My name contains "bot"

Got your invite, sent a message back asking who you were. Should have looked here first...

Also I want to apologize to everyone for having been absent from the roleplay. I've been very busy lately with work and trying to come up with a proper prompt for a story I want to write, so all my free time outside of that stuff has mainly been filled with what gaming I can fit in. It would be great if I can get a quick summary of what happened after I left the bridge so I can get up to speed more quickly.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 10:29:15 AM

Mr.Ladderman bumps into Clockwerk Contraption.

Big robot and smaller robot goes and see what happened.

Discussion ensures.

Conversation goes well, no big arguments.

Big robot assigns Clockwerk to guide Mr.Ladderman to bridge.

Big robot and small robot go to the storeroom.

-the end for now-

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 5:17:38 PM

There is a crew size limit in this RP? Since when? Have I overread it? Also, 20 people for such an important mission seem a little small...

btw. Zennock, Sophon are no Robots, if any they are Cyborgs but basically they are just the typical grey sci-fi alien in a high-tech suit. Thought this misconception would be in character but now that you say it here I wasn't sure about that anymore.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 5:22:02 PM
LordDarkon wrote:

There is a crew size limit in this RP? Since when? Have I overread it? Also, 20 people for such an important mission seem a little small...

btw. Zennock, Sophon are no Robots, if any they are Cyborgs but basically they are just the typical grey sci-fi alien in a high-tech suit. Thought this misconception would be in character but now that you say it here I wasn't sure about that anymore.

I noticed that when I watched the trailer for them several months go. I decided to go with robot so that it would seem as if Laudmas and Dhanyl seem to have something in common. Also, referring to cyborg instead of robot seems to break the flow of writing for me. 

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 5:24:44 PM
LordDarkon wrote:

There is a crew size limit in this RP? Since when? Have I overread it? Also, 20 people for such an important mission seem a little small...

It's on page one, some posts down. But the crew section of the opening post also states that there aren't much more NPCs than there are PCs. The point of the small crew size is to have a good reason why the captain would go out on missions instead of letting the redshirts do it. Or at least a better reason than "He's Kirk".

Also, @Blackbird: Who taught you it's allowed to post an RP post consisting of nothing but a quote and an OOC comment? I'm certain it wasn't me.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 5:33:15 PM
Zennock wrote:

I noticed that when I watched the trailer for them several months go. I decided to go with robot so that it would seem as if Laudmas and Dhanyl seem to have something in common. Also, referring to cyborg instead of robot seems to break the flow of writing for me. 

Okey, just wanted to say, in case you thought they were robots :)

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 5:34:24 PM
LordDarkon wrote:
Zennock wrote:

I noticed that when I watched the trailer for them several months go. I decided to go with robot so that it would seem as if Laudmas and Dhanyl seem to have something in common. Also, referring to cyborg instead of robot seems to break the flow of writing for me. 

Okey, just wanted to say, in case you thought they were robots :)

Aye, alright.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 6:03:09 PM

Also, asking another question. Would it be alright for Laudmas to have a little ball of goop as a pet?

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 10:57:02 PM
Also, @Blackbird: Who taught you it's allowed to post an RP post consisting of nothing but a quote and an OOC comment? I'm certain it wasn't me.

I blame lack of sleep. That being said you're right it was a bad idea. Should I remove the post?

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 3:13:07 AM

I wouldn't be opposed to having a little ball of goop, as long as it's not a huge thing and is just an addition, not a whole new person. Basically as long as it isn't sentient.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 3:20:47 AM

Hey I was talking to Nibot on steam and he brought up a neat idea. Should we make a steam group where we can all get together and play games and discuss ideas? If so I have one that is basically empty we could use.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 3:43:20 AM

I'm down to make a Steam group. I'm itching to play EL with someone other than an AI.

And if my prior post is any indication, Zennock, Valorum might not know what a 'pet' is.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 6:34:47 AM
BlackBird1696 wrote:
Also, @Blackbird: Who taught you it's allowed to post an RP post consisting of nothing but a quote and an OOC comment? I'm certain it wasn't me.

I blame lack of sleep. That being said you're right it was a bad idea. Should I remove the post?


@The Ball of Goop: It's okay, as long as it doesn't steal screentime (so to speak).

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 1:31:29 PM
AngelicStorm wrote:

I'm down to make a Steam group. I'm itching to play EL with someone other than an AI.

And if my prior post is any indication, Zennock, Valorum might not know what a 'pet' is.

Cool, anyone have a good idea for a name?

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 3:25:28 AM

Probably the group. I'd put my name in the hat for "Amplitude Forum RP" but that's my unimaginative side showing.

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