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How to follow and upvote

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 9:47:04 PM

This is a totally altruistic guide for new users to help them with the forum and its functionality.

I absolutely do this in selfless intend. This I promise you as a Sheredyn. And we were loyal to like... most Emperors.

If you want to follow and/or upvote a thread you will find the icons in top right of the thread at the same layer you can also find its title in the top left.

The icons are somewhat difficult to identify at the first time yet once your cursor is on top of them you will get a tooltip that makes it obvious.

Just to make sure that this guide was successfully in helping you, I suggest that you try your new-found information right now! Follow and upvote for this might also increase the visibility for others that might also need assistance.

Let us help them together.

Maybe a Mod even wants to Pin this?

Take care!

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8 years ago
Dec 23, 2016, 2:33:40 PM

You should add a screenshot of the icons themselves, while you're at it.

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