Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

STAR CITIZEN - The revival of High end pc gaming and Space Sims?

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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 2:53:26 PM
Wings with swords may be slightly over-done, at this point. And we probably don't want to mimic anything off of Star Citizen's logo, as, well, how many other people will do that?

I'll take a look today, when I have more browsing time, at logos and emblems used by some PMCs and try to get an idea. I can't design anything myself, no skill at all there, but I could help with a concept.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 4:14:47 PM
Ok guys, I'm currently re-installing my 3D tools on my new Laptop, soon I might be able to create some Logos, etc too smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 4:46:33 PM
Very good! I'm glad to have you guys on my side. I didn't work much with Picture-Programms and so on, so....

Another Idea could be our Star in the middle, with all our planets (minimized of course) in one half of the picture surrounding sol...and than something else. SSA...hm....
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 5:51:24 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Very good! I'm glad to have you guys on my side. I didn't work much with Picture-Programms and so on, so....

Another Idea could be our Star in the middle, with all our planets (minimized of course) in one half of the picture surrounding sol...and than something else. SSA...hm....

Ahrg, FML, somehow it's not accepting my license.. but it still should be valid... gonna try fix that:l
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 6:23:36 PM
Looks bad-ass. Look mean crazy detailed as well. I shall bookmark this and watch this progress, if this comes out... bricks will go everywhere. It would be a darn shame if this is a disappointment. I want my 4X Space game and my first person space pilot game!
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 9:36:24 PM
I can probably make up a concept or two in the next few days, but I'm no graphics artist, by far, so someone else would have to complete the design, if any of the concepts would be to your liking.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 12:35:22 AM
Okay, first logo. A new round "shield, blue forcefield, a ship in between, an old shield on top and sol system stylized in the middle, almost looking like an eye, only with the earth drawn in the system (out of scale). Also three stars for the third planet in sol system in the upper left and right corner + bottom.

As a variant, the ship could be exchanged with two wings around the old shield, perhaps like this fighter with wings in the video and some kind of head above the shield, which would be the more traditional approach.

Best I can do as a nonartist with paint, I have to say. White spaces are only due to the shortcomings in that damned program. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 4:59:12 PM
Well it looks very nice for a start! But I do not get the three stars. Can you explain it to me? It is a very good piece indeed. I shall try something, too.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 5:05:03 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Well it looks very nice for a start! But I do not get the three stars. Can you explain it to me? It is a very good piece indeed. I shall try something, too.

The third planet in the sol starsystem (our star system) ist the planet earth.

Also three is the magic number, a bit of mysticism is in every good symbol, coat of arms, flag and bank note picture. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 6:23:48 PM
I've been trying to make one, I just can't get programs to work with me...Basically, I have in mind a star (the Sun) in the background, a shield in front of it...and just that so far. Something needs to go on the shield, just not sure what.

I'm working on a concept, just trying to figure out how to combine these images and get rid of the annoying white space that's with them...It's be easier if I could draw my own crop box...
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 9:49:02 PM
Yeah I get it with the 3stars, but it would just complicate matters, because if you see stars, you don't think of earth in my opinion. Perhaps this would help you:

I still want to have "Seraphim" somhow in the context, because Seraphim is one of the founder, the story is based on. The "Seraphim Foundation" will be one of the supporting foundations of the clan - but I am not quite sure, what exactly this foundation actually does. But This way, it could be easier for you to decide, what you want on the logo? Keep on! We are going to find something good.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 10:53:22 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Yeah I get it with the 3stars, but it would just complicate matters, because if you see stars, you don't think of earth in my opinion. Perhaps this would help you:

I still want to have "Seraphim" somhow in the context, because Seraphim is one of the founder, the story is based on. The "Seraphim Foundation" will be one of the supporting foundations of the clan - but I am not quite sure, what exactly this foundation actually does. But This way, it could be easier for you to decide, what you want on the logo? Keep on! We are going to find something good.

Okay, if you want to have something related to a Seraph, we just need six wings in the picture, since the Seraphim were meant to be the highest ranking angels in the choirs of angels and to have six wings.

Six different pairs of wings, perhaps related to the three main income fields of the corporation? A transport's, a freelancer's and a bounty hunter's ship's wingpairs embracing the shield, perhaps?
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 1:45:02 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Okay, if you want to have something related to a Seraph, we just need six wings in the picture, since the Seraphim were meant to be the highest ranking angels in the choirs of angels and to have six wings.

Six different pairs of wings, perhaps related to the three main income fields of the corporation? A transport's, a freelancer's and a bounty hunter's ship's wingpairs embracing the shield, perhaps?

Do you mean three pairs of wings? Six pairs would be a total of twelve wings, and we'd need three more sources of income.

Also, just a thought, do we want to split up the tasks in this guild? Nos mentioning the three sources of income gave me the idea...Someone is the one founder Seraphim, two others are two other founders (whoever heads the other two money making businesses), and the guild is managed as a bit of a Triumvirate?

...No, I haven't been reading a lot on Julius Caesar and Octavian/Augustus lately >_>;;
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 2:01:39 AM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Do you mean three pairs of wings? Six pairs would be a total of twelve wings, and we'd need three more sources of income.

Also, just a thought, do we want to split up the tasks in this guild? Nos mentioning the three sources of income gave me the idea...Someone is the one founder Seraphim, two others are two other founders (whoever heads the other two money making businesses), and the guild is managed as a bit of a Triumvirate?

...No, I haven't been reading a lot on Julius Caesar and Octavian/Augustus lately >_>;;

Yes, of course, six wings total, three pairs. XD

Traditionally two up, two down, two for flying.

And yes, that would indeed make sense. Three words for the company, third planet, three founders, three stars, three sources of income, three pairs of wings.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 9:52:24 AM
I like the idea very much! Now we need to see what it looks like! The actual management of the Agency is naturaly already modified to a Company as it is needed. The Story of the two founders (perhaps there are coming more? Story not yet finished!) is just the beginning of a big conglomerate of ships and small companies, tired of loosing to many lives and to much money on pirates, vanduul and other theats. I try to finish the Forum-Overlook (what is SSA, What do we do, What are the rules...) today and will show you the concept for critique and additional ideas. I already tried to answer many reasons I made for the concept (for example: why international/intergalactic?) and why our Company is differing from other Guilds and Clans. Try to fnish it now. I would love to be able to publish the Concept and the Logo of our ne Guild BEFORE christmas, otherwise we will loose more time and players to other Guilds - and probably won't do any wokr during the holidays.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 10:44:03 AM
Ok, I finished the first work (not completed or corrected!) and put it in one of my own Forums, where we probably won't have to many visitors. You can find it here:


I will probably add more points, but right now I am out of muse. ^^ You can however post your questions and suggestions here, so we can complete the text. Questions for a FAQ would be helpfull.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 10:53:54 AM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Ok, I finished the first work (not completed or corrected!) and put it in one of my own Forums, where we probably won't have to many visitors. You can find it here:


I will probably add more points, but right now I am out of muse. ^^ You can however post your questions and suggestions here, so we can complete the text. Questions for a FAQ would be helpfull.

Good good, nice forum there smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 6:03:20 PM
Good job. The only real critique I have right now is Seraphim's name...Takesihi "Seraphim" McMurphy? Asian first name with Irish/Scottish last name? If you want it, cool, but all I can think of now is that Starburst commerical with the Korean-Scott...But when I right I over-think small details like names, so, there's that too.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 9:27:09 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
So, uh...What's going on with this?

I think it got stuck in the haze of christmas and new year's. -.-
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