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Endless Space Forum RP [Recruitment]

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7 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 12:44:29 AM

You are missing some things; for a start, Vodyani become saints by bonding with a Virtual Endless, at which point they are given the title 'Saint' and take on the Endless' name as their 'saint name'. (Varb St. Zouieina, for example, was a Vodyani named Varb who bonded with an Endless named Zouieina) Every Vodyani hero, the Hierarch Isyara, and the Heretic Iskander are all saints, and they all follow this pattern, but less is known about how the latter two became saints.

Valorum technically isn't a saint by conventional standards, but the specifics don't really matter in the context of the current conversation; Decius doesn't have to know specifically what a Vodyani saint is for Valorum to still cringe at being called 'the fallen saint'.

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7 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 11:02:07 AM

Hoi. I found your RP threat and am reading it now, and I have a question. Do you think it would be a good idea to encounter the Riftborn Faction? or the Unfallen? From what I've red it seems your storie takes place quiete a bit before Endless Space 2. Or let's say it takes place by the time only 4 Factions were playable; Cravers, Sophons, Vodyani and Lumeris. As well as those already known from the first Endless Space.

Since it seems your Story is timed around 2 or 3 years (Endless Space Universe timezone) before the Riftborn and Unfallen appear I think that you may or may not encounter one of those two factions later n your journey. It could be just a Scout ship of those Factions or something.

Well I'd like to know if you think it would be a good idea or not. 

Your Storie so far is wonderful to read. Keep it up.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 1:26:14 PM
Kaada wrote:

Do you think it would be a good idea to encounter the Riftborn Faction? or the Unfallen? From what I've red it seems your storie takes place quiete a bit before Endless Space 2. 

First off, I doubt that Amplitude intends for Endless Space 1 and 2 to be in a chronology like, say, Mass Effect 1 and 2 are. 4X games don't really lend themselves to continuing the story, given that the end state is a race having achieved dominance. Rather, they are, as I would see it, two versions covering what is essentially the same time frame in the greater Amplitude chronology, which is about the races that try to achieve dominance in the galaxy after the fall of the Endless.

That being said, yes, the lore of our roleplay in places resembles more ES1 than ES2, simply because by the time it started, Endless Space 2 was not fully revealed yet. We don't have any Riftborn or Unfallen characters because by the time those races were added, the Saviour was already in flight, and nobody has decided to play one of them yet. They might, however, be retroactively gain importance in our galaxy if any player decides they want them part of their backstory.

However, if I might long-time spoiler, I have some funny ideas about the Saviour meeting Riftborn. Whether or not that will happen is of course up in the air, since Tanye might take us most of this year, and who knows what kind of sun we will fly towards then, and if anyone can still remember all those interesting story ideas they all that time ago.

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7 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 1:43:33 PM
Alien@System wrote:

However, if I might long-time spoiler, I have some funny ideas about the Saviour meeting Riftborn. Whether or not that will happen is of course up in the air, since Tanye might take us most of this year, and who knows what kind of sun we will fly towards then, and if anyone can still remember all those interesting story ideas they all that time ago.

I would love meeting the riftborn , are my favourite faction/race together with sowers . 

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7 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 3:45:44 PM

To be frank, if the Riftborn had been revealed before I joined the RP, Valorum would be extremely different.

I have a lot of ideas in terms of the 'exotic' races listed in the table on the recruitment thread. Assuming the galaxy the Saviour is in is at maximum size and medium-to-high density, we're probably exploring a constellation or two's worth of unseen stars and planets, at least to the Pilgrim faction. If one of the crew came from another constellation or they're just really well-travelled, then a lot of things may seem less weird to them.


Most of the Crew: "Why are these rocks moving and talking?!"

One of the Crew: "Oh hey, Pulsos."

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 1:58:56 PM
Zennock wrote:

RP threat, that sounds dangerous. :3

Woops. Wrong letter.

Alien@System wrote:
Kaada wrote:

Do you think it would be a good idea to encounter the Riftborn Faction? or the Unfallen? From what I've red it seems your storie takes place quiete a bit before Endless Space 2. 

