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Endless Space Forum RP [Recruitment]

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8 years ago
Mar 10, 2017, 4:16:46 PM

Nobody wants to talk to Ylona?

Oh, and has anybody else the problem of phantom notifications for posts in this thread? I'm not sure if the current inactivity is because of some kind of limit we reached.

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8 years ago
Mar 10, 2017, 4:36:46 PM

Sorry, but that's me. Sometimes I post a question for another player, but then I delete and go through all of their in-game posts to see if the answer is in there. It usually is.

I've been busy with school lately, and also trying to figure out what Valorum would even talk to Ylona about. I also just checked the watch schedule Ylona made: Assuming Valorum and her are both off duty, Rolak and Alice are the only PC's on watch now, along with two NPCs. Everyone else should be able to talk to someone about something.

Officer of the Watch (bridge)
Engine watch
Scientist on call
Security Guard
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 10, 2017, 5:00:13 PM
AngelicStorm wrote:

Sorry, but that's me. Sometimes I post a question for another player, but then I delete and go through all of their in-game posts to see if the answer is in there. It usually is.

That really explains it. I thought the G2G server was being buggy. 

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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 5:20:00 PM


It's about time we got something special for Gas Giants. I've been getting tired of finding Hadopelagic Life, Metallic Waters, and Hollow Planet anomalies on them. So what's everyone thinking? Endless, Precursor, or Space Oddities?

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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 5:31:58 PM

About the anomalies, why can't they just add all of them in? Doesn't sound too much of a big deal, but then again, who am I to judge.

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8 years ago
Mar 16, 2017, 12:48:02 AM

I think they want to give the community choice, but are trying too hard to give us choices. They then decide to throw us something small to pacify us. That's just a theory, though.

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8 years ago
Mar 16, 2017, 2:39:37 PM

I'd like there to be more of an Endless presence in anomalies, 'cause all we have right now are Dust Ruins, but the sheer strangeness of the Space Oddities is pretty cool. Like, a singing planet? That's worth exploring.


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8 years ago
Mar 16, 2017, 3:17:04 PM

Sure, no reason to shout. They seem ... interesting. I mean, their faction affinity doesn't actually explain what it's doing gameplay-wise, and until the update drops, I guess we don't know the full story. They seem like a mix of the Allayi and the Harmony to me.

Sigh... better update the species list again.

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8 years ago
Mar 17, 2017, 9:59:06 AM
Wish they explained more about how their gameplay will work. But hot damn, I was very certain that the green goblins would get in. I've been bamboozled. :(
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8 years ago
Mar 17, 2017, 8:57:50 PM

I think the Riftborn are a lot better than the green goblins.  The green guys seemed so generic and uninteresting, but the Riftborn are something entirely new and I am curious about their gameplay and story.

Also, I absolutely adore their design. I thought the Horatio ships were beautiful, but the new Ships.... they look marvellous!

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8 years ago
Mar 17, 2017, 9:56:47 PM

I'm shooting DM's back and forth with the guy who was playing Ricards, and we both love how they look. There are some cool angelic elements in the Riftborn's design, like the halos on every hero's head, and those two wing-like wedges the leader has floating next to him.

But what I wanna know is how their faction story is going to progress. What does mending a rift between dimensions entail exactly? Will the Riftborn hate all the chaotic life in the Endless universe and prefer war, or find some races beautiful in a strange way and want peace instead? I have so many questions, I can only hope they release a beta of the update like with Update 2.

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8 years ago
Mar 18, 2017, 3:12:18 PM

I think the Hero and government descriptions make it pretty clear that they are more of an Expansionistic and Hostile Race. After all they exiled one of their heroes because he was a pacifist.

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8 years ago
Mar 18, 2017, 3:15:17 PM
Alien@System wrote:

They seem ... interesting. I mean, their faction affinity doesn't actually explain what it's doing gameplay-wise

I've watched the preview stream. Their faction affinity is: in system you can build something called ,,Singularities" and later place them in the systems in your vision range. There are two singularities: positive (+, more exp for heroes) and negative (vice versa). Moreover, they have to build populations using Industry and in the same way they generate Manpower.

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8 years ago
Mar 18, 2017, 5:57:27 PM

Sign me up. I've watched the stream too and they sound like an Industry-centric Broken-Lords type faction, which are two of my favourite things in Amplitude's games.

LordDarkon wrote:

I think the Hero and government descriptions make it pretty clear that they are more of an Expansionistic and Hostile Race. After all they exiled one of their heroes because he was a pacifist.

You're talking about π, right? It says that the Grand Viceroy was tired of him blocking expansion efforts because he wanted to put the other races of the galaxy first, so the Viceroy sent π on a mission to learn about the other races of the galaxy. That isn't an exile; that's giving π what he wanted.

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8 years ago
Mar 19, 2017, 11:41:35 AM

Well, it isn't an exile but it's near enough. The point is, they sent him away because of Political disagreements, wich seems pretty shady to me.

Also, I don't see anything that implies that this is what π wanted.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 3:31:15 AM

Again, it wasn't sent away because of a differing ideology; Π was sent 'on a mission to learn what it could of the other races of the galaxy'. However reluctant the Grand Viceroy may have been, it still threw Π a bone and made cooperation with other races its mission. That implies government backing and a certain level of compromise, even if they differed in ideology. And as for if Π wanted to be sent off to learn about other races, if you wanted to cooperate with someone, wouldn't the first step be talking to and learning about them?

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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 9:47:51 AM

Multiplayer is going to be released soon. Anybody want to join a ES2 Roleplayers scrim? Could be fun.

The time and date can be discussed when the update drops. Most of us live in western countries and since multiplayer is turn-based, don't think there will be too much problems. The scrim is not supposed to be strict. Just have some fun around and conquer a civilization or two. It seems best if someone in Europe host the game because (as said before) most of the roleplayers live in western countries. The only exception I think would be me (I live in SEA) and I have hilarious bad internet.

If anyone wants to join, you can add me on steam. I think the only person in the RP that is connected as a "friend" would be Alien@System. Mithrill is offline for 30 days, hoho.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 11:26:23 AM

Well, playing ES 2 in multiplayer might be fun, although I suspect we're all players with very different skill levels. However, a friend of mine roped me into trying out ME:A multiplayer once it comes out (which happens on the same day), so I'm pretty sure I won't have time on that thursday. But for a 4X game, it's probably better to reserve a whole weekend anyway. For the record, I'm in GMT+1.

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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 11:33:39 AM

When talking to AngelicStorm about a match I played, he seems amazed at my ES2 skills . That is to say, I did horribly. Think it'll be best if we all party up against bots first. I'm not usually free on weekdays either, so the weekends is probably the best idea.

Updated 8 years ago.
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