That being said, yes, the lore of our roleplay in places resembles more ES1 than ES2, simply because by the time it started, Endless Space 2 was not fully revealed yet. We don't have any Riftborn or Unfallen characters because by the time those races were added, the Saviour was already in flight, and nobody has decided to play one of them yet. They might, however, be retroactively gain importance in our galaxy if any player decides they want them part of their backstory.

However, if I might long-time spoiler, I have some funny ideas about the Saviour meeting Riftborn. Whether or not that will happen is of course up in the air, since Tanye might take us most of this year, and who knows what kind of sun we will fly towards then, and if anyone can still remember all those interesting story ideas they all that time ago.

So you say since Amplitude didn't set any official rules you can basicly create the Galaxy however you want. Nice.

I was also thinking of joining you guys somehow but am not sure if my English Knowledge is good enough to make it feel right. As well that I'm struggling to make a fitting addition. My first idea would be a Craver. But I don't think a Second one is necessary. And if I was to become a Craver I would like to use my Custom Faction Craver. Which, I guess, wouldn't work. Another Idea would be Riftborn, but it should fit with the path you choose. I simply cannot appear out of nowhere right? ;)

Welp. I wish ya'll a good day.

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 2:18:10 PM

I was also thinking of joining you guys somehow but am not sure if my English Knowledge is good enough to make it feel right. 

I personaly am not that picky as my english also isnt the best.

Last time we talked about new players we all agreed that they probably are already part of the crew whcih just wasnt in focus yet , i dont know if a riftborn fits in , such things should Alien better decide , but if one of you needs crazy ideas how we could find a member of a species ,which lives in the known part of the galaxy, in this part of the galaxy (which should be impossible as the saviour is the first known ship which can travell to this part) , tell me , i have plenty of ideas, not the best thought , but ideas.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 3:36:46 PM

Hey man, your engish seems good enough to me from what you've written. Something that could happen is that we find your Craver on the current expedition to Tanye, and Decius can recognize you from his past. It'd be awesome to have a buddy, and it would fit into my plotline. You can also modify your role to fit your background, if you want. You can create your custom faction Craver in here, just link it to a story that makes sense, like he was a new experimental model, or part of a different long lost branch of Endless testing frozen until our explorers disturb him. Plus, being a Craver and everything, you dont really need to be as articulate as I am with Decius. He could just not be as talkative and do more actions. Think about it! It can fit!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 4:05:56 PM

I think this Expedition is the best opportunity for new crewmembers to appear that we'll have for the next few months... So if you want to join you better do it now :D

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 5:18:53 PM

For starters, no custom factions. If it looks like a Vodyani, it is a Vodyani, and not some Sophon-Looking-Like-Space-Vampire person. Because A) Just because you can't customize factions doesn't mean you can't make diverse individuals. Look at Decius. By Craver standards, he is a weak-willed cowardly wimp who's too indecisive to kill all those tasty humans and rather eat their shit (No offense, Nibot. We all like Decius not eating people). Besides, B) it's unneccessary blowing up the lore. A custom faction would need to be described for a newcomer in detail before they could actually picture it, and we're not doing that for the sake of a single character. And also C) making a faction look like somebody but behave like somebody else is most likely just a way of getting the cool looks but evading the drawbacks. Which in roleplay would be the territory of a munchkin, and I think I speak for most of the others when I say that's not the kind of roleplay style we want.

Secondly, I have to warn you that third column is a lot of responsibility. By their sheer existence, such characters shape the plot, and will require you to fit into a mindset that is not even remotely human. For the Endless, this should be obvious. Amoeba can detach their consciousness from their body, Riftborn have trouble grasping the very concept of time, Bhagaba are avatars of a naturally occurring super computer, and so on. It's a lot of effort.

They also couldn't be just retconned that having always been on board like we did for 741n73d, because people would have acted a lot differently if there'd been an Endless on board. So if so, they'd need to be introduced via the current storyline, which yes, could work, but requires the character to be fitting so that we don't need to suspend our disbelief too far to allow them on board.

Kaada wrote:
So you say since Amplitude didn't set any official rules you can basicly create the Galaxy however you want. Nice.

Every time somebody presses "Launch Game", a new Galaxy for Endless Space 2 is created, and it looks different every time. For the RP, we just have to define something, and that's what we're doing. Amplitude won't, and certainly doesn't need to answer questions that might be relevant to our roleplay, but not to the game they created, so it's up to us to yes, make something up that fits into the overall tone.

In that sense, @Tlaloc: You define yourself as having a cloaking device just so you can make an inobstrusive entrance? What's wrong with just walking in, and why would you consider something so game-changing as perfect camouflage to be so minor that you just define it as existing?

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 5:34:38 PM

I dunno. Maybe by Craver standards, Decius is playing with his food? :) They gave him protein anyway.

I see your point there. It is quite hard to get into the head of a Craver, and I cannot imagine how it would feel to do something harder. it can be fun to try doing a personality completely different from your own. Just make sure you have a character that you enjoy playing.

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 7:27:30 PM

I don't think he has to Assimulate in order to participate, we are no Borg vessel after all... However, it would be nice to have a new person on board...

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 7:29:11 PM

Alright so about how the probes were named, let me explain. The name is divided into three parts and each part only has three letters/numbers which are then separated with an underscore. The first part depends on the current planet or expedition. TNY is an acronym of Tanye ll. The second part depends on where or what the probe was sent for. FAF stands for Flora and Fauna, SBT for subterranean (it was actually MLY for anomaly before someone asked me to change it to subterranean), and RNS for ruins. 

The third is a bit more complicated. It includes three hexadecimal numbers. The first identifies whether it was sent in a wave (more than just one probe was sent in simultaneously). If it is a number greater than zero, then it was sent in a wave. The number then dictates what wave was sent in. For example if the probes were sent in once, then the third part of the name would be "101", if an additional wave of probes were sent in they would be "201". The other two identifies the probe. If they are the same number, it means it is the same probe. Combining all three numbers, we can then "identify" the probe and the wave it was sent in. 

To further explain the third part, we'll use "101" and "201" as examples. Now the first number is "1" and "2". Because it's greater than one, this means that the probe was sent in a wave. The other numbers left "01" means that it is the same probe being sent in again. We can then deduce that "201" is probe "101" being sent in again in a "second" wave.  

Now we can't just use three hexadecimal numbers to identify the probe. To differentiate from other probes with the same identification number, we will use the first and second part of the name. For example, TNY_SBT_101 and TNY_RNS_101 are different just because the second part of the name differs.


So. It's pretty simple! :D

And just one more thing, the name is actually the shortened version. There's actually three more parts to the name. The full name is more like ###_###_###_###_###_###. To break it down it goes like this:

  • The first part identifies the system.
  • The second part identifies the name of where the probes were sent to.
  • The third part identifies the type of the place where the probes were sent to. 
  • The fourth part identifies the purpose of the probe.
  • The fifth part identifies the id of the probe.
  • The sixth part identifies the status of the probe (active, destroyed, damaged, disabled, etc). 
Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 7:35:39 PM

I asked you to change it because Anomaly is not a valid Curiosity type in ES2. And for completion: Signal Curiosities get shortened as SGL.

Also, the SBT probe won't hit for like half an hour still, since it's going to Tanye I, which is close to the sun.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 7:39:40 PM

Also question i wanted to ask all time , do you think 7-4-1-N-7-3-D can listen to the comms transmittions or not ? It has no direct communicator but you know ...sensors , so if its not really heavily de- and encrypted it can listen and talk in that too without asking someone for a device to do so.

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 10:18:53 PM

Nice job making a system for the probes, Zen. That's something else.

I had an idea regarding how a Riftborn character could be introduced. Since they can manipulate time, it's possible that a Riftborn could have put itself into a temporal stasis shell to preserve itself, similar to going into cryo-sleep or standby mode. Where it would be is up in the air; in the wreck of a ship, in the Saviour's cargo bay, inside the upcoming Endless ruin, etc. It's not a perfect solution, but it's possible.

7-1-4 could probably tap into comms. Sowers communicate with each-other somehow, and I bet it's not verbally. Radio would be the most reasonable option.

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